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Joined 1 years ago

jfc what an absolute hellhole of a police state you’ve dreamt up. so many of your hairbrained ideas amount to “cops should have unlimited access to your private life”. how exactly do you think this would play out given the US and it’s systemic racism and classism?

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this is false, this stat deliberately counts 18 and 19 year olds as “children” and purposefully includes gang related violence. great example of using statistics to sell a story.

how many gang members are going to surrender their firearms after a ban?

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your source links to this source of data, which only goes up to 2021. The table clearly states they’re counting 15 - 19 year olds.

that 6,192 number appears to come from the gunviolencearchive site, but I don’t see any source for their data other than claims that “suicide data provided by CDC”

further, a simple search of the claim “guns number one cause of death in children” will find a lot of valid critiques of this claim.

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and it’s also why the propaganda machine always pushes the “violence is not the answer” narrative

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open source software getting backdoored by nefarious committers is not an indictment on closed source software in any way. this was discovered by a microsoft employee due to its effect on cpu usage and its introduction of faults in valgrind, neither of which required the source to discover.

the only thing this proves is that you should never fully trust any external dependencies.

yes, and where does the Gun Violence Archive get their numbers?

looking at their site, the answer is “themselves”… cool. Looking through their listed data it clearly includes gun violence from gang activity.

yes I know, I mentioned that in my comment. can you tell me where on that page it indicates their source of data?

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SMS is literally the bottom of the barrel though

just a guess, but in order for an LLM to generate or draw anything it needs source material in the form of training data. For copyrighted characters this would mean OpenAI would be willingly feeding their LLM copyrighted images which would likely open them up to legal action.

it literally explains what they’re for in the product listing:

These labels aid your warehouse operations.

• Categorize inventory, reorder points, product dating or special instructions.

• Apply these labels to pallets, boxes and shelves for easy identification.

• Easy to write on.

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don’t forget that the new CEO, hired to bring advertisers back, has a non-compete clause preventing her from working with advertisers

why use docker here? you’re just adding layers of abstraction in an environment that can’t seem to really support them.

that said, switching to 32bit linux, if the VPS supports it, will save you memory.

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“every situation you're involved in is 10X more escalated than it needs to be because a gun is involved at all”

absolutely delusional, please explain how a vulnerable individual concealed carrying is escalating anything.

assuming you have a GNU toolchain you can use the find command like so:

find . -type f -executable -exec sh -c '
case $( file "$1" ) in (*Bourne-Again*) exit 0; esac
exit 1' sh {} \; -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} cp {} target/

This first finds all executable files in the current directory (change the “.” arg in find to search other dirs), uses the file command to test if it’s a bash file, and if it is, pipes the file name to xargs which calls cp on each file.

note: if “target” is inside the search directory you’ll get output from cp that it skipped copying identical files. this is because find will find them a free you copy them so be careful!

note 2: this doesn’t preserve the directory structure of the files, so if your scripts are nested and might have duplicate names, you’ll get errors.

i would argue that leftists constantly arguing about what their words even mean is one of the biggest turn offs.

people don’t love pedantry.

you understand there’s more than one way to have an economy right? that there’s more than one way for labor to be rewarded for its output?

saying “our economic system needs to end” has nothing to do with what you wrote

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faster can still lead to battery life improvements. if the CPU is able to complete tasks in less time, it can then enter a lower power state sooner which will result in less battery usage overall

if you’re talking about that recent pic of him floating around with a chain and a bread, that was an AI doctored photo

yeah silly me for supporting artists with my money but also downloading drm-free copies of things so I can actually exercise a semblance of ownership. but sure, keelhaul me so you can keep your sense of smug superiority.

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babe wake up, a new bone-apple-tea just dropped

no, and that’s be a pretty bad idea, you’re opening up all your internal hosts to the public internet.

a VPN is specifically designed to keep all your internal hosts off the public internet. When you authenticate with the VPN server the remote device you are using effectively “joins” the internal network, using the VPN to act like a tunnel between you and your network.

it has the benefits of better security as well as the fact that once you set it up, you can access any services you host, not just HTTP ones.

AI is a tool that is fundamentally based on the concept of theft and plagiarism. The LLM training data comes from artists and creators that did not consent to their work being plagiarized by a hallucinating machine.

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i’m curious how you think you know all of this? sounds to me like you’ve created a neat straw man that lives in your head for you to get mad at

a decentralized community that correctly prioritizes security would absolutely be using signed commits and other web-of-trust security practices to prevent this sort of problem