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Joined 11 months ago

That Blizzard is selling their games on Steam at all speaks volumes about how poorly they are doing.

All of the design talent and experience has been purged from their ranks in the last 10-12 years. They are a trash tier developer and have burned all the nostalgic goodwill of their past successes.

Kotick killed the golden goose, ruined countless careers and lives, and now he gets to leave with hundreds of millions at the end of the year. Capitalism at is finest.

19 more...

Thank you. These shitty clickbait headlines drive me nuts.

This is how I feel, but it's closer to 95% of the time for me. I've been on the Internet since its inception and I don't have it in me to deal with people's bullshit anymore.

I don't need to be heard. I don't need to be right. I only post for help I can't get elsewhere or to help others. On the rare occasion I deviate from that rule, I usually get a reply that makes me regret engaging.

Well, that explains the mass layoffs.

1 more...

I started reading the article thinking it couldn't be that bad, but, holy shit, you are right. Their post reads like a teenager wrote it.

Look into a game called Aeon's End. It's a digital adaptation of a tabletop deck builder that's super fun. You can choose opponents of varying difficulties so the learning curve is pretty reasonable. One you understand the game's strategies, it's very satisfying to play at a high level.

Not a specific game recommendation, but you should look into Xbox game pass. For $10-15 a month, you get access to a huge library of games. You'll be able to try a bunch of stuff without having to commit to any purchases. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass