
2 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think the issue was more about forcing intense discourse on people who aren't interested in having that conversation at that moment.

You werent banned for calling out transphobia, you were banned because you were being pedantic and argumentative. Plus you were on a new account so everything all together made it look like you were trolling.

I think if you had stopped after one or two comments it would be fine. My rule is generally to point out something if I feel it needs to be said, then maybe give one more clarifying response, then let it go.

Another choice would be to make a separate post somewhere discussing the neuances of 'disliking politics' -- then people who comment on it clearly want to have that discussion and are opting in.

It seems like the situation triggered you, and sometimes the most productive choice is to step back from the conversation and move on.

Sorry you got banned, i hope you find a new comfy home on lemmy!

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Yeah there was a website floating around that had the names of all the instances protesting the federation of threads. Ill see if i can dig it up, or maybe someone else will be quicker than me to post a link

Edited to add link: https://fedipact.online/

Yo db dont let these haters get you down. I think it looks like a really cool project and love the idea of a shifting banner than anyone can contribute prompts to. I also love the idea of backgroud details being influenced by various metrics of the community.

AI is a tool (just like photoshop, electric lawn mowers, and combustion engines). Anyone who thinks its replacing artists are really underestimating the editing needed to produce something good from AI generators. And this is comming from a writer who loves how much AI has helped with various parts of the process.

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Its kind of scary to think of how the profit motive is capable of decaying even our basic infastructure and transportation. Hopefully it serves as some sort ofwake up call and change comes before things deteriorate any further.

Really well written article, thanks for sharing.

Aw i like that you came back later & accommodated their rudely worded request. Such a sweetie 💫

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I really like the way you phrased the mental shift from judging "what a person needs" to respecting their right to make a choice about what they need.

I agree that most people dont abuse generosity, & beyond that it kind of doesnt matter if they do. Better a chump than a scrooge.

Im glad you recognized the manipulation & got her out of your life. Emotional manipulation can be so hard to spot.

Honk if you honk

I think samsung is going with the year as the name now. They skipped to s20, but then have going with s21 s22 s23 etc.

Lol depends on the community. In this thread I'm pretty sure they are all sarcastic

Aw im sorry the other kids were being mean. Heres a cuppa tea to make it better 🫖🍵

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Be the change you want to see. There are probably other people looking for those coversations, but see low engagement and move on. The more you post the more attractive it makes the community for other people.

I have also found that even if there are fewer comments, other people tend to respond and have more discussions.

I do have alot of hope that well see the community continue to grow & hopefully more activity as people search out reddit alternatives.

This is such a good way to word this kind of phenominon. Conspiracies as distraction.

Its also funny, because its a conspiracy about conspiracies lol

I think the key is compromize and risk reduction. Sick people should stay home, mask if they need to go out, & be aware of what signs of infection are.

Its true social distancing is the only "100% effective" way to not get sick. But its kind of like abstinence-- most people are not going to do the "100% safe" thing, but they will take measures to make bad outcomes less likely. Which the cdc recognizes and has adjusted covid reccomendations to reflect what is most benificial for people as a whole (stay home if sick, but no need to isolate yourself from everyone).

Perfection is the enemy of the good and all that jazz.

I know, so disappointing. I was really hoping for some cool facts about domestic cat evolution.

What a wonderfully specific meme

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I think its that many people didnt really leave reddit, some migrated to lemmy, some to discord, some to other small sites, and some just quit that style of website.

Lemmy definitely is still pretty small, but i think its growing pretty well (i remember checking it out years ago and it being a super tiny niche site). It takes time for things to set up & for users to get comfortable and grow communities they care about. Organic growth is slow.

So much to shave, so much to wax

So whats wrong with growing it all back?

Lmao this outfit is both deeply unnerving and oh so silly

Another option would be to make some sapphic posts in one of the more general lgbt communities, i bet youd see some wlw come out of the wood work :)

Start things from within a more active community & once theres enough engagement try and get some migration to a sapphic sepcific community

Giant group texts. One has over 30 people, mostly used for baby/marriage announcements. Then a bunch of other group texts for different social groups (stoners, siblings, camping, etc).

Gotta have somewhere to park that dump truck

Which is so silly, because AI writing still needs a human editor. I write for a living and there tons of work that involves using AI as a tool to increase productivity rather than to replace writers completely... like photoshop didnt put photographers out of business it just changed the work flow.

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Meowdy meowdy

Honestly I'd be down for one of the debates to be replaced by a big wresting match. VP candidates can tag in. Everyone gets silly outfits. Their one liners all have to do with policy. It would probably get a much bigger turnout than traditional debates lmao

Edited to add: it would probably better reflect current american politics too. Two actors play fighting in a gimmicky show. Sadly tho this match would be able to effect your daily life

I see where youre comming from & also think its important to support artists I like, and I do. I think both AI and artists can coexist & serve different purposes.

Something like this, using AI for a banner, is using a tool for people to create something they couldnt/wouldnt before. It doesnt mean I'm not going to buy a cool print or painting from an artist I like.

& I think its cool to have something that aggregates information and makes it accesible and easy to work with for the masses. Its messed up that it is currently controlled by corporate interests, but there are also people working on FOSS ai. Its this kind of snapshot of humanity in its current state, that I think goes beyond any particular artist/writer/person.

I get being worried about it taking jobs, but I think new ones will spring up to take their place.

(Or really optimistically maybe well see some sort of radical change that will make the concept of 'earning a living' obsolete, like UBI or something)

Edited to add: as a writer, people who buy my writing wouldnt just use ai to replace me. If anything it can supplement my work by making it easier for fans to make fanart & help build hype around the universe and characters that I created.

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The sound of something large and fast circling you snaps your out of your daydream. When did it get so dark? You reach towards your pocket, but there is no phone. You remember now, its at home charging by the couch.

You feel your pulse quicken as the sound of heavy footsteps keep circling you. The shadows of the trees make it hard to see anything clearly, but you still strain your eyes trying to catch a glimpse of whatever has found you out here.

Thr footsteps stop, but that only makes you more anxious. Is it a deer just as terrified as you? No, deer dont walk that heavily. You try to steady your breath as the shadow in front of you takes on the shape of a muscled man. But his head isnt right, its too long, his ears too pointy, too tall.

As the creature steps towards the center of the clearing, moonlight illuminates its hulking form. You think of running but are too slow. Already the creature has lifted its hands above its head, lifting one leg as if to pounce.

Before you can scream, the beast begins twirling. Its massive form moving with a grace you can only describe later as dainty. The creature does a pirouette, leaning its head back. The moon gives you a good view of its face, a grusome smile streached across its glistening fangs.

After a few more impressive moves, the beast bows towards you holding one claw out. It takes you a moment to understand before you lift your own hands up and attempt your own unskilled rendition of a ballerina.

When you finish the beast looks unpleased. Its mouth all the more terrifying now that it is pulled back into a snarl.

You turn to run but the creature grabs you, holding one hand while the other sits softly at your waist. You let out a suprised gasp, but the wolf wastes no time. The two of you begin to waltz around the small forest clearing. The creature makes a good dance partner, and soon you move together in time with eachother, your faces turned towards eachother in the moonlight.

You loose yourself in this moment. Before you cant think of how long it has been, the sun begins coloring the sky above you. You know your time is comming to an end but you dont want it to. As the moon dissappears over the horizon, your dance partner spins you one last time, letting go of your hand and disappearing before you can say goodbye. The night is over and while you lasted through it, you worry there will never be another like it.

I enjoyed that poem so much i made my sister listen to me read it out loud. Thanks for sharing :)

Lmao new twitter name x

What an interesting set of mental gymnastics to try and justify child labor lol thanks for the added context of the quote. Not exploitation, just opportunity 🙃

Omg i cant believe a real artist is talking to me 😲

Fr tho kudos on the hand made meme, youre out here doing the good work

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Of course :) might as well try and be helpful

If you already know where a pressurized liquid magma pool is, maybe. Though if it's not pressurized enough you might just get the release of some weird fumes and vapors. Or the lava might rise a little then settle back to a standard hight rather than errupting.

If you dont have a pool of lava to aim for about the earth mantle, then probably not :( By the time you get deep enough into the earth to hit magma, the hole would collapse due to pressure and pretty much any modern drill would be soft due to the heat.

Heres a discussion about this that happened else where on the interwebs.

That, my friend, is the gender fluid way of life.

The enbys mix potions with a stick in the forest at night.

Dont let the normies get ya down, i too love certain peoples stink. Especially armpits 🤷

110% i can see the gas pump, especially with the pointer finger.

It appears so

To be fair those costumes are quite gay. I personally identify with the banjo playing jester.

I love dickensons poetry, the stant rhymes and strange rhythms. Shes such an inspiration, a recluse who changed the trajectory of modern poetry.

One of my personal favorites: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56824/tell-all-the-truth-but-tell-it-slant-1263

Thanks for sharing :) its always nice to see some poetry in meme communities

Thats such a good point i hadnt thought about before. Training data helps the ai know what is most common, so its products tend to be tropy, predictable and a bit bland (which is great for some things). They are often lacking that ooomph that makes great works truely unique and fascinating.