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Joined 1 years ago

much more important: we'd be years ahead with storage technology.

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make them enter powersaving states

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Dopamine reward loops, good content and a reasonable UX.

  • If you gave a good, detailed answer with sources, you got rewarded for your effort with upvotes more than a low effort answer. This kind of appreciation motivated quality content generators to generate more content.

  • as usercount grew to a certain threshold, you basically got users from all sorts of domains generating quality content covering pretty much all topics

  • while official UX was horrible and 3rd party apps were needed, the basic system of sorting and indendation of answers allowed for long, detailed discussions which could be navigated and followed effortlessly.

Yearly. They look at slices generated by compressed layers of snowfall. Thick layer = cold year. They look at more stuff but that's roughly how it works.

edit: not sure why you're downvoted. It's a good question.

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that'd be an awesome way to spread malware with some VM evasion.

not sure if any 3rd-party windows install should ever be trusted. no matter what usecase.

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They did it before and they'll do it again.

either earn a good living being a code monkey, or find a job in a small company that has passion

crazy idea: let's publicly fund FOSS projects so devs working on stuff they like with a passion can actually make a good living and enable sustainable non-profits to hire expertise, marketing and all the stuff a company needs

the result would be actually good software and happy devs

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imagine microsoft promoting guides to use the terminal which was deemed outdated, slow and complicated legacy in the past.

Give it two or three more major teleases, then windows will be a DE runnining on some *nix-ish kernel. Microsoft is really learning the hard way.

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No need to be a german nihilist. Anyone could get a toe. There are ways... You don't wanna know about it, believe me.

if mastodon is a federated twitter clone, what else is lemmy than a federated reddit clone?

That's exactly one of the premises in this paper: Deforestation and world population sustainability: a quantitative analysis.

Some say, the easter island model doesn't scale worldwide but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't.

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world-renowned, enterprise-level antivirus software running

lol. better just use defender next time.

edit: or not use windows.

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also free speech and independent media civilizations tend to provide more attack surface. so countering it is inefficient and only resilience really helps.

luckily it's not very subtle and rarely hard to spot.

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healthy eyesight was just a small price to pay back in those days :-P

so russians actually do have war heroes this time. and it's a girl.

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tHe lIgHt is sO mUcH bEtTeR!!!)

narrator voice: "but it was not"

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use open source software. whenever you see potential to improve, open an issue with detailed explaination.

try to solve the problem yourself. send pull requests. adapt them according to instructions by devs. when they're good, the will get merged.

if you use the software a lot, contribute whenever you think something is needed.

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this user bugreports!

your own fault. get a nuclear reactor next time d'uh...

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Public funds.

There actually are lots of initiatives (e.g. https://bigdatastack.eu/european-open-source-initiative ) but it's still young and there are multiple problems between available public money and contributors actually earning a salary.

Money is not the problem.

why would alternative universes share a single source of energy? couldn't each have their own?

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show the 20 pages of random words to your users, right?

any dev worth it's salt is going to check the agent string for GPTBot.

That said, it's a perfect receipe for getting companies to spoof browsers.

powertop shows discharge rate in W, Joules consumed since last charging and estimated remaining time in the "Overview" pane.

lock 'im up already...

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A translation would be nice.

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Some things basically come for free when they were used. Washing machine, stoves... Disassembling them to fully clean them takes a day or two, but it's still faster than buying new and chances are good, someone wants to get rid of their high quality stuff near you and will give it away for cheap if you "dispose" it for them.

You can even wash a mattress for a few bucks. If it's good quality, a decade old used filthy mattress can come out like brand new.

People finding that gross or poorish are the reason, stuff is so cheap

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check carefully what you signed. If you didn't sign anything saying otherwise, there's nothing to prevent you from doing it.

If there's something, you could still work around it (e.g. remove company secrets).

If the resulting product is provable better, then it's objectively not the same thing you did for your boss.

After checking all of this, your local FSF might give you free legal advice to get going (keep all notes/correspondence secure for later if anything comes up. It proves you tried to act responsibly).

I find too verbose comments less annoying than no comments.

Try to describe the bigger picture. Good comments allow understanding the current portion of the code without reading other code.

Also add comments later if you find yourself having to read other code to understand the code you're currently looking at.

Comments are also a good place to write out abrevations/acronyms.

Never optimize for sourcecode size.

was first to report about israel's nukes, exposed journalists on CIA payroll and various other great pieces of journalism.

It is a music magazine but I see far worse news sources on social media.

Delta Chat is awesome encrypted/secure messaging via imap and thus compatible with anyone who has an email address.

Conversations is an excellent XMPP client.

OSMAnd+ is a feature beast. It seems like you can customize EVERYTHING.

I find search improved a lot tho.

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That's the way all our great-grandparents did it. But with a bowl of warm water.

Uses just a fraction of energy & water. With the abundance of cheap energy, affordable piping and heating became affordable for the masses.

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Rather if they get merged without edits.

I've seen even minor changes without flawed technique or style being discussed and changed for days before getting merged.

But it's also an excellent way to learn from pros. If the PR is worth it, they will spend the time for review and work with you until you fixed everything.

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NAL but my understanding always was, that you can't patent anything in your name, when it's already published.

That would make any patent related clause void anyway.

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there's https://bountysource.com/ or https://www.vamp.sh/

Bound to specific problems and limited to projects willing to pay money.

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Also consider that you're arguing from high grounds.

While we will read/hear/agree majorly about the true origin of COVID eventually, in places like Russia there's no open discourse ever or discussing sensitive topics is dangerous and almost only happens between closely related people behind closed doors. There is almost no development of public opinion beyond closed online discussions outside of echo chambers.

If the USSR would still exist, russians & east germans would still believe that AIDS/HIV was manufactured by the USA although even the worst critcis of the US have agreed on proof, that it must have developed outside of labs.

Don't have prisoners all have the same preconditions?

With degrowth, in theory at least, growing poorer countries could get richer while degrowing richer countries would lose nothing.

You could do some automated/scripted installation VM-image builder thingy and release that. Would probably also save some manual work for you. (bash script fetching install image & run qemu, autounattend.xml, etc. all nicely released on github.) And it'd be auditable.

ActivityPub, so it's not gaining you anything over other options.

Not quite. The usual next step for meta would be to enhance ActivityPub so there's a better UX. Then it attracts more users and open ActivityPub will be a nieche thing again.

Whether Lemmy devs like it or not, they are in a competition with huge companies.

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DE-mail was doomed to fail from the start. Here, they did some things right. Let's see how it turns out.