
1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Lemmy is kinda nice but still kinda quiet, also as a 30 something I feel that the crowd here is quite young and immature which isn't that great

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What about millennials then? We spend a lot of time online and yet are doing better

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Unfortunately his other son who was against his dad's ways publicly attacked him so he's got put aside while the smart move would have been to play his game, take over the company and change it.

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Actual Photoshop in your browser

Whatsapp worked on iPhone, Android, Blackberry and even some old ass java phones

They dominated the market in most countries or were close second to Messenger.

Now they keep growing and it doesn't give any chance to smaller better apps, this law makes it possible for you to use only signal but also chat to people that only use Whatsapp

Ublock origin don't use adblock

Ahem that's a normal day in America

The Times found that automotive suppliers and a food contractor in the Grand Rapids area are illegally employing migrant children in jobs that can include dangerous conditions and long hours, producing goods used by Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co., and General Mills Inc


Ah yes let's ignore everyone that challenges our own opinions because that's the best way to never be wrong and always feel safe.

Oxford dictionary says:

Originally derived from the Latin sal for salt, meaning something dipped into salt. Now normally a dish of uncooked vegetables; either a mixed salad or just one item (commonly lettuce or tomato).

It's a Citroen Ami they just sell it through Opel in some countries

I don't think they'd care about the legal risk from people who'd sign up. However it'd be pretty bad publicity having them all die

Sleek powerful laptops are charged at a premium because they expect companies to buy them to look more professional

Nuclear is the energy source that scares everyone but that is actually the most viable option to power the world until renewable becomes the dominant one.

Thorium has been the best solution all along but it can't be weaponized so countries have been ignoring it for decades until recently


Paid Plex shares are the way to go

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They've probably stopped using it years ago and got a new one

Tom Scott just did a video recently of the Japanese Maglev in which it goes to 500km/h so 310mph meaning it was faster than this Chinese test...

Poverty: Same thing for any people of any race the most important part is their ability to get an education that'll get them out of it while having stability, slavery has nothing to do with it.

Australia: I live in Australia what are you talking about?!

Black people are up to 4 times more likely to be accepted in American medical universities due to diversity quotas https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/med.png

Of course schools teach in the language of the country they are in do you expect them to teach in 5 different languages?!

It makes sense that the government doesn't want to encourage illegal immigration.

So facial recognition doesn't work on black people but ai facial recognition can discriminate against them?

Seriously it seems that your taking all this out of your imagination.

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It's a mix of willpower and habits, America has bad regulations on foods making that most foods have added sugars, portions in American culture are massive and everyone drives everywhere because cites were built for the cars.

In Europe we have strict regulations on food, with food scores on the packages telling you how bad it's for your health, our portions are smaller and we generally prefer fresh ingredients to heavily processed products and most European cities are made for walking and cycling.

40% Americans are obese vs ~22% in Europe

You get the same with Australia another car centric country

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Maybe it should say, you should take mushrooms if you think [...]

Yesterday in the US it was labour day, 100 of millions of Americans has a BBQ many using coal and wood the impact of burning man is insignificant in comparison

I mostly browse "Top X hours" which is All the communities and it's filled with terrible memes and "funny" things I've blocked of few of these meme communities but overall it feels pretty low quality content aside from news but still there there's lots of duplicates due to the various similar commuties on Lemmy

Americans already struggle to teach English to their people and you want to have them teach dying tongues?

Only 79% of Americans were literate in 2022 from 91% in the 60s

Lingua franca is a language that 2 groups speaking a different language both understand, English is a lingua franca.

It makes sense to teach in 2 languages when bit percentages of the population speak them, in the case of America teaching native American language would be pointless for the children aside from preventing the language from dying

Years go fast my man, gen z can be up to 26 years old

lemmy.ml is where the real ones are !

Thorium Molten Salt reactor can't be used for weapons because it's no fissable so it can't have a chain reaction that creates explosions



Examples of Toxic Femininity

To identify toxic femininity, you need to know what to look out for to ensure they are not falling victim to toxic femininity guise as friendship or niceness by some women. The telltale signs include:

Slut-shaming and body-shaming – women who slut-shame or body shame others are toxic Talking over other people and belittling others, especially fellow women Making fun of another female to get the attention of a man. Shaming men for being too soft or having feminine traits that do not live up to societal expectations of what a man is. Passive aggression behavior can include patronizing behavior, fake niceties, and smiley faces after a harsh text. Sabotaging and backstabbing behavior like lying for their benefit, offering misleading advice, manipulating situations, and mocking others for their decisions. Resentment, jealousy, and bitterness towards others, especially fellow women, for their popularity, looks, and achievements Negative competitiveness with other women through dominance or sexuality

I mean sure but if you want to look more in depth it's not just toxic masculinity, there's also toxic femininity involved most men have been hurt by their previous partner who they opened up to and their partner then used it against them or even ridiculed them in front of an audience. Or women around them mocked them for being emotional and crying

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Not quite, I have a group of male friends who are very comfortable with being emotional with each other and I still prefer opening to women because they are much more concerned and able to deal with it, lot of men still don't know what to do with it.

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They aren't as used to talk about emotions and relationships so it's easier to go with someone that is.

It's no assumptions just facts

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So you've read all the way up to that line and closed the article didn't you ?

I can eat for hours at an all you can eat buffet but I don't want to become massive so I prevent myself from doing so, I'm now athletic build

So yeah willpower is a thing, I guess some people just want excuses

As they banned nuclear that means it'll be all power coming from coal burning?

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