
2 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Most sorceresses in that universe enhance their beauty/youthfulness with magic. Most sorcerers do not because they're taken more seriously as they age. It's essentially a commentary on what each gender derives power from. Yennefer is like 80 years old by the time the main story begins.

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I'm surprised anyone still uses Skype tbh

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This wouldn't be much of an issue if they didn't regularly abuse their admin/mod status to censor and silence people who dissent with their political beliefs and for example, post things critical of China, Russia, the USSR, socialism, ...

So what you're essentially saying is that these moderators are effectively propagandists/state actors for China, Russia, and so on. I left Reddit to get away from psychic attacks like that, so I'm perfectly happy to defed from the instance. Glad I have the option, too.

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Nah, that's not the issue (nor do I believe in magic bullets, but that's a different matter). See, the issue is that MDMA can't be patented. Anyone can make it so no one pharmacorp can have a 20 year monopoly

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Not sure where you're getting that from. As far as I know none of the sorceresses' familial backgrounds are explored aside from Yennefer's. Either in the Netflix show, the books, or the games. Additionally, magical ability is exceedingly rare and not confined to the nobility. The chances of the majority of the sorceresses being from noble families is extremely low.

Can someone give me a brief rundown on what it means to be federated vs defederated? New to lemmy

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Being angry at the world.

Look, friend: as much as I like nuclear energy and decentralization of the powder grid, per home reactors could never, ever work. For the simple reason that the majority of us filthy apes are complete idiots. Furthermore, nuclear works currently because it has oversight by educated, trained professionals in a setting where oversight can be effective. Even if you had some sort of travelling nuclear engineer that would check up on your garage reactor, if anything ever went wrong with it then the response time would be too long to adequately deal with the situation.

The only way a distributed network of reactors could work is if it either had massive overhead or if literally everyone had training on the maintenance of a nuclear reactor. And this isn't even mentioning the possibility of adverse weather events potentially damaging the reactor or how the waste would be dealt with.

The MBA was the worst thing to happen to the human race

Honestly trying to figure out if they're an LLM or not

Higher mortality rate generally means lower transmission since the infected don't live long enough to pass it along. If it mutates to be less fatal then I'll be more worried.

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I was curious what freak.university was but it just leads to a 404 :/

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Ah, okay. What do you think might happen due to the comparative lack of carbohydrates? I don't imagine you could enter ketosis on this diet. Not enough fat. Would the body burn more muscle tissue in spite of the high protein intake?

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Really? I've heard about rabbit starvation. Wouldn't cottage cheese be lean enough to suffer the same? Or is there more to it than that (e.g. type of protein, lipids, etc.)?

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All LLMs are based on neural networks. Furthermore, all neural networks need training, regardless of whether they're an LLM or some other form of machine learning. If you want to ensure there's no stolen material used in the neural net then you have to train it yourself with material that you have the copyright to.

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Hyper bitchass comment

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Snap annoys the piss outta me because of the forced updates. That said, never ever had a snap package not work for me. Whereas installing some things from apt just doesn't work for whatever reason.

Oh okay, that makes sense. And I'm assuming "Defederations" in the image is like the number of accounts in that defederated group?

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Yikies, I imagine adult toys have seen some shit

Maybe if it's like doing the washing or sweeping the floor or something. For addicts it's just confirmation that they shouldn't try.

It's like the difference between being given a grocery list from your mum and trying to remember what your mum usually sends you to the store for.

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You sound like you'd be interested in David Healy's work. Check out Children of the Cure if you haven't already. That, as well as a plethora of other shady things I learned in university, are responsible for reorienting me toward public policy rather than becoming a practicing psychologist.

Not sure you'd be able to find 100k people to host a 1TB server though. Plus, redundancy would be better anyway since it would provide more download avenues in case some node is slow or has gone down.

Anything non-caloric. Water, tea, coffee, diet soda, so on.

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Aside from flattening a city, what exactly would you do with nuclear technology? How do you think we could capture the energy from fission without boiling water?

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Oh yeah, true. I've already decided based on feedback that this isn't a good way to meet my dietary needs without breaking the bank. I'm just proud to say that the extreme measures I'm considering aren't due to an ED this time around. Just poverty this time.

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My reaction was probably a bit heavy handed as well. My apologies.

Exploitative schizoid druggo leaving promising company? That sounds like a win for Tesla.

Mm, true yeah

Nah, I'm more looking for a way to eat cheap for a month (maybe two) while still getting enough protein that I don't start wasting. Food is expensive, and dairy here is also expensive, but a months worth of cottage cheese is cheaper than a months worth of any meat. I'll see if I can move some things around in my budget to get a more wholesome diet, though.

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I'm sorry to hear you're going through that. I can sort of imagine what you're going through, and it's certainly not fun, but it's probably not a 1:1 situation. I really hope you get better though.

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I was expanding on your point, you twat. But hey, just be a snarky cunt. I'm sure that'll get you far.

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Oh okay, thank you for the clarification. I wasn't aware of that. So I guess while you're sleeping, as long as you haven't eaten recently before falling asleep, then you'll enter ketosis, right?

When I quit smoking I holed myself up in a dark room with provisions to last a week. It was hell but it worked.

And yet for a plethora of regions it's the only viable alternative to fossil fuels for reliable electricity.

Couldn't fit the weight and nutrition data in the same image. Other comment is correct: 750g is 6 servings.

I wouldn't call it worse than renewables. It's a sidegrade from coal burning. Where I'm from, solar is non-viable 6 months of the year. Wind is theoretically viable year-round but in reality it's less than that due to cold snaps and the intermittent nature of wind. And there's no way that wind power alone could provide enough power even when running at 100%. There are no viable rivers here for hydro either. Geothermal is nigh impossible here as well. So without a reliable back-up power source, everyone here would be experiencing brown outs on a fully renewable system. Many wouldn't receive power at all due to a significant rural population and the challenges inherent to it (and forcing people into cities is not a viable option). So the only options are fossil fuels and nuclear. Given that we're killing everything with the former, I would much prefer we give the latter a go.

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Awesome, thanks for the explanation :) Now I'm curious as to what poa.st did/does to be so reviled

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I'm not entirely certain about that. For instance, on Linux I always have to look up how to create symlinks even though I've been using the OS exclusively for three years. On Windows, it is: Right click -> Create shortcut. It's easier for most people to remember a 2 action process than a console command with multiple options and specific syntax. But of course, this is only one example and doesn't apply to everything. For instance, I have absolutely no trouble remembering mkdir, cp, or rm. I think it's a bit of a mixed bag.

Lol, I wish I could but that level of programming is beyond my abilities.