2 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago (eternally unfinished)

Not to defend musk, but it's not from one specific font. The logo is just Unicode char 1D54F, a blackboard bold X/"MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL X"

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I think the reply by musk is paying-subscriber-only; when I saw someone post about it, it said something like "only the people who have subscribed to this person can view this tweet"

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"be mindful of wearing Reddit gear"??? this doesn't feel like this was said in good faith at ALL.


It hasn't been necessary in a long time, unless you're a developer who frequently needs to type in filenames in everywhere (since the command line needs extra protection against spaces and other symbols)

The OS (Windows, Mac, Android, etc) handles thar all for you so you don't have to worry about it (unless you happen to use a badly-written program that doesn't understand spaces, but this is super rare to begin with, and more protected against as time goes on)

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I would imagine 2° at 12 billion miles means it's almost certainly not pointing at anything man-made anymore, but I'm also not an astrophysicist so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Being that far out I don't even think we could go out and fix it anymore

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I always like going through my uploaded tab to peek at what people are downloading.

It's usually music, but sometimes I'll see someone download some random obscure youtube archive from a dead or retired channel and I'll be glad to have served that for them.

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Not so sure about the "Web3" name, for fear of being associated. How about something like "Web 4.0", a return to form a la "Web 2.0"

drop the bowl on the ground

due to the way the Fediverse works (servers hosted on many different machines rather than one large machine), text search isn't (officially) possible. on Mastodon you have the option of searching by hashtags, but I don't think that works on Lemmy.

you would have to use an external search engine like DuckDuckGo, Google or something like

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The docs say jellyfin-ffmpeg is only needed on Debian distros, like Debian itself or Ubuntu, other distros like Fedora should be able to use their respective ffmpeg packages.

Is there a reason you can't have root on your VPS? Maybe you could ask to have Jellyfin and ffmpeg installed by an admin?

If your willing to try it, you could unpack the .deb file with dpkg -x and stick the resulting directory (directories?) in Jellyfin's PATH, but I've never tried this myself and I don't know how well this could work.

Something like that, it lets you "support" your favorite creators and gives you access to subscriber-only posts

Can't say i didn't expect this.

unfortunately I was, lol

I've already bought another drive to avoid this funky shuffling, so I should be fine now

You'll want to get in contact with your instance admin to get that untangled

Decided to buy another drive instead of doing any more harm than I needed to, no worries

I wouldn't call it a "fiasco", but they're disabling port-forwarding for everyone on July 1st. They say it's because people are hosting "unfavorable" content and it's getting their IPs banned. Their article

Maybe they were in need of only the highest-quality release covers that only you seem to possess?

No issues with the GPlay version on Android 11

also got confused; this was posted 3 years ago but Hot sort seems to be pulling up a bunch of old posts

Yep, I've just ordered another 8tb to copy to and avoid the headache that could be a drive failure. And it'll certainly be faster, gparted is still giving a 13 hour ETA for the first resize! Thanks for the help!

What's the advantage in btrfs over ext4? I've kept hearing about it since I started with Linux but the only advantage I can see with it is the snapshot rollback feature, which while useful looking, I don't think would be something I would use

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Big fan of running cat file.json | ConvertFrom-Json and just being able to do things quickly!

Not always; I have a rooted+unlocked LG v60 with Universal Safetynet Fix 2.2.1 (2 y.o. version) and MagiskHide Props Config from just as long ago and my Google Wallet works perfectly fine.

HTTP 429 is "Too many requests", so you're spamming your home instance too much & is using bot protection against you.

It's good practice to spread out "big"/"important " requests like this over a period of time on most websites so you don't risk getting IP banned

  • "big" usually meaning rarer requests, also like post creation, image upload, etc. Basically things people don't "normally" do (as opposed to normal things, like scrolling through posts, upvoting, subscribing...)