7 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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message me if you need some help brother

Honestly, the more these one time accounts try to convince me to remove protonmail and simplelogin, the more I see how much it's needed to block them. It's like the marketing team is desperately trying to keep their services from being rightfully flagged and it just makes me want to block them even more. I do hope they won't cloud your judgement @7c , as these services are used for temp emails by all definitions. If you have any questions you may always ask me from the conversation we have started :)

Shit like this is what makes me want to pull my hair out at night

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Twitch is just such a weird fucking place man

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the only time I get annoyed or frustrated is when they don't read whatever pop up they get and immediately press "ok" or "continue" and it borks everything

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this is someone probably <13

"RobloxPianoAutoplayer" "Anime-Clicker-Simulator-GUI"


also their "Guardian V2" repo

Q: What is Guardian V2?

A: Guardian V2 is a side project of mine. Its purpose is to protect users from game/user-made malicious functions/scripts. It is highly customizeable

jeepers weepers man isn't it so cool to have their anti-cheat so customizeable??

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they seem to have it "covered"

you guys have thoughts?

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Bazzite is my first true experience with an immutable distro, and wow, what a magical moment it was.

I've been eyeing on fedora 40's release for some time now because it fixes all the Wayland problems for Nvidia cards. One night my grandma needed some help, so I walked away from my PC, it automatically suspended, came back 30 or so minutes later, and when I logged in I was just automatically on KDE 6 with fedora 40, didn't even reboot.

This is truly the year of the Linux desktop.

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why would they post this on April first this is amazing

what's so "new" about this concern? I'd probably be able to afford a house if I had a dollar for every article I saw on Tesla's wrecking or nearly wrecking because of FSD.

I don’t think it’s fair to jump on Microsoft for this one. Windows 10 has been out for almost 10 years. Apple gives less support for systems than 10 years, they are closer to 8, which is still a while.

it is absolutely fair to blame Microsoft, because they promised their customers, device manufacturers, and even businesses that Windows 10 was going to be their last OS, and flipped that switch out of nowhere when they realized they could be making more money.

Windows 12 supposedly going to be subscription based I feel like is a great example.

greg just fucking cooked

they have an option which lets you turn off automatic updates

and with immutable distro's, you can always rollback to a previous state instantly and not update the OS if you don't want to, just the applications.

probably because keepass is installed via flatpak (default way of installing things, also they're sandboxed)

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it still is, fortnite save the world is paid and battle royale was just a free side game or spinoff or whatever

Don't force your child to play mind games with their other parent or try forcing them to read out loud their entire text message history or explain their entire conversation they had with their other parent.

Don't force them to lie to their other parent but also try and force them to tell you every lie the other parent made.

Don't yell and scream at them or act pouty and manipulative when they say "No".

If you have a problem with your partner take it with then directly, if its not fixable then don't be together. Just please don't use your child to manipulate your partner into depression or anger and force your kid to "choose a side", it'll make them resent you both.

The problem I have with this though is if enough people on Firefox spoof their user agent to Chrome, it's gonna look like less and less people are using Firefox and Chrome will eventually have a monopoly.

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he'll be ready for the next pandemic

wtf I thought this was the onion, I had to read where this came from like three times.


it also proxies the video and blocks trackers iirc, giving you some form of anonymity from Google

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water is wet

all my stress just melts away picking up my switch and sitting out on a bench somewhere riding on a horse in breath of the wild while hearing soft, soothing melodies play.

I swear I think I'm gonna have hundreds of hours into this game before I ever beat it

Welcome to the Wet Works

hard to tell anymore man, I remember when leaks was fun

holy shit really? looks like there's hope after all

both have become extremely shitty and bloated, in my personal pov

postmarketos ftw

was just curious if like other video game series the story isn't in sync with the time they were released if that makes sense

unless maybe it automatically restarted and put all my applications back on screen that I had running, not sure. but I know it didn't shut down since I literally hit the power button and it was immediately on, it was asleep.

blah! Android forks!

postmarket os is where it's at!

or Ubuntu Touch if you're... that type of person.

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What do you want out of your system?

There are two more I'd reccomend as its what my family and friends have been using and have ran into literally, zero issues.

Linux mint (specifically cinnamon edition) is very stable, and customizable if you're into that sorta thing, you can install custom kernels and get greatly improved performance out of gaming if thats your thing. It's built off of Ubuntu (but just better) so there's great support for it, especially with devices such as printers.

Fedora Kinoite is a solid, also well supported, immutable distribution which will either make your life easier, or more difficult.

Immutable means you can't change anything in your root directory, so basically your "C: Drive". You still have a regular file system and can install all your apps, but the operating system stays the same as everyone else's and is something that by design, never breaks and "just works", and is what I personally use.

Pop_OS is definitely another option if you have "newer" hardware and Linux Mint doesn't work for you and you don't like the immutability of Fedora Kinoite (you can always try regular Fedora KDE). But I'd personally reccomend just the first two. But Pop is also built off of Ubuntu, so you still get that great hardware support.

But please, avoid stock Ubuntu. Ubuntu has far gone away from being a beginner, "just works" distro.

Hope this helped! Please reply or message me if you have any issues or are confused, or you can always ask for some more help within this community as well!

same here, it already looks full of crowded places and tons of cool stuff jammed into this huge city, but most of them were animated cinematic Instagram looking stuff so I guess we have to wait 4 years to see.

a bunch of my retro gaming friends talked me into it awhile back and now I got a CRT hooked up to a mini PC with n64 controllers, I definitely see the appeal

purism is literally a scam company and shouldn't be promoted

I hope moving forward, EVs will be regulated and have modular parts, and can still be user repairable, unlike (most) smartphones.

I don't want them to have that "vendor lock in" that Apple and Samsung are famous for, component wise.

Aren't most of the data the NSA collects from third parties like Google and Apple who already sell that data? can't anybody theoretically buy that data if its being sold? much like the mobile US carrier's were doing

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