
5 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Majority are not too techy to understand fediverse, nor they really care of the benefit decentralization provides.

and any comments you leave on lemmy should show up on the peertube video!

This is cool to see. Unfortunately, we from Lemmy can't see comments posted by peertube or mastadon users. AFAIK, federation in Lemmy still needs improvement to interact with mastodon posts/comments.

You mean like this?

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Waiting for a Mickey V Winnie movie

I installed Signal via Obtanium. Just use this URL when searching/adding the app


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It is an amazing app. Hoping that Android auto support will be available soon


life sucks, i feel it too. Not the best person to give advice, but wishing you good days ahead internet stranger

Yep i know a lot of people at least in my country. If not YT, then they get it from FB

Not my original content, I just saw this post from Mastodon

Did you import your .world data to .ee?

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Now that you mentioned AAAD, i found out about the other app for root devices - https://github.com/shmykelsa/AA-Tweaker

This works for me, so now OsmAnd is showing up in my Android Auto screen.

Thanks for the tip

My grandpa told me not to listen to a random idiot in the internet.

Are atheist welcome to ask questions?

I managed to enable it by spoofing the instaler-package during installation.

How to do this?

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Yeah that's what im using from fdroid but Android auto is not available unless i subscribed or pay for the app. Wondering hows the app for people who already used it.

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+1 for DDG, but i dont get it why some comments here said it is just bing

Anyone uses InnerTune?

If I understand, federating contents through ActivityPub only works once. Sounds a good feature to re-download contents again, but may introduce additional work as there should be some way to know if a content is missing then another job to rebuild

The video is a link from a mastodon instance (masto.host). So they use trackers here?

bookmarked, thanks

only 2 players, but it's also ok if more users can be added

so what are the options for the customers like us if we don't want them to access our server? how do i know if they logged in using a different method other than ssh?

good point, it's just a test server for now so I'll try to reinstall OS and check if same commands will show in history

It works fine for me but i need it while driving. Does the app lets you use android auto? The one from fdroid has purchase feature (google billing) removed so need to download from playstore to purchase the app.

The app doesn't auto update for me.

There are some extensions you can try - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=old+reddit+extension+firefox&t=fpas&ia=web

But I'm using LibRedirect - https://libredirect.github.io/

If you're using Firefox mobile (Android), you could try this https://github.com/octonezd/oldlander

based on the book 1984?

wait, the 3rd command is vi. I mean that's not an automated script, it should be executed manually, right?

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What does the baby emoji and 27d means? It only shows in voyager

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