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He was not acquitted.

The charges were dropped once the massive pile of police incompetence met the shitstorm of public scrutiny.

First the charges were dismissed without prejudice so the prosecutor could dig and see if he could find some way to make it Walker's fault that cops killed his girlfriend. Then, when he couldn't (because of the aforementioned appalling incompetence), and public scrutiny didn't decrease to a point where he could quietly pressure Walker into a cell anyway, they were dismissed with prejudice.

It is important to not make shit up about this. If the public scrutiny hadn't been as intense, it is entirely possible that they would have dragged him to trial and pressured him into a plea bargain. He was lucky that the public managed to continue giving a shit for more than their usual 30-second attention span.

We all know you're full of shit, but just in case you're a useful idiot to conservatism instead of cynical grifter...

If you want fewer abortions, the answer has been obvious for decades — sex ed and birth control made available to everyone that wants it, which results in fewer unwanted pregnancies, which results in fewer abortions.

Your moron political group and its insistence on overturning Roe resulted in an increase in abortions. 2023 had the highest number and rate in literally decades. So if you're dumb enough to think that's "murdering babies," then congrats. The people you vote for increased the body count.

I mean in a less dark timeline the republicans would reject extremism and get their shit together around a normal human being for speaker. That they won’t is neither the democrats’ fault nor the democrats’ job to save them from.

Democrat reps do not exist to elect a Republican speaker.

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I didn’t, but I get why. It’s a specious argument — it doesn’t matter if 99% of them are useless. It matters if the 1% that become ubiquitous for whatever reason provide utility that makes the useless ones worth it.

Yeah you can run a company that never provides any time or resources to tinker, but only if you’re okay with innovation never happening again.

Honestly it’s astounding that they’ve apparently managed to realize this for once. I’ll have to send a letter of thanks or something.

See you all in six months or so when we get to do all this again.

Not being able to scroll recycled content all day has been hugely detrimental to me. I’ve actually started reading books again. BOOKS.

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*Presidential Medal of Freedom

In answer to your question, though, she's receiving it because democracy, at least for one political party, is entirely for sale.

Hence this part, perhaps?

Although senators will benefit from the change by being permitted to sport casual clothes in the Senate chamber, their staffs are still required to wear business clothes under the old dress code. People other than senators who walk on to the Senate floor will also need to wear business attire, which for men means a jacket and a tie.

Rules for thee, not for me.

Jesus. I don't even vape and I can tell what that is just from seeing people use them around town.

Do you have any evidence of the "war veteran" part of this, or literally anything to indicate that he has PTSD besides your own assertion that he "probably" has it? The only thing I can find is that he was in Afghanistan but never saw any combat. Are there things in Afghanistan that could cause PTSD? Sure. Is there any evidence that he has PTSD? Not that I've seen.

You know who probably does have massive PTSD? The cuffed guy in the back that was almost executed by two cops because one of them was so effing stupid that he thought he'd been shot by an acorn. He did not "react accordingly." He reacted like a trigger-happy moron. The only useful part of this is that he's resigned.

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Their tears sustain me. God forbid someone actually help people instead of corporations pretending to be people.

Do yourself a favor and don't.

I don't know how this has become a seemingly valid method of argument for an altogether too-large segment of the internet. Make some contrarian comment and then post a stupidly long video by some random that they seem to think is valid and useful evidence.

No one is going to watch this shit. Anyone who has two hours to waste on some random dude's opinions interspersed with commercials needs to reexamine their life priorities.

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Pretty much everything Texas "goes through" can be laid at the feet of its right-wing government and its reactionary stance on just about everything (e.g., its ineffective energy infrastructure, low literacy rate).

Your comment, with its lack of anything substantive beyond "yay liberals are inconvenienced" isn't exactly surprising, but it will always be disappointing.

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Not that guy, but basically the same situation. I'd be thrilled. Not having to think about those every month has been amazing. I want everyone to feel that way, even if I have to pay more in taxes to cover it.

"This senator is wrong about something, so she should probably be voted out of office."

Like. No, man. You don't remove a progressive Dem because they're wrong about one thing. You argue with them, educate them, and get them to change their mind.

Warren made and successfully defended the CFPB. She's wrong about this, but you don't throw people into the garbage because they have one bad take.

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I think I'll always choose to believe that they chose that company name because they knew they'd be leaving shit all over the sidewalk in every city they were in.

There's plenty of porn; I don't need it trying to sell me a video game.

Google tells me there's like 332 million people in the US and like 750 million in Europe. I get that they're different countries, but different states here might as well be.

Are there posts Europeans make that I'm just not seeing (beyond complaints like this one), or is there something else that keeps them from posting and upvoting the content they apparently want to see in places like world news?

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Who would be available to cite them? All the cops are in the back of the U-Haul.

If the entirety of the video is summarized by the three whole sentences of context you wrote in your initial comment, it sounds even less worth a watch than I initially thought.

From what I can find in actual sources, there's two founders, and I'm guessing your claim on the eugenics is about Greaves, who certainly sounds like an asshole if not explicitly a eugenicist, but weirdly it didn't take a two-hour anything to read about it.

The rest of it seems to stem from something a former spokesperson wrote in a Medium article and a bunch of other asshole stunts by Greaves, who yes totally seems like an asshole. None of this took more than ten minutes of searching and reading, maybe thirty if you read slowly.

I get that you're not the only person in the world that does this, but if you actually care to make people think about something even once, like you claim to, maybe make the one thing you link to more accessible than a two-hour slog by some random YouTuber that I'm sure is super well-known to you and all their other followers but has no recognizable credibility outside of that tiny niche.

Just like in real life.

This doesn't ring true, like...at all. In 2012, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce described her by saying "no other candidate in 2012 represents a greater threat to free enterprise than Professor Warren." Archive Link.

I didn't watch any debate she had with Scott Brown in 2012, when she was running for Senate, for the first time, but I know she ran unopposed in the democratic primary for that position.

What exactly do you have as evidence of her being corpo-ANYTHING in that year?

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I have the feeling that if we shook execs at Raytheon and Lockheed upside down for long enough a fair amount of that would fall out.

So her demands for the return of oversight over banking just didn't happen, in your magical world where Warren isn't one of the more progressive Dem senators?

Archive Link

Dislike her all you want, but try to do it for reasons that actually exist, if you don't mind.

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I find that having a really shit take on something tends to get even passive people talking, but I worry about the long-term effects of generating conversation that way.

Can someone here explain why people use JIRA on purpose? Everything in it feels like garbage every time I have to interact with it.

Like I'd rather use GitHub projects. That's how bad it feels.

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I don’t understand how that makes it sound any better. That hypothetical spouse could, right now, apply for a competitive remote position, compete against the other candidates, and, if they are the best-qualified for the position, obtain it.

All this seems to do is reduce the ability for people who don’t want to marry a service member or a cop to obtain remote work, since they’ll have no opportunity to compete for the job.

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Editable titles on posts. What a time to be alive!

It’s hard for me to see how this difficulty they have, which plenty of non-military and non-law enforcement families also have, makes them a special class uniquely qualified for remote positions based on who they decided to shack up with.

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Thanks, couldn't remember that one.

Caring only about their personal comfort and feeling smugly superior to anyone on a “side” is the essence of the modern moderate. They’ll miss society crumbling around them because their heads are too far up their own asses.

Politics definitely needs people who think like both of you.

Which other ones would you recommend? I've played a few (PoE, which wasn't for me, Grim Dawn, which was more fun). I went back to D2 after getting bored with D4.

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The Taliban's methods of warfare, in and of themselves, don't even meet criterion A for a PTSD diagnosis. The man wouldn't necessarily have to be in combat to meet that, but it's a lot more likely if he did (which, by all evidence I've seen, he didn't).

Being paranoid is not PTSD.

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This was my experience, up until my stats turned into a series of interconnected boardgames. I got a bit lost in the sauce at that point and quit. Up until then I was having an okay time, though.

I guess this is where I sound like an asshole, but…so what?

No one is drafted into the military. You volunteer for a term and they pay you (like shit, but I digress). Most of them never leave the US and most don’t see combat over corporate interests, so it’s basically like any other shitty job apart from being able to be put in jail if you try to quit before your term is up.

Why do we have this fascination with treating this one shitty employer’s employees better than we treat everyone else?

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This has been my only experience as well. Some company I have to work with uses it so I have to use it for their stuff for some reason, unless I can force them to do anything else.

You'd be correct on that Airdrop assumption. I get most of Lemmy reflexively hates Apple, but Airdrop between two Apple devices you own is about as braindead simple as it's possible to be.