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So you consider the side effects an acceptable risk?

Doctors that are specialized in that field should know that better than you or me, no?

But I'll humor you anyway. You know what also has side effects? Going through puberty. And those side effects are permanent. If your puberty changes you in ways that don't align with your gender identity, those side effects include higher risk of dying by suicide, as one example. So yeah, that seems like a risk that I, with my unqualified opinion, would be willing to take in order to make sure my child and their doctors have enough time to figure out who they are and what they need.

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Could you link that review, please?

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Reading the article, it seems like it will actually be opt-in for everyone

Fortran is Proto-Indo-Germanic or whatever it's called again

I don't know about this case specifically, but I own Alan Wake on steam which has since been delisted because of music licenses running out. At least for that one, I still own the game on steam and can download, install and play it normally whenever I want, it's just that people cannot buy it anymore through steam. If you're lucky, it's gonna be the same with the adult swim games.

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we're going to ostracize you from society forever

That is very different from simply not wanting him to be a representative for his country and potential role model for aspiring athletes in one of the biggest media events of the world though. Being welcomed back as a member of society is one thing, but there is a point to be made about expecting more of Olympic athletes than your average member of society.

I mean, this is one of the few cases where you actually can reasonably say that you might not have to give a damn about GDPR. Assuming this is in the US, there's a high chance that no EU citizen lives in that building, and thus GDPR doesn't apply.

(Yes, I know this didn't actually happen)

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It still protects you from your passwords being compromised in any way except through a compromise of the password manager itself. Yes, it's worse than keeping them separate, but it's also still much better than not having 2fa at all.

The German saying says "Hut", which is a less broad term than the English "hat". And it definitely does not include that.

"Caret" is also correct, and more specific, since "Cursor" can also mean the mouse cursor.


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Not that I disagree with you generally, but in the recent case, manual door release wouldn't have helped, as it's basically impossible to push open a car door against the water pressure outside a submerged car.

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Between 40-60% of people have some form of permanent brain damage and 70-80% have long covid problems

Wait what? I'm with you on masking etc., but those numbers seem a bit high, where did you get those from?

Now please explain to me how C works.

That's not what they're asking. It's not about how C works, it's about how specific APIs written in C work, which is hard to figure out on your own for anyone who is not familiar with that specific code. You'll have to explain that to any developer coming new into the project expected to work with those APIs, no matter their experience with C.

Does Valve officially have managers now? Last I checked, they had this extremely flat structure of everyone being basically equal and people self-determining what they're working on and how

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So, basically cloud saves with extra steps, except you only get a single save and can't replay the game? Sounds even worse than current solutions, honestly

One plugs into line voltage

Well, but that's not what's coming out of the end that you plug into the razor. The wall plug for it contains a transformer that steps it down to 15V. Would still be a bad idea, but it's not line voltage.

Are you talking about Valve, or generally? Because as I said, I don't think there is such a thing as a generic manager role at Valve, much less one that gets paid so much more than other roles. How much of the profit goes to Gabe directly vs the employees or reinvested into the company I don't know, but if you want to complain about compensation gaps, I'm very sure that Valve is absolutely not the company to start with.

Seconding this. Legitimately better than Google photos in a lot of ways, even if you don't care about the data ownership aspect. If you've ever been annoyed at how Google Photos handles face detection / grouping, you'll love Immich.

I'd love to know what font was used for the big "Saturday" there!

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The algorithm is actually tailored to find out if/when you fall asleep while watching videos, and then recommends longer videos in autoplay when it believes you are, because they'll get to play you more ads and cash out more.

You might be misremembering / misinterpreting a little there. This behavior is not intentional, it's just a side effect of how the algorithm currently works. Showing you longer videos doesn't equate to showing you more ads. On the contrary, if you get loads of short videos you'll have way more opportunities to see pre-roll ads, but with longer videos, you're just to just the mid-roll spots in that video. So YouTube doesn't really have an incentive to make it work like that, it's just accidental.

Here's the spiffing Brit video on this, which I think you might have gotten this idea from: https://youtu.be/8iOjeb5DTZI

Edit: to be clear, I fully agree that YouTube will do anything to shove ads down our throats no matter how effective they actually are. I'm just saying that this example you've brought is not really that.

You're not wrong, but the way you put it makes it sound a little bit too intentional, I think. It's not like the camera sees infrared light and makes a deliberate choice to display it as purple. The camera sensor has red, green and blue pixels, and it just so happens that these pixels are receptive to a wider range of the light spectrum than the human eye equivalent, including some infrared. Infrared light apparently triggers the pixels in roughly the same way that purple light does, and the sensor can't distinguish between infrared light and light that actually appears purple to humans, so that's why it shows up like that. It's just an accidental byproduct of how camera sensors work, and the budgetary decision to not include an infrared filter in the lens to prevent it from happening.

Don't know if this is the case here, but the word pedophile refers to someone who is sexually attracted to children, and rapists don't necessarily have to be attracted to their victims. There can be other motivations at play. So yeah, it's possible that someone raping a child is not actually a pedophile. Doesn't make it any less disgusting of course, and I have no clue why anyone thought "but he's not a pedo" would be a reasonable argument here

I think if we are going to support the idea of an open web, we need to be consistent about it.

Not convinced. This feels like the paradox of tolerance in slightly different shape.

Wait but why is Valve involved at all, then? Not like it's their fault that some people they have nothing to do with are building a game based on those APIs, so shouldn't Nintendo approach the developers of the port directly instead?

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How is USB-C worse than either of them

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She's in all of the episodes, she's basically the second main character :) She also played a role in the recent hunger games prequel thingy, which was pretty good

Not really. Timezones, at their core (so without DST or any other special rules), are just a constant offset that you can very easily translate back and forth between, that's trivial as long as you remember to do it. Having lots of them doesn't really make anything harder, as long as you can look them up somewhere. DST, leap seconds, etc., make shit complicated, because they bend, break, or overlap a single timeline to the point where suddenly you have points in time that happen twice, or that never happen, or where time runs faster or slower for a bit. That is incredibly hard to deal with consistently, much more so that just switching a simple offset you're operating within.

That kind of window has been around for a long time already. Also, let me introduce you to window awnings

Doesn't really matter for the point they're making, does it?

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In that case it becomes a violation again. At least according to the law

But after flushing I still need to check if I need to use the toilet brush

Oh awesome, thank you so much!

Right, that's definitely an important thing, that at least with gog, you can defend yourself against that possibility.

Nobody is talking about "no potential". Just "a lot less potential than any other option out there", and that's currently the best we got

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Even in the plural, you're not really correct here. Yes, the plural "Studenten" has been and is still often used to include both genders, but it's still the male form, and nobody would consider using the female plural equivalent, "Studentinnen", in the same way to include both genders. The easy way out in this case, of course, is the participle "Studierende". That one is truly free of gender connotations in the plural form.

Congrats, you completely missed the point. Maybe read the actual article, before going on a rant that's only tangentially related?

It is an algorithm that searches a dataset and when it can't find something it'll provide convincing-looking gibberish instead.

This is very misleading. An LLM doesn't have access to its training dataset in order to "search" it. Producing convincing looking gibberish is what it always does, that's its only mode of operation. The key is that the gibberish that comes out of today's models is so convincing that it actually becomes broadly useful.

That also means that no, not everything an LLM produces has to have been in its training dataset, they can absolutely output things that have never been said before. There's even research showing that LLMs are capable of creating actual internal models of real world concepts, which suggests a deeper kind of understanding than what the "stochastic parrot" moniker wants you to believe.

LLMs do not make decisions.

What do you mean by "decisions"? LLMs constantly make decisions about which token comes next, that's all they do really. And in doing so, on a higher, emergent level they can make any kind of decision that you ask them to, the only question is how good those decisions are going be, which in turn entirely depends on the training data, how good the model is, and how good your prompt is.

Oh, that's cool, thanks for the heads up!

Will if we're only talking charging, USB-C should be as easy to implement as any of them, basic 5v is gonna work even without most of the pins connected

Pretty sure most people here are talking about the usage side of things. If we were to go by effort to implement the connector, let's just go back to serial ports

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