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Joined 12 months ago

No, and let’s ship them to the great pacific garbage patch.

I’m not, but I still don’t mind paying for people to have the access to education that every single human on this planet deserves. Also congratulations for figuring out how taxes work.

That’s sounds great to me. More schools will help educate you dumbasses. More funding for hospitals, roads, and other infrastructure sounds awesome in our current state of disrepair. And like I said before the goal of immigration is not to end poverty, its to have people move. They are separate issues that have some overlap.

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This only works when aid is allowed to be delivered. Just look at what isreal is doing to Palestinians. They are denying international aid and killing international aid workers. And in many cases people immigrate to the US to learn how to be a doctor, for example, then go back to their home country to practice and teach there. Not all immigration is permanent too.

The goal of immigration is to have people move to a better place then they were in. It has nothing to do with poverty other than a large amount of people emigrate because of poverty. They come to America because of the opportunity to not be in poverty anymore.

Immigration and poverty are two separate issues that you are trying to smash into one issue, in order to make one seem like it’s bad or worse than it is.

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Congratulations, you’ve figured out what a distributor does.

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It’s like people forget that the Israel/Palestine conflict has been going on longer than the partial term that Biden has had.

Idk about you but they forced me to listen to a pig talk about DARE

Willing to say the same thing about child porn and sex trafficking?

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You should probably actually learn fallacies before using the wrong one where it is not applicable.

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No, your opinion is sexist. I’m sure if you took your opinion to the one of the abrahamic churches or incels you would be very very popular. Your opinion should be unpopular but when we have large institutions that are very sexist pushing this lame, lazy kind of thinking… it’s hard to make progress towards true equality.

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I’ll stop when the ignorant are willing to learn.

Women choosing to pick one thing over another is not sexist. Saying that it is because they choose not to pick men, is sexist. You are trying to tell women what to choose and that is just wrong and actually sexist. Go take your view to the incels, I’m sure your popular there.

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https://www.roldgold.com/ I recognized the brand. I got that too. Also it asked me to download postform.jsp a 1kb file from consent-pref.trustarc.com

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You just don’t want to be wrong. Which plays into your projection of ignorant views. Also, do you think I care about your interests?

Lol that’s actually really funny. I know exactly what I said and why. I don’t think you have the reading comprehension to actually understand my words and attempts at using them.

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Yeah, I’m the one arguing in bad faith. This is exactly why I think you are projecting.

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I think you are projecting. I don’t see that anywhere. Just people saying that the sentence should be longer. Which it should be. It should be considered as something like federal trafficking with a minimum of 5 years and up to 40 years. I bet they would have sentenced him with more than 5 years if it was CP he was trafficking.

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If only we could, idk, amend the constitution. And small states having the power to make a more popular voted candidate lose is fucking ridiculous. Also something like 80% of Americans votes will basically be ignored because they don’t live in closely divided states. So fuck the electoral college.

Yeah, I would hate seeing those nude sexy satanists. They better stay away from my house, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.

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Because sexist speech isn’t free speech. And sexist opinions break the rules of the unpopular opinion community. Literally read the rules.

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That’s just a fact. Those in power to enforce the rules can set and enforce them as they wish. In this cast they set rules against sexist posts and enforced them because you posted sexist things.

You view is unpopular with critical thinking and logic. I never had issues with it being unpopular. You are being sexist and fail to actually argue your point. Probably because you lack the logic and critical thinking. I still find it funny that you gloat about your unpopular opinion being banned for being unpopular. Like what do you expect from sexist opinions.

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I’m sure you could take your dumbass over to community where sexist thoughts are more welcome. Obviously we’re on Lemmy what kind of statement is that. I said you can take your view to a church, where it will be popular.

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