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Joined 1 years ago

Seed and... seed?

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Dumb TV+(mini)PC is the way

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Are you speaking of YouTube? YouTube has a "feature" that will auto-translate titles of videos to your account language (the creator may have to enable this, not sure).

If you google for the issue you'll find multiple people with the same issue, but afaik there's not really a proper way to prevent the translation. If you do understand the original language, you can add it to your account languages to stop translation though.

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You are the reason we can't have nice things.

I know you said you're too lazy to switch to a different brewing app, but you should really check out kleiner Brauhelfer

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There are a bunch of vulnerabilities for VLC for example. Some of them are based on modified .avi or .mkv files.

Note that those are all known and already patched but there are certainly some vulnerabilities out there that are unknown and/or unpatched. You're quite unlikely to get one of those though.

The biggest security issue probably is an unpatched system so don't forget to keep your software up to date.

Apparently you care so much that you took time to write this post.

Can you elaborate? I can do debugging, run code and tests in VS Code.

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I also remember services you could pay to get your captcha solved via a browser extension. You could also register as a captcha solver there to earn a few bucks stupidly solving captchas. Although I'm not sure if they were actually legit.

The thing is that many of these things just can't be measured directly. You can use the information from the simulation to get a deeper understanding of e.g. some receptors (as was done), and use that information for something else. For example to optimize a binder for the receptor, or to manipulate the tonic signalling. But that's then often a paper building onto the findings from the simulation.

Email and TOTP 2FA options are available in the free version, YubiKey, FIDO2 and Duo options are only available in the 10$/year premium option.

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archive.org is great, but is it just me or is the site just super slow all the time?

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Water for injections has super strict requirements for a reason.

kWh is a unit of energy. Regardless of whether it is in the form of electricity or from burning fuel. So it is actually very related, and much more useful than a measurement of volume I'd argue. The measurement is of course done in m³, but then a conversion factor based on several factors is used to convert to an actually useful unit.

A m³ of gas really could be anything depending on pressure, temperature and constituents.

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safety razor is the way to go imo. Same benefits of a shavette but easier to use and harder to cut yourself


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I don't know what you're trying to do but the easiest thing would be a bash script you would run after installation which does everything you want to change if it's just some setting and packages

I would imagine they store the highest available quality only by default and do on the fly transcoding until a certain threshold of views per time is reached. At this point they would then store the transcoded versions as well.

For videos with a lot of views it only makes sense to store the transcoded version as, like you say, storage is cheap. But fact is that the vast majority of uploaded videos get <1k views and for those it probably would make more sense to transcode them otf when needed.

well, I managed to upgrade from 16.04 to 22.04 without any major issues

I've got a Pulse 15 for a few years now and I'm very happy with it. The keyboard is not the best, but I can live with that.

The Pulse is based on some Clevo machine, you might want to look at what the Stellaris is based on to find more reviews.

Well it floated, but it was also underwater so we will never truely know

Ubuntu at work, Mint on my laptop, Win10 and Debian on my pc. I need to upgrade to Win11 at some point but I guess I'll wait until next year for that.

Something like a ASRock 4x4 with a 5800U should draw about 10W in idle, but you can certainly shut it off when you're not watching. I use a small tower because it also holds some storage for my home NAS and jellyfin server.

Huh... I typically do 125-175g per person for a main depending on how hungry I am

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Pressed garlic has a much more intense flavor. For a stew or most cooked stuff I would squash and chop it, for sauces or garlic oil I prefer pressed.

It's also much faster as you don't have to peel it and if you wash the press right away it's just as fast as washing a knife.

Yep, I feel like there should be something like default subs here as well. Just a curated list with mainstream communities to get started.

High quality tea can be brewed multiple times, you'd typically use a higher tea to water ratio than for a single steep though.

Green, pu erh and especially oolong teas also often change their flavor profile and taste in subsequent steeps, bringing out more nuanced flavors.

I mean what did you expect? A 2 day blackout to actually do something? Reddit got hell of a media coverage from this and I wouldn't be surprised if they'll actually gain users through this in short and mid term.

Now, the other thing is mods actually leaving the platform. I've already had the feeling that the post quality on reddit has declined over the last years with reposts and karma farming bots. It remains to be seen how many mods actually ditch the platform, and how large the influx of new mods will be.

For me personally, I'll try to stay off of reddit. I've wasted too much time there already anyways and it sucks that RiF will be no longer. I'd love for my communities to transition over a different platform but my hopes are limited at the moment.

In kdenlive, the following settings work well for me (you can transfer the options to ffmpeg cli as well if you prefer that):

f=matroska movflags=+faststart vcodec=libx264 tune=stillimage progressive=1 g=1000 bf=2 crf=%quality acodec=flac ar=48000

For reference, I get a 3.7 GB video with a duration of over 5 h @4k resolution. The audio itself is already 3.7 GB and it's just a still image. For CRF, set something around 23, that should do.

care to elaborate?

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Probably not what you're looking for but Linux Mint has the option to encrypt your drive when you first install it. It's as easy as clicking "yes" and setting a password.

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Why don't you subscribe to communities you're interested in instead and only browse those? Blocking that many communities sounds like a lot of work.

maybe a WhatsApp backup?

It says max. 0.3% caffeine content in the coffee dry matter. Roasted Arabica beans have around 1.5% caffeine (although it may vary significantly), meaning that decaf may have as much caffein as 20% of regular coffee.

There's a machine doing all the rolling out to specific thicknesses that's used in bakeries

There was this company doing something similar with CDs. They sold the physical medium and then let you download the ripped files and store the CDs at their place. In fact, you could just buy the record online and directly download a .flac from their website. And if you wanted, you could have the physical medium shipped to you.

Apparently that was legal, but they have gone bankrupt a few years ago iirc. They were called Murphies (idk about the spelling).

Look at the sensitive ones, often the cheaper ones don't have SLS in them. They're better but with some I still get issues if I don't rinse at all. For reference, Aldi sells one around here without SLS and with fluoride.

I doubt it, hosting video is quite expensive and resource intensive. I'm guessing the direction would rather be to implement proper video embedding and host on third party servers.

You can create an email alias for your Microsoft account and then only enable login from that account. If you then do not use that email for anything but the login, you should be pretty safe from credential stuffing attacks.

I had a very similar issue with multiple failed login attempts and changing my login email stopped it right away.

Google Lens is also a thing for general usage, and there are plenty options for more specific tasks such as Merlin for birds.