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Joined 1 years ago

Internet hologram, Reddit refugee, and mod of @FloatingIsFun . Retro game streamer since before Twitch, on hiatus to grind levels in being a dad and ally. Easily distracted by floaty things. he/him


You're right, and Snopes confirms what you're saying. They only ever appear to be standing next to each other in this one photo, ever. There's no evidence that they even greeted each other. I'm all for dragging both of them through the mud for the stuff they've done, but there's no need to make up a story that they did anything together.

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The Republicans in state legislature asked us to vote to give up our right to vote on things. All they accomplished was making us more angry at them.

I'm a Reddit refugee and I've been moving all the pictures and videos from my old niche subreddit to my new niche Kbin magazine. I'm afraid Reddit will collapse, and the collection of floaty things I've been building up will become lost media if it's not reposted somewhere else. I like the Fediverse's mission and I want to see how the Fediverse develops. Also, I want to have a complete and functional artsy magazine on Kbin to show the others back on Reddit that it can be done well.

For the past couple days, some of my posts have been making Fedia's home page and apparently other instances' home pages too. It's good to be seen, but I'm afraid I'm getting more attention than I actually deserve. I like seeing art of fantasy worlds and interactions, and I'm not alone in that. But, I'm afraid I'm corrupting your feeds with stuff you aren't looking for, just because I'm doing it first.

Chocolatey, a command line driven package installer for Windows that works like apt-get for Linux. Replaces thousands of bloated installers with simple commands. My first step with an updated Windows install is to install Chocolatey, open command prompt, and do something like choco install firefox notepadplusplus gimp zoom windirstat winrar to install them all silently.

Check each game's entry on PCGamingWiki. They're a good resource for finding what it takes to get old games running well on modern PCs. A lot of times, the answer is either "buy it on Steam and use a community-made patch" or "buy it on GOG".

I'm curious, what games are you trying to get working?

Generally good news here, but I'm not holding my breath. Sega's remakes are still hit-and-miss, but they all have a chance to be good. We don't know if Hideki Naganuma is involved with the new Jet Set Radio.

Losing interest? How about some shorter games that are super high quality all the way through?

So, what kinds of games do you normally play? We can help you more if we know where you're coming from.

Nice work! If Kbin ever gets a mascot, someone will have to draw it flying with balloons so I can make it @FloatingIsFun 's new icon.

I tried writing alt text with the image on this post on August 9, and I thought it wasn't working. On mine and other Kbin instances, alt text does load but Firefox just doesn't show it when I mouseover. In the page's source, it's an "alt" argument instead of a "title" argument, and Firefox users can't see alt text if the image loads successfully. It would work better if Kbin allowed users to input title text instead of alt text.

I didn't notice until just now, but that post's alt text works perfectly on Mastodon! It simply duplicates the alt text into the title text and I can read it when I mouseover the image.

That leaves Lemmy which seems to have no alt text support at all. I've inspected the page and my alt text simply doesn't federate to Lemmy. But Lemmy apparently has working spoiler tags and Lemmy users are considering using that to describe images. The Lemmy spoiler tags don't work anywhere else, though.

::: spoiler Lemmy spoiler tag test
Everywhere but Lemmy will just render this as regular text. My Wordle-playing friends would be sad.

Here on Kbin, the image upload supports GIFs up to 5MB or so. They get still frame thumbnails, but the user can click on it to see the full-size animated version. I've attached Higitus Figitus by R!k! to this comment as an example.

If you're wondering how flying squids eat and breathe and other science facts, repeat to yourself "It's just a name; I should really just relax."

I thought Soft Garden's boss Jackle was a good fight. He tries to zone you out by throwing tarot cards at you, and it's satisfying to slip through his cards and hit him.

  • Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max are in top shape on the PSP with extra characters and decent single player content.

  • Rock Band Unplugged is a stealth sequel to Frequency and Amplitude, worth a try for juggling a whole band's worth of instruments.

  • I also had a lot of fun with Half-Minute Hero, Lumines, Everybody's Golf Portable 2/Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 2, and the racing games DdCno1 mentioned.

  • And that's not even getting into the excellent options for emulated games, both retail and homebrew.

  • RetroAcheivements PSP games sorted by number of players is a good way to see the most popular games.

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Getting the mainstream ones out of the way first: 3s, Garou MotW, ST/2X, Tekken 3 (PS1), UMK3, MvC2, CvS2, SC2, KOF '98, Vampire Savior

Got it? Good. But have you played:
Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire: Strange Mortal Kombat-looking game with three Jackie Chans, but surprisingly accessible
Fighter's History Dynamite/Karnov's Revenge: Karnovember is coming! A 1994 fighting game that held up very well
King of Fighters '95: A prime example of SNK's old school style
Fighter's Destiny and Toy Fighter: 3D fighters where certain knockdowns earn you points, and first to 5 or 7 points wins
Street Fighter EX2 Plus: Arika's quirky take on Street Fighter with plenty of unique characters and mechanics
Slap Happy Rhythm Busters: Fast polygonal 2D fighter with simple controls and supers that make a rhythm action game happen
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters SNES: The good Turtles fighting game. Fun mechanics to learn and break.

Edit: Added videos for the games that didn't have links to a wiki

Moments like this make me think Mike DeWine isn't dumb enough or evil enough to actually be a Republican. He actually has a soul and he'll make his own party double-down on transphobia if they're so committed to it. We should've still impeached him for screwing up the March 2020 primary election, though.

Increased knockback distance on Housecat's claw attack, removing Housecat's infinite combo vs several woodland creatures

Of course you have to follow it with The Odyssey by Symphony X, a 24-minute symphonic metal track.

Yes! Seriously, listen to it on stereo speakers. It's a shame phone calls aren't in stereo. This song is actually good.

I liked a lot of the parodies and jokes in Conker's Bad Fur Day, but the game had too many frustrating parts in between them. About half of this game should have been left on the cutting room floor, but Rare wouldn't cut their bad ideas out of the game unless Nintendo was supervising them.

Hi there! I run the 487-member /r/FloatingIsFun and we moved over here to https://fedia.io/m/FloatingIsFun ! I'm experimenting with post formats and CSS to make a good art magazine here. Hopefully I can convince more to join us.

.hack//Sign is the worst anime series I've ever watched all the way through. This cool music gave me such high hopes. But, this show was about 5 episodes' worth of material and music stretched into 26 episodes, and it still left lots of unanswered questions that require watching more .hack stuff to resolve.

Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about-- ah, forget it. I'm lucky to keep my elo higher than my @FloatingIsFun@fedia.io post count.

I dunno, Nc6, then Qa5+, then Nb4? They'll probably take our knight but it stops their attack.

Then I guess we push king and try to check their king with our king.

True, it's not that easy to find the good ones. Try browsing around RetroAchievement's hubs, click a category you're interested in, and then sort by "most players". The popular games there might surprise you.

Tekken? Nah. It's a four button game, and you only need to map the shoulder buttons if your character has a good move with a weird button combination like Square+Circle. Street Fighter Alpha 3 really needs all 6 buttons, though.

You might want to search for a RetroAchievements collection of PlayStation Portable games.