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It's redundant because there's basically a circular argument that G and C are using to not respond to the workers. Workers want to C negotiate with G on the terms of their work with G but C says they can't because they're just contracting with G. Then G says the workers can't negotiate with G because they work for C. Both companies point the finger at the other as to why they can't help and just give nothing back to the workers.

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This is a sign that there are extremely right safety standards and lots of oversight. The amount of documentation needed for all aerospace parts means it is quite difficult to falsify records for long without getting caught. The fact that any of these types of event are big news and often result in arrests should help you be confident that the standards are real and enforced. There will always be bad actors, and finding them like this is part of reality. Just look at the safety record of commercial aviation to see proof that the system is working.

Damn a record fine and it's fucking pennies to Chevron. They make $13 million of revenue every 35 minutes.


Give away free electric tools if they trade in their gas ones. It's so bad for health to be huffing 2 stroke fumes all day every day.

Edit, I realize that this is meant for a electric leaf blower since it would do fuck all for a gas one. Doesn't change my opinion about landscaping tools tho

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It reads like it's from 98. The references to Blockbuster, Daimler-Chrysler, McDonnell Douglas, and Bill Clinton tipped me off this was an old one.

Right? They portray it as a problem rather than as a sign that cars have finally hit the point where they're not dramatically improving in reliability, safety, and efficiency nearly as quickly anymore. That is not a bad thing really.

For capitalists, a healthy used market is a bad thing. Captial requires continuous production to make returns on itself.

One of the few things anymore that has a really strong used market besides cars is housing, so the capitalists switched their investment from developing new housing to vacuuming up the existing stock to instead collect rent and increase the value of their portfolio.

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Oops on the way to get my pillow I noticed something cool and now I've been reading Wikipedia for an hour.

It's a list of presidents in order since HW... so Obama is on the list.

The meme is fucking wrong.

Catapults and ballistas are different, not because of how they store the energy, but how the throw the projectile. A catapult throws it off a holder and a ballista shoots in down a track.

It's a goddamn catapult. I will not tolerate factual inaccuracy for the sake of a funny meme.

Man that's been the case with these sequels to games I really loved. Happened to Cities Skylines as well, and at first it seemed like that's happened with Helldivers but it turns out it was so good it just ruined the servers.

This is from 2022, it is not news. Are there any more recent articles on this? How'd it go?

Sorry homie the cities have the jobs. People need to be able to afford to live near where they work for our economy to function well. They need to be able to buy stuff to support other jobs nearby. It's a virtuous cycle when it works, but housing costs sap that money away.

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What all these articles miss is that the guy made less money working on this case than he did in private practice the year before. Dude was a partner at a law firm, government work doesn't pay well at all.

What is sensory overload? Is it like that thing where you have to turn the volume down in the car when trying to park?

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That moment where I start getting a headache around 11am because I forgot to make coffee after breakfast...

Here's a picture of the first us jet fighter prototype next to a propeller fighter, you can definitely tell a difference.


Gas being a better energy source than batteries in every way except for the health and environmental issues is a real bitch and why this is such a problem. Cords are a hassle and you will need a lot recharging batteries all the time, so you notice the downsides immediately and acutely. These are solvable problems though. Even running an efficient gas generator would be better for the health of landscaping contractors than being around 2 strokes all day.

They're building it in the median of the interstate.

You also have the CA valley high speed rail facts completely wrong. They're building 100% new tracks and it has to nearly all support insanely high speeds >220mph.

It's no frills but on the kind of flights I think most people use them for, who needs frills? If the flight is under 3 hours or so, a snack pouch and free soda is plenty nice. Plus you don't feel like you're second class having to walk by the nice seats on the way to the back.

I took a United flight from California to Chicago (cause it happened to be cheaper and better timed than SW) and I couldn't tell you the difference from flying SW besides maybe I knew my seat before boarding?

My guess is the record companies refused to renew the perpetual license for a cost that Ubi could justify in order to keep the one time purchase model. Everyone wants subscription model from the top to the bottom.

You want to know how bad Kroger is? I'd much rather go to an Albertsons. In fact, I have a Kroger owned store less than a mile from where I live, but if I need certain things, or just want a more pleasant shopping experience, I'll go the 10 minutes to the Albertsons or Hmart.

For what it's worth, Brightline Florida isn't quite considered high speed by most metrics. It will have a short 125 mph section, which is kinda the minimum design speed to be considered high speed. The state of rail in the US is so bad though that Brightline Florida might actually have a higher average speed than the Acela...

Brightline West between southern CA and Las Vegas will be designed as a deticated high speed line though.

Reading stuff like this is so crazy. They just go "hey 150k is a nice big number and should be plenty of heads, let's just just take way the livelihoods of tens of thousands of actual people to make a number look nicer"

Yes we'll just move these parts outside of the environment.

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Hmm I wonder if we just have different settings for it or use it differently. I mostly use SwiftKey these days as a fix for my terrible typing, rather than as predictive text. The predictive text is pretty bad in my opinion, but I'll tell you what SwiftKey thinks about itself below.

(prompt in bold) SwiftKey predictive text is not associated to my records and the other two phases are slack and the other two phases are slack and the other two phases are slack (end of predictions)

It seems Microsoft hasn't added GPT to it yet... Can't even remember the last time I talked about slack.

Shit man I wish this had been posted this morning. I left to go for a ride about an hour away and traffic got so bad it was gonna take 2+ hours so I turned back and didn't get to ride.

MiLK Is fOr bABieS

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A couple were surprising but others seemed obvious in hindsight. Some of these AI models have a really specific vibe that is easy to spot. It can be removed sometimes but if the prompts don't prevent it, the images tend to have this glow and pop that many real images don't have. They're perfectly detailed if that makes sense.

Got 14/20, which I feel pretty good about, but you do this survey every year and it's gonna keep going lower. I bet even a year ago, most people would be above 75% accuracy.

Mount dew?

Exploitables where you change or add text in a picture is quite old and now one of the most common memes. It's a huge category, so maybe not what you meant, but it looks like it started in 2006 according to https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/exploitables

I think the answer is simple (they probably mentioned it in the article I'm not reading). Sony makes good hardware and good games. They don't really need to compete with Nintendo since they kinda do their own thing at this point, and Microsoft is really no better. I also think Playstation is generally regarded as having better exclusives, even during the 360 era where Xbox clearly won.

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They wouldn't do it if they didn't think it was effective.


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They're planning timed transfers with metrolink. Something like arriving 20 minutes before the brightline departs IIRC. Seemed like a bigger gap than I'd like but not too terrible.

Would a tostada then be a floppy cracker fried crisp?

No, crackers are a type of bread. Tostadas are cracker versions of tortillas. Corn tortillas are whole grain flat breads.

Pupusas and tamales are like his pizza example where the masa dough is cooked with its fillings. But those are both types of dumplings, which would make pizza an open-faced dumpling 🤔

I think one of the things the plaintiff is arguing, which I think is valid, is that the food is not prepared the same way even if the ingredients are the same. The example they use is that the burger patty is browned on the outside but not cooked through, so appears to be a much bigger portion of meat than is actually if the burger. It's similar to the bait and switch scam of putting all the filling at the top, making it appear the sandwich or burrito is filled with that quantity, but then you open it up and it's mostly empty.

I think the argument that "we said the exact weight so it's fine" is BS because few people intuitively understand how much ounces of meat or how many grams a sandwich is, but they can intuitively understand a picture of food.

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Yes, but the difference in safety over 12 years from a 2000 -> 2012 is much bigger than 2012 -> 2024. There are a lot more features now to stop a crash from occurring, but in terms of crash safety which is what a lot of people consider in buying a car, the difference is much less.

SwiftKey will let you say fuck cunt shit all day. I'm sure other keyboards will too but I haven't researched for a better one in a while since this one is fine.

I think Interstellar has some of the best scenes in film, but it's definitely not one of the best films overall. If you could somehow package the part about Matt Damon's character into a 20 minute short film it would be fantastic.

My man 🤝