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Joined 11 months ago

I had to buy a Clicker for college in a day when any number of phone apps, or even the Smart board, would have done exactly the same thing. I think it cost about $150 and the only thing it did -- THE ONLY THING IT DID -- was serve as an expensive and drastically crippled version of Kahoot. Abject waste of money for all parties involved.

It's the level of commitment. You can start and stop online activities with almost no preparation or planning. When you watch a movie, you have to mentally prepare yourself to be in one spot and paying attention to one thing for an hour and a half. When you play video games, it takes effort to turn on the console or launch Steam / Epic / whatever.

Do nuclear reactors use coal?

14 more...

Schitt's Creek. Only watched it (the series) one other time. Big fan.

I didn't read this as OP wanting others to decide for them, but to help them think things through; maybe get a new perspective.

I don't understand this mindset. Could you elaborate a bit? What about Amazon's service or products made you feel enslaved by them?

Why build one when you can build two for twice the price?

I would read book reviews and critics' opinions to shape my opinion of the book. I enjoyed many of the books I was assigned to read; others I had zero interest in.

Genuine curiosity, why does it matter which platform it comes out on? Asking from a comlnsole-only point of view. I only game on PS5, so I'll never get to play Xbox-only games. But if you're on a PC, you can just get the other platform?

10 more...

I'd go with Possessor by Brandon Cronenberg. I've only seen it once so far, and the unfolding of the story was such that you had to work for it. It wasn't impenetrably dense, but I definitely had to give it the attention it demanded.

I've never gotten Handbrake to do anything I wanted. DVD Shrink, on the other hand, is one of my top five most-used apps. It's quite old, but DVD encryption hasn't changed since its release.


Big-time disagree. Been using Windows and Mac versions of Office for over two decades. The Windows version is far superior in pretty much every metric I can think of.

Curious, when would you say that pirating is "very moral and ethical?" Not judging one way or the other, just curious.

5 more...

It'd have to be the construction of The Sphinx or the Giza pyramids for me.

Curious about your movie-buying habits... How do you determine what you buy? Movies that look interesting? That you've seen before? A little bit of both?

What do you mean by "also?" Do you tip twice?

For work, I use Chrome, but only because Firefox's profile management is (more or less) nonexistent. Once they have that, which I understand isn't too far out, I'm ditching Chrome entirely.

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The biggest risk is that it renders your pineal gland completely useless. (not the face, not the face, not the face)

When was it ever just one portal with everything available?

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Just to be clear, what they pay their employees and the commercials they show made you feel enslaved?

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The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software. Man, it's been a loooooong time since I've heard that name.

Did you let them know why you uninstalled?

Don't know why you're getting downvoted; not everyone is comfortable (technologically or morally) with pirating.

I'll see what's up, as long as it doesn't require admin rights.

Why'd you yuck my yum? :)

I think you're being just a touch dramatic, but aight, dude. I don't have any relationship with Amazon other than being a Prime subscriber.

I "sold" Kirbies for a short time. Super-glamorous job (haha).

That's part of their charm! I've always thought mine looked pretty badass. 🙂

What's this, you say? Floorp? Sounds like you're setting me up for a Futurama joke, or something.

Dyson vacuum cleaners. I've had mine for about 20 years, had to replace a part here and there, but it's just as strong as the day I got it. Probably the single best purchase I've ever made. A close second would be my Sonicare toothbrush.

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Asked and answered!

Yay! Making jokes about the name of a person who took a stand and put his money where his mouth is is fun!