
2 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nerd, punk, nord

Feel free to hit me up on matrix.

Yes and no.

let's say I have a website that hosts user generated content like a forum or something. Some other person just hosts a mirror of my website that is not under my control. If some user requests me to delete his data, I can do that. i cannot delete the data from the mirror site.

Nothing else is happening in the fediverse. The only difference is, that in the fediverse the license and technology is set up to encourage mirroring content.

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This type of attack theoretically also works with signal or telegram or whatever message service that works entirely without a phone number.

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Me and a handful of friends started a formally registered non profit in germany. Not internet related but art related stuff and it was surprisingly easy, fast and even more surprising the regulations and requirements actually make sense. That is the way to go to secure that no admin ever goes nuts and takes an entire instance with them lmao.

I‘m fairly certain that similar organizations exist in most countries snd the process should be relatively similar.

Why would you use first party messaging apps? Who the hell still sends sms? Just use signal. Easy fix.

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I‘m old so i actually remember this but I‘m old so my memory might be shit but wasn‘t the lawsuit about the fact that microsoft shipped IE wirth windows as a default browser and not about it being too dominant?

You just measure the time until the delivery recipe arrives. You can approximate how far away the recipient is. Now you keep doing that while changing your own location (use vpns etc.) and you can slowly get a more accurate location of the target. Now you automate that stuff and also utilize machine learning to interpret the data.

At least on my instance everything is running fast, snappy. I like the clean interface. Haven't encountered any major bugs yet.

The only downside for me so far is that there is not a lot to see yet. The only active posts and communities are about lemmy itself. Which is understandable of course but I can't wait to actually get to the phase where I actually get to experience real content lmao


It's a 2d game where you drill for oil, then have some light logistics management to do to load it in to barrels on horse waggons and then sell it. It's a lot of fun.

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I mean yeah Twitch definitely needs competition. It's just kinda sad when the compition is even shadier than twitch lmao

I shouldn't have to be a lucky mf that stumbles upon an article by coincidence that explains how to configure his web browser to not send pictures I look at across the atlantic ocean without my knowledge. WTF is going on.

High quality plastic bodies are so good. Hard to break and easy to repair. I hate glass bodies.

Ieft leaning? These orgs sound more like the typical liberal right centrist orgs from america lol

How would you even enforce that?

Of course every parent should have an idea of their kids are doing on the internet or at least educate their kids to such a degree that they don't require supervision and can be trusted use the internet responsibly. But that is just common sense and should fall in to the general responsibilities of a parent.

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undefined> rock and


I‘ve had this issue on several distros and multiple friends have the same issue. Video hardware acceleration in a browser is a mess. This is definitely not only affecting me as there is a significant amount of complaints on forums and reddit.

And there is no way that the average computer user will use arch. And as long as you gotta fiddle around with your system to get even the most basic shit running smoothly like watching a high resolution youtube video and moving around windows on your other screen at the same time linux will stay irrelevant as a desktop os. It‘s still a system for nerds and I kinda feel like that this is okay.

How do you check wether nsfw content is allowed?

Because my instance (feddit.de) doesn‘t allow pornographic material. I guess that doesn‘t exclude all nsfw content. But the column header is called adult and it makes it seem like „adult content“ aka porn was allowed.

*edit fixed typo

Tryy a different browser

No brave users don‘t care. Brave proved how untrustworthy they are and in any case their business model is unethical yet they still have a cult like following plus a group of crypto bros that are obsessed with getting digital pennies.

I'm currently running Mint on my Computer and Ubuntu on servers.

You don‘t get this option?

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Except that‘s not what they are doing. They are still going to enforce reddit tos. Bootlickers. That‘s essentially all reddit cares abou anyway.

Ion Fury:

It doesn‘t try to emmulate the look and feel of those build engine games like shadow warrior or duke nukem 3d… because it is one of them.

It is legitimately running on a modernized source port of the build engine. It has fantastic level design. It somehow feels modern and old at the same time. If you grew up playing games from that era this one is a must play imo

what would be the best method of getting cue files though. Because just creating them myself by hand would be just as tedious as just splitting the files myself.

That's what I'm doing atm.

I don't think this is a boomer opinion but I got called a boomer for it once so maybe it is idk:

I think online dating is shit and I don't mean it in a "It doesn't work for me" kinda way but I believe it's objectively shit. In an ever faster world that demands more and more flexibility from people that also extends to dating. It introduces a certain arbitrariness to romantic and sexual relationships. We now have dating apps that you can use to scroll through potential partners like a furniture catalog. It reduces people to a commodity and I hate being confronted with that. I believe it could in combination with the realities of late stage combination harm our ability to establish deep and meaningful connections to people.

It's literally what my mom warned me off 20 years ago and now I believe she was right.

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I loved the gulli.com forum back in the day lol.

Labeling the parts of the song and then exporting multiple is how I currently do it.

The auto labelling actually somewhat works. The error rate is relatively high though. Set the threshold too low and the background noise of the record will make it detect nothing. Setting it too high and even small quieter parts get detected. It's far from being "automated" but it actually helps a bit. Thank you.

This is the changelog:

::: spoiler spoiler Changelog b313


Show Extras button added to Twitch Options


Lowered Action stage unlocked for the following twitch commands
    #spoil unlock from 30 to 15. 
    #shuffle_boxes unlock from 50 to 15.
    #empty_boxes unlock from 50 to 20. 
    #drop_held unlock from 12 to 5. 
    #mind_wipe unlock from 60 to 40. 
    #destroy_base unlock from 50 to 30. 
    #fill_base unlock from 50 to 30. 

Adjusted the infestation game stage mod and bonus values to be a bit more challenging based on feedback and code review
Updated pricing for turret ammo to prevent exploits
Player crafted doors, hatches, shutters, garage doors, and cellar doors are no longer sellable to the trader
Daring Adventurer 3 and 4 are now unlocked at INT 7 and 10
Adjusted trader stage templates for T2 and T3 tools and weapons
Adjusted quality ranges of tools and weapons in trader inventories for more variety
Prison_01 steel railings in guard towers replaced with corrugated


Ability to copy / paste lights within the prefab editor and retain their light properties
Putting a charged stun baton into vehicle storage causes a crash to desktop
Updating player backpack Nav icons could hide previous icons that may now be in use elsewhere 
Drone throws NRE when trying to heal the player


Your first point is web browsing. Even that doesn‘t work properly on a linux desktop lol. Browser performance is abysmal because the browsers lack out of the box support for hardware acceleration. Even if you get it to work it might not work reliably and an update might break it again.

Try using a discord call and open a youtube video in 4k at the same time on a a freshly installed linux desktop. The audio will be choppy and the video will drop frames like crazy. Just moving around windows on your desktop is not nearly as smooth as it is on windows.

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