
0 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

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I'd rather use Edge than Chrome.

But basically screw everything except Firefox at this point!

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Don't worry everyone. The free market will take care of this for sure! Deregulated private companies always have the best interests of the consumers at heart!

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Do people not know what "bricking" means? This article is about HP disabling features if the printer runs out of ink.

If they bricked it, it would be unrecoverably broken, never to function again.

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How do rambling blog articles full of terrible assumptions and analysis like this get posted? Is there an alternative technology community I could sub to that cares about quality content?

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By the beard, this is some next-level shit. Imagine listening to his jibber-jabber about Grays and thinking "that sounds like a good idea"?

This new "ruling CEO" class is bloody dangerous.

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Good. Fuck landlords, and especially Airbnb landlords. Hopefully other cities will follow suit.

Should have gone with 'F'

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RIP Kabosu. 😭 It's wonderful to think about the sheer amount of ridiculousness you are responsible for.

Hey Elon, go fuck yourself.

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"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." - Stephen Colbert

Sounds like a backfire to me. Did you read the article? The lobbying was from TikTok to prevent the bill from passing, but it sounds like it just made the reps more committed to passing it.

This is the real scenario, right here. Everyone is so focused on increased disaster occurrences that it feels like this is invisible - until its not. Last summer Alberta was under drought conditions, and overall crop yields were 67% of the 5-yr average.

Less and less snowpack means less and less water to deal with worse and worse drought conditions.

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This is very disappointing. What a crap post.

Great we're posting links to The Sun now?

I am concerned to think of all the terrible and just plain wrong information you have been given.

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OP, I appreciate what you've done here. I lol'd, keep up the good work. A++ would tip again

That kid... is back... on the ESCALATOR!

It's not the quality of the show or the content that matters. Have you ever put a small child in front of the TV? It's like turning their brains off. To be honest it's quite startling.

It doesn't matter if its "wholesome" content or not - there is a physical decreases of core brain activity as the child disengages from the world.

"Researchers say"

Researchers also say things they pulled out of their ass 90% of the time.

Source: I researched it

A fellow Great Book of Grudges enthusiast! I too started writing mine early. I have not purchased anything Sony since they put rootkits on their CDs in 2005. Nothing. Fuck Sony. And anything Intuit makes for multiple reasons.

And I am absolutely passing The Great Book on to my kids. They know exactly why we don't buy certain brands.

God this kind of news is so trite. Post again when it's a tech bro deciding to go for a submersible ride.

Gus Carlson is a rich old white guy who works C-level positions with other rich old white guy companies in Downtown Capitalism. He has a clear anti-ESG agenda if you look at his "journalism" history - this kind of FUD article is just part of his agenda to continue fucking the planet for more profit for his rich old white guy club.

This is peak rich boomer bullshit - disparage and attack every attempt at improving technology and the world on the way to the grave.

67% of statistics are made up

Was the brand name SZZXYY?

Fix It Again Tony!

Opera sold themselves to a Chinese consortium in 2016 and should be considered spyware at this point.

I had to give my head an actual shake - this can't be a real comment. A normal, sentient human would not produce a sentence like this unironically.

The only explanation I can come up with is the OP is a first-year economics student.

I recently discovered Obsidian - I use sync.com (free) and save my obsidian vault on my shared sync drive. Works like a charm, I can have it open on multiple devices.

This is some serious wharrgarbl. Doesn't anyone moderate this kind of literary trash?

What was brilliant about it?

Aegis does as well. I haven't looked at freeotp but the feature I liked about Aegis is there is no sync or recovery feature vulnerable to simjacking, like Authy was.

I wonder when they'll improve the shit MFA they've got on their Sendgrid product... it was heavily tied to Authy.

Define "a lot"? Or better yet, sources?

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