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Kuwait just tryna save the day. Meanwhile, Iraq is a lot more enthusiast (if a country can't behave decently, its ambassador might as well move out).

Most people just ignore it

In a way yeah sure, but the unconscius doesn't forget 24/7 ads. We can't possibly escape them since they're literally everywhere. Whatever you buy, is done under the influence of at least some kind of advertisement (buy cheap/ fancy/ green/ fuckall)

The only ones who have, so far, actually used nuclear weapons were the British with the depleted uranium bullets. Although to my surprise, these are not considered nuclear weapons by the BBC, even though the Ukrainian soil will probably stay poisoned for quite some time. I hope nobody used to live in the area, because someone would probably try to get back to their old house

Or did i miss the news and the Russians used nuclear weapons?

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thanks for the news

oh god did u get the "actual starvation" thing from yeon mi park? Here u got different text, same energy

Again you've added a good point. Although i have empathy for op, since me too i lurk most of the time, never posted, and yet i see the thing being centered around either the us or europe.

We could focus on the problems of our own country, and maybe try and solve them in some capacity. But why do that when we can look far away, at problems that don't affect us in the slightest? Usually it boils down to "I'm not doing good, but they are doing much worse". It's a soothing balm, that takes away the need to go irl and do something.

TLDR: we're lazy.

even a slave owner had that much common sense. I mean, there are better people to quote from but i think we got the point

Thanks for clarifying that you're not racist, but its curious that you describe the islamic world as savage, again centering yourself in the west as the enlightened and modern person. And who decided we are at the center of the world? Colonialist slave owners?

I didn't mean to come across as someone who would turn a blind eye on any atrocities. Its just that the instability, and therefore violence that ravages the Middle East (maybe that's what you mena by savage?), more often than not comes from coups or the imf restructuring those economies on behalf of the US and the EU. I have no explanation for the Saudis, not sure how they've got to that point. I don't turn a blind eye on this violence, I just try my best to not put such a big group of people in the "bad" box. (at least thats how i make sense of this)

Also i'm 100% sure, at least most of the poor nations have the capacity to develop, and we can see that recently with at least some diplomatic ties being reinstated or made stronger (Iran - Saudi Arabia - Syria - ...), and trade routes that escape the sanctions, which affect a really long list of poor countries. For a problem that is out of our control, its weird to expect that everything gets solved in 2 seconds, with rationality and friendship. Does this make sense or should i back this with some sources?

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I've heard something like this, but imo it's only partly true. Why would anyone want to "rule the world" as you said? To me it seems like the feudal system, from wich colonialism was born, concentrated so many resources in the hands of very few people. It's not just that europe was regularly ravaged by famines. It was the system on top of the disasters that worsened the scarcity situation, also with kings going to war on a yearly basis. This is the kind of trauma that lasted for centuries, and got embedded in our culture. I mean, to this day the relations of unequal exchange are still standing, as if that was just how trade works.

I don't see anyone else in history trying to do imperialism, not even china or india in their golden period. And although even them had their own feudal periods, i struggle to believe it was as disastrous as in europe. Their rulers didn't feel the need to conquer the world

I would add that successfully creating the vaccine is not enough. I mean, it has to be injected on a global scale, if not it keeps evolving into new variants, right? But even if there are enough shots available, they're still in the hands of corporations. And as we saw in the past two years, many poor countries didn't get enough to vaccinate even half of their people. Solving the problem doesn't give as much revenue as this scenario.

Thats a valid option. Problem is, the user base of most social media si overwhelmingly from north america. When having not as many users from other regions, its difficult to have a balance. I agree that there should be a community specifically for US news and politics. Also, i bet the second most large user base is western european.

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glad to know you're not generalizing, and correct me if i'm wrong but this is how i interpret your reply: some muslim people are really uneducated. Clearly these governements have no intention of educating their people (btw i can see that in a sense in my western country as well, the education system is collapsing figuratevely and physically).

My own conclusion: what you said is true, and we'll have to see how the situation will turn out. We have no control over our own governments let alone those abroad; unless nato is going to bring peace and democracy yet again. We saw how that turned out in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, and probably others that i don't remember

we live rent free in their heads, as we should.

are u saying that all those who up voted the meme, did it just bc they didn't understand what they were reading? tbh i didn't even understand the first sentence you wrote. That means you must be very smart. Not sure if i will up vote u

ahem, when seizing the means of production, nothing will stop us. are there testosterone labs in existence? enby here

Though the secondary sources are equally important (adding some commentary can be very helpful), the secret is to be critical of whatever you read.

only three have been recovered and formally identified. shudders

Treating people from poorer countries as children or "undeveloped" while not questioning the belief that we westerners are at the center of the world. Also don't question the inability of other peoples to develop on their own, because we are the only ones who have the brain to do so? Sorry, I'm struggling to wrap my head around western chauvinists.

They are undeveloped, because obviously our culture is superior, everyone should accept it. Ignore the economic part of the "superiority" or the legacy of imperialism.

This is how racism is born, in a nutshell.

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I'm assuming you're either western or liberal, both?

Aside from the fact that the prophet arguably isn't worshipped because of his child abuse and it happend centuries ago (maybe you found instances of more recent child abuse), you don't need to look far away from home to find violent and regressive people that act in the name of religion. I'm talking about misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism etc. I get it, maybe its too difficult and these problems can't be solved. Still, its unnecessary to put your self on the high ground of moral righteusness. Muslim people have problems to solve, I'm sure you do too.

i'm glad you know that. Apparently poland isn't on the same page. I doubt he's the only one thinking like that https://youtu.be/asGHu2NzvbI Sorry i don't have any more sources, but if you've followed european immigration policies in the slightest, you might have noticed that most middle eastern are rejected at the borders. Many times the skin color is no different from southern europeans, yet they die by the hundreds in the mediterranean.

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Lemmy will survive.> wouldn't it be better to take care of it, not just "survive" ?

me too, i'm somewhat of an anarcho-bidenist myself /s

srry, next time i'll try being more serious then?

knowing sanctions generally lead to humanitarian crisis, why are you suggesting this?

I bet half the views are bots. Can bots watch a video? if yes, change my mind

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I would add that nonetheless, every sovereign country can and should stand up for itself. Also this is not just a couple Qurans burned, its racism more in general on the rise here in europe.

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with the exodus, too many libs. We've got to break their ideological bubble, of the cult that is liberalism

noooo we have only facts and truth! Only the bad guys lie and do teh ebil propeganda. Oh wait who blew up the Nord Stream? Anyway the us said it was the spoopy russians. Really sorry that german industries got shot in the legs, and don't you look at who stands to gain by that.

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