
1 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Same here. Ir's very bloated. You can decide on what to install,but if you do install all that bloat,you need to be prepared. I tried their AMD GPU overclock tool and after a got a black screen, I ended up with missing packages. Immediately went back to Arch.


VSCodium is cool though. All the goodness of VSC,sans the "trash".

I calculate percentage like this. If 100% is the value, then I know what 10% is, then1%, so I do increments of both until I get to the correct value.

It may sound stupid,but it does help me get a % fast enough.

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This is the reason why I stuck with PIA. Not great,but at least it does it.

100%. Just self host their server components,otherwise it's kind of slow. It's an open alternative to Anydesk,which is still miles better than TeamViewer.

What's Threads and why do we need in in the fediverse? I don't have Facebook and don't use any Meta products, so I'm clueless ? Is it like closed source Mastodon or Lemmy?

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Buying windows is like self flagellation. You have to be a masochist to enjoy it,especially the apologetic users.

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And that is the con of having a combo. They do a much better job as separate appliances. Kinda like... All season tires. They do neither well.

In my head it's infuriating just cause it's showing the cold harsh truth about the world. Humanitarian aid is still a thing. I hope...

Could be less or more infuriating, depending on perspective.

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Is anyone still on twitter? Why?

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why the fuck would I need an AI in a browser? 0 fucks given for this "feature". firefox is devolving into an edge.

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I'm really struggling to remember when 's the last time I played an EA game. I can't really...

Let them monetize everything until oblivion,no one's gonna stop them anyway,so they might as well slowly die.

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This is still a glorified tech demo and a walking simulator with ships. Gunplay is pretty sad,pvp is out of the question with that performance, gameplay loops are either bugged to hell or boring as hell.

Instead of adding more ships they should be focusing on polishing and improving what they currently have at least. It's sad really.

I'm feeling a fat fine in EU. Can't wait.

Death threats for a foss email client developer. This world is truly full of shit.

Not really.

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Nothing to see here. just shows how different gaming companies are,with Ubisoft being a greedy sack of shit, barely being able to innovate anymore.

After being on Graphene for the past 2 years,I decided to reinstall with no google at all,since my bank app now works without any google services dependencies.

hooray for me,I'm finally free and can profit from multiuser installed sandboxed services in another user profile if needed.

Glad to be out of this downward spiral.

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Which basically means your least favorite thing about flatpak is flatpak.

Don't get me wrong,but why do you think it's so easy to install apps via flatpak?

For me the benefit of having dependencies containerized is well worth the wasted space or system dependency incompatibilities.

It does though: "On Linux, the malware assumes the name 'sd-pam'. It achieves persistence using systemd services, an autostarting .desktop file, or by modifying various profile and startup files, such as  /etc/rc*, profile, bashrc, or inittab files."

So technically useless . it can't do shit.

There's some BS happening around Linux support from some devs. e.g. Metro Exodus is Linux native, Metro Exodus Enhanced is Windows only and doesn't work with AMD GPUs.

I bought the game twice (made a mistake and bought it on Epic at launch and now bought it again on Steam to support Linux development and companies that release native builds).

I'm disappointed to see I'm unable to play the Enhanced version.

Of course they are. they share dependencies with other software. flatpaks bundle all dependencies,which is great for sandboxing,even though some sort of break the rule and share some,they are still sandboxed.

Unless you "firejail" or "bubblewrap" your software, security is much better OOB for flatpaks.

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I can't stand reskins on android. Launcher you can change,but system not,without bootloader unlocks at least. The bloat is real and a bitch to get rid of and even if you adb it,you still have the overall android reskin.

Why do these companies feel the need to bloat android to such extent is beyond me.

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i could never make it thought an entire LTT video in my entire life. They are just so boring and bland and lack any depth.

No thanks,I'd rather read reddit or now Lemmy opinions from other people who are far more competent and open to opinions.

Today I installed arch on my dad's computer. he can't use one,but it's a win nonetheless.

I wouldn't turn this into a Firefox vs chrome(ium) fight,but why would anyone use a reskinned chrome(edge) over the original one? Not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious.

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I mean...you're mostly right, but I don't know how setting a few flags like -H,-W,-h,-w is that big of an issue. I agree lutris and maybe heroic (I don't use) have frontends for these,but I would hardly that "way better".

Edit: grammar,typos

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I use Thunder client in VSC.

Going to terminate account now. Good luck with that shit Paypal

Thanks for the reminder. Reddit account deleted.

That's just sad. I invested so much time grinding my way through this game and engineering my 6 ships and getting a fleet carrier only to be ultimately disappointed by the lack of content and lackluster updates.

It saddens me that I now have to look forward to that mess of a tech demo called Star Citizen, but I've already burned my money on that too, so I'm only left with a dream.

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I don't particularly hate epic,but ~90% of my games are on steam,so I don't really install the rest cause I don't need to.

that being said,I will buy it when and if it comes to steam. if not,oh well...

is there any reason to update to 8a from pixel 6,or should I wait until 9 or 10?

Does it beat Bitwarden though? Bitwardan has supported at least 2 services for me using passkeys ,one of which is google.

I might be misunderstanding this,but it doesn't seem like proton beat anyone to anything.

Edit for info: https://bitwarden.com/passwordless-passkeys/

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I've recently distro hopped and the new distro came with Firefox preinstalled (had arch before but with xfs and wanted btrf snapshots).

Do you think its telemetry is so bad? I want to help Mozilla to some extent to keep them working on Firefox as I think Librewolf isn't showing much usage or support for Firefox itself.

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This comment is simply wrong. Linux doesn't compete with Windows desktop because it's already ahead of it.

For the first time I was contemplating cancelling my prime subscription,but now I believe the contemplation is over.

OK. Pixels forever it is.

Good luck using all my spam I get on my gmail inbox to serve me ads that get blocked instantly.

Edit: openboard autocorrect.

What's more curious to me is what kind of people are those that resort to such lows?

I mean they might have mental issues,yes,but it's scary to see that people seemingly intelligent and able to create games (asset flipping not included) can have such low morals and problem solving capabilities.