2 Post – 275 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

This is different. AI as a transformative tech is going to usher the US economy into the next boom of prosperity. The AI revolution will change the world and allow people to decide if they want to work for money or not (read UBI). In case you haven't caught on, am being sarcastic.

All this despite ChatGPT being a total complete joke.

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Currently following the ICJ live feed and some lawyer is providing video testimony of Israeli soldiers having some sort of internal challenge for snuff videos of committing atrocities on Palestinians. This is what some misguided people support when they say they are Pro-Israel in this conflict btw.

Am not even surprised, Plex went to the gutter long ago when someone gave them the brilliant idea to start a media company on software used by pirates.

No browser will ever tick ALL your boxes. You pick one and make it work.

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Move along. No genocide to see here.

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Any time I always read how to accomplish something in podman-land , the action takes like 5 extra steps compared to docker, is probably an experimental feature that's not supported and is always from a non-official source or some random blog.

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Immutable distros are locked-down versions of the traditional operating systems. Literally.

In the normal traditional world, you can use the package manager to remove python as a system package and all its dependencies if you so wished. You could rm -rf / too.

With immutable, the whole filesystem is on ro mode. Every system program that a user needs is bundled by the OS and no other changes can be made without breaking the model.

This model of having the OS immutable means less chances of malware getting persistence, high systems availability and reproducible environments since the OS controls the state of the versions available and makes this state available to all users of the distro.

Long answer: Chrome like every other application with a textbox will paste the text when copied from Firefox (bug originator). But you cannot trigger this bug from Chrome so...

Short answer: No.

With this guy, I can only assume he's saying so because video ads generate more profit.

Twitter has no skin in the video serving game and they have no USP there (aside from famously allowing porn). When he realizes the folly of his actions, he'll do another U-turn like the many he's done since purchasing Twitter.

I didn't know this guy's character before he bought Twitter but am now fully convinced he's but a charlatan who's always trying to seek the popular 'vote' as a billionaire.

This is great. X11 needs to die in modern DEs so we can all move to Wayland for good.

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A distro isn't just a way to interact with the Linux operating system. It's a collection of tools that helps you do it. Some tools are just sharper that others. The community just likes debating about this important nuance. It's not that complicated.

My tools of choice come from the famous blue logo distro.

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SELinux will not magically make your system more secure. Desktop insecurity mostly boils down to poor user choices. E.g Granting vscode full access to your home folder and installing some random extension.

Flatpaks and similar "container" tools are the obvious tools to use if you care about desktop security which the Linux ecosystem still generally deems as a lesser priority over being able to gain "rootful" permissions to carry out administrative tasks.

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Benefits any software dev on Linux, as flatpak ships all your dependencies in one "container". This allows you to deploy once and forget about whether some Ubuntu system dependency is on the same version/compatible with your test environment. Software that works everywhere is the biggest win of flatpaks. One could also make the same argument for snaps except the package repository is closed-sourced.

For me, it allows an easy configurable sandbox with Flatseal. This is the main reason I use flatpaks TBH, software is packaged with too much express permissions on Linux. You also get delta updates. Plus I don't have to worry about mucking around with system packages if for example some dependency is not available or needs building/installing.

Gnome 44. Simple, familiar and all my extensions work!

None. I don't make a habit of keeping "misbehaving" apps around. If I can't get to the bottom of a specific issue that app is getting the boot from my stable.

This is how Signal should have been designed in the first place.

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Not sure why you are getting downvotes. This is clearly the way for users who just wants their apps to work.

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The logo.

MSM: Keeps churning out click-bait headlines

Also MSM: "Why are our numbers down?"

Can't get enough of x265. The size to quality ratio is very good and all my hardware supports it.

Choice. You'll find some torrents you fancy on public trackers with 2 seeders uploading at 15kBs. Also no more New_Spiderman_CAM_1XBet.avi torrents.

  • I don't realistically expect to see any progress here but video hardware acceleration gaining first-class support in popular applications would be a nice dream. The one area Linux is complacent to be "inefficient".
  • One of the KDE devs has been working on some magic that might keep application state even after the desktop crashes.
  • Chimera Linux.
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  • Multimedia/ h264 codecs ??
  • KDE/GSconnect
  • Something like Arch's downgrade package + an archive of package versions
  • Hardware video acceleration support is sorely lacking
  • Picture-in-picture in Gnome's Wayland (bug that a gnome-shell extension fixes!)
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Use whatever software your peers are using, the way they are using them. The importance of software compatibility cannot be overstated.

Tried switching some time back, didn't take long to go back to docker. Podman does not have the polish that docker has taken years to perfect and as much as I love systemd, managing containers in docker is 10x better.

No paid media streaming service could ever topple an automated Jellyfin server. Who wants to scroll through pages of dogshit content just to find something decent to watch?

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UBI is not about wealth redistribution. The easiest way I'd describe it is if we created food stamps but for cash.

And the phenomenon you are describing where the rest of society is subsidizing the wealthy is our current reality.

UBI in a sense ditches the concept of money as an incentive tool for productivity.

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You are entitled to your own opinion but it's because of Google's content monetization strategies that user-generated videos now include native content ads. Content creators are following the money. I don't have to agree with them, Google or your nonsense opinion.

Makes a difference when you want to get something that's a bit more older or more obscure, you'll notice few to 0 seeds on these public torrents. If you find these titles on a private tracker, you will find it well seeded with high speed peers as most people use seedboxes for seeding the torrents.

Not the uncapped US military budget and the 'mysterious' rise of wars popping up in almost every corner of this planet.

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Seems to me like you already have a secure setup. You just need to keep it secure. I personally can't imagine downgrading from using Arch to an inflexible immutable distro.

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I don't think systemd-resolved has support for DNS-over-HTTPS yet but it has support for DNS over TLS which I have used issue free for years now.

All the browsers will use your system configured DNS if you do not touch the browser's DNS settings.

DNS is not broken on Linux, your configuration is.

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nothing against endeavour, it is a fine distro and it eventually got me to dip my toes into arch further;

but the arch installer is all you need.

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They got hit with their first cloud AI GPU compute bill...

If anyone came here for the free tip, just use Cloudflare's free VPN service - WARP instead. They don't care and you are not required to give them any information to use the service.

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Obsidian or Nextcloud Notes.

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NixOS. Every simple update (nixos rebuild switch) was just eating RAM & CPU. I managed to brick it when updating to 23.11 and couldn't find a way out of the mess I created (even with the saved snapshots) so I said adios.

Arch. Some of its users take this distro for granted a lot of times but it only goes downhill from here once you start looking at other distros.

Tumbleweed. Solid, Automated QA testing.

Chimera Linux. Security-related compilation flags go brrr. No systemd.

Maybe we'll see SerpentOS sometime before this decade ends but who knows.

On a side note. Aeon 1.0 if/when released, can't wait to see how it all turns out. Especially if they manage to integrate BTRFS snapshots with systemd-boot entries.

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Good to know that if I ever get tired of Gnome one day, there's this.

Isn't ChatGPT's launch only less than 6 months old or something...

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