6 Post – 615 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I am an anarcho-communist and a lover of all things free and open source. I also love cats of all kinds. You can also find me on Mastodon at

What really is upsetting is that Musk has billions with which he can use on a lark. Most of us would consider 100,000 an impossible risk. Billionaires are the problem. I repeat - The problem.

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There is no defense of the move. It's bad for the internet. Pure and simple!

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There's probably not any one single thing that I would do but interestingly enough I was charged once with a misdemeanor for providing food to the homeless and arrested, finger printed, and then released. At the hearing, the arresting officer failed to show and the judge, being a rather empathetic and progressive individual had the following to say to me:

Since the arresting officer has seen fit not to respect this court's time, I am formally dropping the charges. I will go off of the record for one moment: Young man, some laws were intended to be broken. I applaud you for choosing wisely. Back on the record: I will order the record of arrest expunged because I see no benefit to society in having a record of this young man's arrest for performing what is essentially good civil service. And so ordered

I am reminded that there are good people in this world.

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I cannot possibly see how this could be a good thing.

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You're neither champ nor chump. But I would advise you to be a little less rigid because some laws SHOULD be broken. I even had a judge once tell me this. I was arrested for a misdemeanor for providing food and water to the homeless when I was living in Arizona. I was careful not to resist knowing that this fight belonged in the courtroom. At the time I could not afford a private attorney so one was assigned to me who advised me to plead guilty and accept the fine and 30 days in jail. Thankfully, the judge overseeing my arraignment simply dismissed the case out of hand. His words were

Off the record - Young man, some laws are meant to be broken. I applaud your for choosing the right one. On the record - I am dropping the charges and dismissing this case. Furthermore, I am ordering that the arrest record be sealed by the court. This young man presents absolutely no danger to public health, safety or morals. In fact, he did the very charitable thing to help those in need and this is an American value that has no business being criminalized. I do not see making employment difficult for him based on a charitable act.

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Lifehacker is just click bait shit now. Once upon a time in a far away land it was good.

JFC! HP sucks. Just buy a Brother laser printer used and never worry about it because it's bulletproof and a workhorse.

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If their proposed solution is not completely open sourced and the source visible to everyone, then I have no interest in it.

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Fucking facebook is the worst.

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Right wing rage bait drives engagement which in turn drives up the cost of advertising and gives them more revenue. This is really why everyone needs to abandon corporate social media in droves.

This is certainly positive news. We need more competition in the processor field. Having essentially a choice between Intel and AMD got us malware like the Intel Management Engine and its AMD equivalent. With a monopoly comes enshitification.

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It's shenanigans like this that make me never want to buy a Canon or HP product. If I need a high end inkjet for printing photographs, it's Epson all day. For anything else, I swear by a good used bulletproof Brother.

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I've found that the case for most CEOs in technology which is why I call them techbros. Arguably, they don't even know business all that well either.

I love this! I just cannot wait for the day that I can build a RISC or ARM64 desktop in the same way we would an Intel or AMD one. I realize though that this is still a ways out.

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I am hoping that Florida's so-called new Black History curriculum gets challenged by organizations such as the NAACP and the Southern Poverty Law Center. In no way, shape, or form was slavery a good or acceptable concept.

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Oh noes! Whatever are we gonna do? Fuck corporations of all kinds. Fuck their wealthy backers too.

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He cannot even manage to pay the rent due on the office space. Hardly a shocker that he's having trouble paying the revenue-sharing bills as well.

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I hope nobody is truly shocked by this. Outraged? Yes, but shocked no. The US 3 letter agencies have a long history of overreach. Our elected officials are complicit in this all in the false name of "public safety" and "anti-terrorism" when their is little empirical evidence to suggest either mission is being accomplished. Instead, we have agencies profiling Americans on a massive scale that would make Brezhnev of the USSR jealous if he were alive today.

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Very important context! The US is rapidly turning Christo-Fascist. I hate this country.

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I believe that housing, education, food, and healthcare should be universally guaranteed.

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Well, imagine someone opening the door if the water hasn't fully drained out and the ensuing mess. If you're wondering if someone is stupid enough to do that, then the answer is unequivocally yes. There is a reason the door locks for that amount of time - so somebody doesn't brain fart, open the door, and flood the laundry room.

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Not at all. I'm a late Gen Xer, almost a millennial. I thrive on learning new technology. I live for it.

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This is a good thing! Corporate social media is a bad thing.

Yeah, but ironically this wasn't super natural. Some kids broke in to the building that were kind of these animal sacrifice cultists for lack of a better word. I heard a scream and drew my firearm. Those kids scared the living shit out of me. Fuckers tortured a cat and it was the cat I heard scream out in pain. I held them all under felony citizens arrest until the police showed up in force. I don't like cops but when I was going through college, being a security guard happened to pay a lot better than anything else. One of the cops said to the kids, "My wife and I have cats. You're fucking lucky I don't beat the shit out of you with my baton. See how you fuckers like an ass beating."

That was the one and only time I could seriously consider treating a cop to beer and wings. All of my life I've been owned by a feline or two. I seriously wanted to beat the shit out of these kids too. Restraint though likely kept me outta jail. Cop even told me later on, out of ear shot of anybody else, that if I had beaten the shit out of these kids, we would be sitting at an all-nite diner having a good meal and filling out paperwork. That was the ONLY cop I could ever get behind

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The goals of federated social media and corporate social media. Unlike siloed corporate social media, the fediverse platforms are not meant to compete with one another for being the 'top dog' so to speak. The idea is just diversity amongst the platforms and different options for people with different preferences. Since the fediverse is not concerned with revenue or appealing to a venture capitalist, competition is unimportant and I hope it stays that way.

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Ah, okay. I probably should have read closer. I will delete my comment.

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Kbin, while really polished, tries to do too many things and not really well either. I found kbin's calling sub-reddits magazines to be awkward. I also found that their microblogging feature distracted from the primary goal of replacing reddit. I more ascribe to the traditional Unix philosophy of one tool for one job. I like having a separate tool for micro-blogging, one for link aggregation, and another for photos or friends better. The less married we are to one platform and one way of doing things, the better. Choice is always good.

There should be a legal requirement to make documentation available for all unsupported Chromebooks to unlock the boot loader and allow for installing an alternative OS. Furthermore, they should be required to release engineering docs.

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I am not really shocked because the only way to really beat Reddit is by leaving the platform completely as in what many did when Melon Husk took over Twitter. Mass exodus. Express displeasure by voting with your feet and GTFO.

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I would not be surprised if the Democrats roll over for the GOP. I would be very disappointed and angry because trans rights are human rights.

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The only reason it would make sense to return to the moon is to establish a base for exploration of Mars. I go really back and forth on space exploration. On one hand it is a giant money pit. On another, the research that has come out of space exploration has been beneficial to life here on earth.

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Yeah, Threads can do all it wants. I've set a preemptive block. I want nothing to do with Threads. Of course, I cannot control what other instances decide to federate and get my content that way. But I won't make it easy for them.

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There's really no need for TikTok either. 😉

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I'll upvote it with the hopes of seeing an answer from the devs. This could be a very important/useful feature.

I hope they stick with it and not go back to Microsoft. No doubt that there will be a learning curve and some growing pains but this is ultimately for the best. I wish them all of the success!

While I am impressed, I still would never actually buy a folding smartphone.

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Nice!!!! That should piss off that petty tyrant old Musky.

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Indeed it is terrifying. I definitely don't think drugs should illegal to begin with. I am so anti-drug war it's not even funny.

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Good! May they make Threads a miserable place. 😍

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Sadly, you would be correct. Edward Snowden sacrificed his life to help us only to be met with nothing in return.

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