
1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Literally Hamas for the past 30 odd years.

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Soon to be qualified plumber, maybe a month to go or so.

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It's not a rule but sometimes I eat sandwiches around the perimeter first, to eat the crust first and then I eat the center.

Oh I feel you, turning 30 this year and feel like I am having a mid life crisis.

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As someone who has recently become single, it was both our faults, and I guess we just couldn't talk them out properly or were just too different to come to an understanding.

Huh don't think that's a dumb idea, just some dumb fire rockets would be cool to see on these.

Which is true, a lot of people see it as black magic. They are just used to what the product comes with, even if you could install iOS on an Android phones or the other way around, people would still buy an iphone cause it comes with it.

Maybe for home foundations and the like, glass fiber rebar could be used.

I have some wired headphones for when I am gaming on the computer, but anything else I use Bluetooth earbuds, and I can't imagine going back to wired ones, never getting the cable caught on things is so freeing. They also have active noise canceling and hear thru which both come in real handy on work sites.

That's definitely I have to look into, the nixos page on ZFS had a link to a ZFS cheat sheet of sorts that I have been trying to wrap my head around, thanks for pointing it out though.

That is a good point about stress testing them, if memory serves me well I believe one of the 12TB would disconnect a while back maybe 2 or so years ago when I was using windows and doing large backups. I think the consensus around seems to just mirror the 6TB and mirror the 12TB drives separate, it's probably what I will end up doing since in the end I am tripling the amount of storage and really allowing me to lose two drives albeit two different drives before data loss. Feel I may be getting a bit greedy with what I have and should just be happy with what I am getting with that. Looking at getting an upgrade in about a year or two either way.

Yeah definitely wanting the redundancy, most of what I will be storing will not be life changing if lost just a big inconvenience, and for the life changing stuff I plan on having it backed up to cloud storage.

Thank you for that will have to have a look into it since I am quite new and I am not completely sure how to go about things in a way to not regret it later down the line in half a year or so.

Probably the first response I am in agreement with, there isn't an easy solution and I hope the one chosen has the least amount of casualties in the long run.

I have to go but I may come back to this. Have a good day, and hopefully neither of us will have to live through what's going on there.

If the US had given Hamas $3.8 billion, it definitely wouldn't have been used for an iron dome.

Yes I do believe Hamas is inherently evil, the same way I believe the north Korean leadership is evil.

Plenty of variables to take into account, and it's understandable how they got like this, but the same way a lot of serial killers have an abusive upbringing, does not mean everyone with an abusive upbringing will be a serial killers.

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Neither is letting them fire rockets towards you for years on end. There is only so much you can do with bank robbers that are funded by others around them, who believe it's their god given duty to rob banks. TO BE CLEAR civilians being killed is terrible on either side, just one side is putting a lot of effort into making bomb shelters and missile defense, while the other is putting in a lot of effort into creating tunnels to store and smuggle rockets.

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Oh no a professional army is doing something to protect its civilians, how dare they shoot back.

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Nah we don't bomb banks, but if the robbers have been doing it for years yelling god is great, while massacring civilians , you too would expect someone to do something about it, or do we just put another lock on the bank hoping this time it will be enough.

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