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Joined 8 months ago

What the fuck is the Constitution actually good for if these fucks can just magically ascribe the meaning to random sentences written by old fucks over 200 years ago when horses were the mode of transportation.

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It's not fun, I got hacked through an archived git repo, for when I was learning to use AWS, following tutorials and whatnot.

Forgot about it for years, then out of nowhere got hit for 27k...needless to say I said good luck collecting that shit.

They waived it all granted I logged in and deleted all resources that were running as well as removed all identities. Sure as hell I did that and saw a ton of identities out in the middle of nowhere. Fucking hackers ran up a shit ton of AWS sagemaker resources trying to probably hack some dude's wallet.

Every time I see a tutorial on how to deploy x in AWS, I get pissed. The newbies need to learn about administration before they start deploying shit on cloud infra.

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Twitter’s lawyers argued that the company made only an oral promise that was not a contract, and that Texas law should govern the case, according to Courthouse News, which first reported the ruling.

Are you shitting me? They argued that it was a fucking lie so they shouldn't be charged? Also no one gives a shit if you're a Texan company...But you're doing business in California with California residents, you have to follow California rules. Else don't do any business in California.

Can't fucking believe that not honoring an employment contract is not a fucking violation in Texas...Go figure.

Hmmm you're not going to be making 150k a year in a shit fly over state.

I moved from the Bay Area to the East side of Washington near Seattle, folks here don't make as much as I do for sure, at least not on average. We both have good salaries so we can afford a lot of things. We essentially got to keep most of our bay area salaries.

But even then if we need a big repair we still have to sit down and plan out the money.

I can't even imagine what it's like for folks around here.

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States rights people really confused prolly.

This is exactly what the alt-right Christian fucks want. I'm surprised that they don't realize how much in common they have with the Taliban.

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Probably should sue the town for violating 1A rights.

Right wingers love to pull that one out of their arse, would be funny to see them trying to cope with that.

Seems all the problems in this country can be traced back to that fuck.

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Yeah if you can just take your opinion and shove it up your arse. That'd be great.

To me, that's basically what networking is in a nutshell

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Hmmm I'd like to stay at home and I'm the man. We both earn about the same, she earns more. I don't trust daycare workers. You optimize for what you value, if you value economics you're simply not going to optimize for what's best for the child. Because at all the cross roads where the biological needs or psychological needs conflict the economical value you'll not be making those choices.

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Cloudflare tunnels are layer 7, so it's not unlimited access by any means. This also means that certain things will break btw, for example if your website uses websockets to load information, that isn't supported.

Next, I'd put the computer that is going to be hosting into an isolated vlan of its own and access via external URL only.

If you're going to use docker images, make sure to vet that they're updated often and always spin up the latest.

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As opposed to now? That's literally what happens here, no one wants any of these old fucks' laws. They were born when the first plane was taking off and haven't kept to date with anything in the modern world. We have no choice because the only people who seem to have any time to do anything in this country are the old people. Therefore we get shit on for simply trying to exist.

The great filter for humanity isn't going to be scarcity, it's going to be stupidity.

Wow I'm surprised how low the corporate tax revenue is compared to everything else. Someone should really look at that.

This brings back some nightmares. Once I get them working I never upgrade or even look at them.

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Do you think that running to the ER for a heartburn or tummy aches is something that is acceptable?

We are smart enough and wealthy enough to provide quality, timely care to everyone, if only we could get rid of the greedy idiots in charge.

If not solving a problem makes money...then the problem will not be solved...ever. That's basically it in a nutshell. Capitalism needs greed to work and that is fine if kept in check. Obviously it's not kept in check though. The folks that would do that are compensated by the very folks that make money from the dysfunctional system.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't those places where you're required to take some kind of classes to be able to qualify to own a gun? Isn't it also pretty easy for anyone from the police to be able to take them from you within reason if they find you to be violating some laws?

Free market ftw rite?

So they can't sue you after the crash cuz no one survives it.

They'll probably have kamikaze mode for when it detects a crash about to happen it speeds up.

At a coarse level, children from families with more money are better off so I disagree

And that seems like a correction that needs to happen.

I think of this daycare idea like public school, you ever notice the high income rich areas have a good public school system whereas the low income don't?

If you're on the whole okay with a certain percent of kids failing then on the coarse level it does seem like a good idea.

Can you just go back to Reddit please?

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Haha thanks for the good chuckle

I've worked in a hospital. During my time there we had a true blackout. Even the central power generator couldn't turn on, because the connection was chewed through my rats. No one did a check on it like they're supposed to every month...heads rolled for it.

Here to say, you can't just power ICU beds in isolation. The circuits for emergency power aren't just going to beds. They're open sockets on the wall, any one can plug anything in there. You can't just redo a circuit in the blink of an eye either. If their central generator died and they get a bunch of gas powered ones, they'll need a lot of time to figure out where they need to splice the wires in order to supply power but not overwhelm the generators.

It's safe to say they're probably going to use their large central generator. It's probably also safe to say they're going to power more than the ICU beds. Even if they turned off the heating and cooling, they're still going to use more than the figure you suggested. Some circuits aren't optional.

Funny thing I had a paranoid freakout too before I got hacked on AWS, I had bought a visa gift card and that's what I put in as a payment card on AWS. Of course they know where I live and could still screw me, but they would have to do it on their own dime.

They make it really hard to leave or just use a specific service only. I use them for DNS, objectively it's supposed to be cheap AF pay yearly, but now I have to pay $2 a month just to do all the auxiliary stuff to notify me that I got hacked.

I'm buying a server rack soon and just got a full symmetric fiber line put in so I can do my own hosting.

You underestimate the stupidity of boomers, they'd rather vote to increase SS taxes for the younger generation than to realize they've been Stockholm syndromed their entire life.

This sounds like an interesting project, what programming language did you use? Was the endpoint relative to the person making the query, how was the data stored?

As a recipient of something similar...I agree, but I wish it wasn't that way. I got my current gig 2 years ago and just got a promo to senior with a sizeable pay raise and bonus. I work remote and out of state from a zero income tax state while keeping my HCOL pay scale.

I think I could go higher, but I'm against the same thing that is helping me out in my current position.

What's your title?

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Kavanaugh was probably getting boofed by DuPont, hopefully with some pfas.

For my team I have a mirror that I set up and have a bunch of ELT jobs that load the deltas every night. Queries don't ever run in PROD, if someone needs a specific view or more data, they go through me and my team. I also set timeouts, precisely to avoid the ahole from using Select * from. Also have a bunch of reports I created to see who is running what queries and timings. We review them quarterly or when someone complains or when a project that needs our data asks us for access.

We also have an autogenerated data dictionary for folks to use as well. Generally I don't entertain any "it's slow" complaints unless they go through the documentation, provide their exact query and write what it is they're trying to get.

My assumption was that OPs shop does the bare minimum in terms of making sure they don't shoot themselves in the foot.

IDK my gf works in ICU and loves it, she works 6 days straight and gets 8 off.

They'll come out of the woods and start claiming he wasn't a true libertarian.

I'm sorry but this disproportionately affects W2 workers who live in HCOL areas. I've paid into social security since I started working in HS. I'm now a 34 year old, and am expecting nothing during my retirement years as I've been told. Naturally I'm saving up with a 401k and Roth IRA, and you're saying it's okay to drain more from me because I am planning on there being nothing left for me?

I don't agree with that. Why can't we do a wealth tax first and see where we are, why must we hit W2 folks over the head every time.

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I'm a level 2 Engineer and I make close to what you're making TC. Hopefully maybe more come next year. And I don't work for the big 5. I work for a hospital group. Seniors make well close to double that in TC. Principals make slightly more.

Also there are more jobs for higher levels than in non tech hubs. Career wise you'll probably be making more complex systems too.

You have it good for sure, but you're the outlier my guy.

I don't like the fucker either, but you don't have to be a libertarian to see that our government isn't working right now. We need to find a way to fix our government in such a manner that bad faith actors cannot survive in it. Otherwise we're just throwing money at them which they can then use to enrich their friends.

That's good what's your title?

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Probably drinking?

That document doesn't say what layer. But it does say it supports Websockets.

Just odd that when I try to set it up using a named tunnel I don't get an option to specify the WS service type. However it does require a service type if you want to connect to it.

Looking at this page it would seem that it's a layer 7. Although I could be wrong, but my front end app has issues finding my backend service for websockets.

Granted I even tried to connect to my private computer using other protocols. I couldn't get through. Anyway I'm most likely going to be taking that project offline soon.

I think it's the kind of chart they used... You can't fit 2 same sized circles like that... They could have used a bar chart.