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Joined 9 months ago

I got the big sad on Judy's diving quest, she goes on about how tha one corpo inundated the whole place for profits.

Or even the El'Captain quest where you need to go steal a medical truck because the corpos where poisoning his whole neighborhood real bad for years.

I can find more examples of these "small" atrocities, I think they are meant to infuriate you over time, problem by problem, and not display a big single thing you'll hate forever

I read "a dog", and spent several seconds horrified but searching the canine resemblance

you're missing out hundreds and thousands of awesome fan made content, there's even entire fan made dlcs

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Yeah I know that feeling, is soul crushing.

You spend so much time learning and improving a craft, you think you're not top-level yet, but you surely is a reference in the area.

Then you see that person, usually younger, absolutely crush your skills by a landslide, making things that kept you several nights awake, seem like child's play.

Then you start to question what were you doing all this time, were you lazy? Did you have a good path to the point you are? Are they just special? Are you just lacking? Will you be able to keep up with that person (this applies mostly when we're talking about a job)?

Then you realize no matter what you think, It is what It is, but now you can't even muster any strength or aspirations, because you will never top their speed, you're just and old and incapable thing, drifting away.

Get me a cigar.

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The only downside I can see is retaining my human sentience. Be that the case, life would be an even harder struggle, to hunt food everyday and try to not get eaten alive by predators.

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I have to disagree with the "best software out there".

You said you are a designer, that you used It all and currently uses Figma right?

Adobe has a Figma competitor, Adobe XD, and It seems you're not using It, even though It should be better like you said.

chaotic good, nice

spreading misinformation is not "harmless", it doesn't have immediate effect but it surely affects the community in the long run

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be careful using it as your only source of truth, even more so when you don't know what you're searching for exactly

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yes, because the average user doesn't even know there are different browsers, and that they can change the default one, which is great to "vendor lock" your own browser, in this case Safari from iOS

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that would be extremely time consuming, imagine traveling around the world with every major transport frozen

and imagine the time It would take to actually find everyone who needs a pocket granade

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who's the creator, the image is too low res for me

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I've seen food expire before the date stated, so you should also take into account where you live and the regulatory entities that manage your food and stuff.

I'd say always do the sniff if you are worried.

standing in Earth space would be more accurate no?

otherwise when he turned on his power, he would fly away really fast or explode on the ground as the Earth moves away or into him

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Well, that power is amazing for studying and tutorials

There's also few but existing examples of people that resist the selling urge, like the VLC dev

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Right? It's so weird, why would someone use a phone to make a... phone call, absolutely barbaric

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In the souls series you can use a special item to leave messages in the actual world for other players to see, be It a warning, a tip or even jokes.

When writing these messages, you have to choose a template, that usually have one or more blank spaces, then you choose between their bank of word (locations, items, concepts, monsters, items, etc), to fill the blanks.

Alas, in Elden Ring, we don't have the word "turtle or tortoise", despite having many turtles in the game, like wild and friendly tortoises, an even a literal Tortoise Pope as an NPC.

With this lack of description, we then use the word "Dog", which is available, and honestly pretty funny, you see a tortoise in the wild, and a message near It, then you click thr message and...

"Behold, Dog!"

"Ah... if only I had a Dog"

"Why must it always be Dog?"

"Be aware of Dog"

"Dog ahead"

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right? I'm lvl 170, 60vit and light armor (fashion)

I only die if I get pummeled down, stun locked or get hit consecutively by charged attacks

the dlc is indeed harder, but nothing unfair

I don't think that's the right perspective to have on this, a good action isn't bad just because It wasn't the best action possible.

And the solution you brought upon, would still leave the first problem afloat, "great, we reduced plastic consumption, but who's going to remove the plastic that is already in there?", It's a paradox you see? If he chooses option A, people will burn him at the stake because he didn't choose option B.

I was skeptical at first when I first got aware of him, then I did some research and there's a ton of philanthropy there, lots of people got some help they needed.

EVEN if it's done with ulterior motives, the non changing fact is that people indeed were helped.

Whichever motives he has behind his persona, he has helped more people than most could or would've helped in their entire lifetimes.

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It is real, photo is super old, seen on reddit some years ago

I use their mail system, and it's pretty good ngl

damn dude I see your comments on 90% of the posts I come across, be It on early morning or late night

I'm genuinely curious, what do you do for a living?

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I wear handmade modern kilts, they're pretty good

So you're suggesting him to:

Drop out of his job (which you may not know).

Stop earning an amount of money that, may or may not be utterly necessary to keep his lifestyle (which you may not know).

Spend months or years learning a new technology, meanwhile unemployed or with a job that may or may not sustain his previous expenses (expenses which you may not know).

Re-make every single project that he owns to a new platform while adapting every single thing to a new environment, meanwhile solving a waterfall of bugs and refactoring problems, ultimately consuming hundreds of hours (bugs which you may not know).

After living miserably for a while, hunt for companies that somehow are using an open source tool that, most of the time, won't tick all the boxes a company needs from a tool (companies and boxes which you don't know).

Miraculously find such company and, miraculously rise to a position high enough that you can make a decision which changes the whole core of the development team, impacts licensing for other tools, new hires, compatibilities, and god knows what more down the line (changes which you may not know).

You're suggesting that he goes down years of an even more uncertain path... just because you feel like It? To me It sounds like an Evil person's plan. How can you be so assertive saying something which you may not know about? Jesus

You better keep on rolling baby, you know what time it is

say that you're a dad without saying you're dad

yeah, discord do be like that

on hindsight they are trying to implement a "forum" like experience, where you can create a dedicated threads channel where you csn search previous threads, but it's not exactly like a real forum, pretty useful tho

that can't be true, it's way too simple, there must be a catch somewhere

Kyle Hill has a nice video about power plants waste disposal, one of cleanest methods there is.

edit: he actually went to the plant and showed how it's done

it's a process that sadly won't be stopping anytime soon

after home appliances it's time for our bodies


I think the problem is just that, the game is... okay, not bad or good, just okay, unremarkable and forgettable.

If you want good sales you need to do something innovative and interesting, or something cliché but really well done.

Taking a look at Doom 2016 (also a single player shooter) we can see the core gameplay: Shoot demons, Pick up ammo, Shoot more demons. But it's crafted so masterfully that you spend dozens or hundreds of hours doing just that.

Now with this game that I actually forgot the name mid comment, It's... well you get the ideia.

I beg to differ: Adnan Khashoggi, a famous arms dealer, considered one the richest mans of the 1980s, active on the Iran-Contra affair. Viktor Bout, famous russian arms dealer active on the FARC. Sir Basil Zaharoff, greek arms dealer active on the Balkan Wars

And these are just a few most notorious ones.

As I said, when a war starts, someone is already winning, it's a sad but true reality.

had a similar problem searching for gcloud commands

a bag? what savages don't use a box or a glass?

I wouldn't get outside without a heavy coat, we don't have temperatures below 0 where I live, if you think that by "freezing" I meant ice and snow, that would be incorrect

either are fine, just depends if you were raised using it or not

but one of them can be used easily simultaneously on day to day and science anywhere in the world

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