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Joined 1 years ago

I think you just redefined a marriage. The function of marriage legally is all those "legal affairs".

Meh, maybe 10% of a single generation at most know how to use computers. Technically savvy millenials vastly overestimate how technically savvy other millenials are.

15 more...

This is and will always be small potatoes in terms of the suffering we put relatively intelligent animals through every day.

We would need to slaughter probably 100,000 animals yearly for the US organ demand (at ~50,000 transplants per year and a buffer).

We slaughter 125 MILLION pigs in the US for consumption a year.

Not to mention that "medical grade" pigs will probably be given a golden ticket in terms of care until they are slaughtered, compared to the extremely abysmal environment millions live in today.

If animal welfare is important to you, scientific research is a poor use of advocating resources while we still eat hundreds of pounds of meat yearly. If advocates reduce meat consumption by even a percent or two it would generally greatly outweigh banning animal based research entirely.

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You have to leave incentives for people who are the ones who are going to create the jobs for all those people trying to climb the ladder.

Oh my god, FUCK OFF

The divorce rate is not 50%. It's closer to 30%, 40% at worst.

Monogamy isn't equivalent to lifelong partner.

Aside from which, even a 50% chance at your marriage being one that results in lifelong partnership with someone you care deeply about seems like good odds.

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Disingenuous attribution of a local environmental variable to a national crisis is pretty pathetic. Oregon isn't even exceptionally high on the opiod death rate.

My guess is that the vending machine is not owned by whoever put this up and the operator indicated they will be by to empty it.

Two of the larger EV companies are new and I think both have quality control issues. I suspect that is probably the bulk of the gap. Im willing to bet that Hyundai Ioniq 5 has far fewer reliability problems than a Rivian.

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This thread demonstrates the idealogical purism and lack of pragmatic political expectations from leftists and progressives. There is literally nothing the Biden admin can do that will ever be enough because it doesn't match some rosy fucking dreamland that only lives in your heads. Descheduling is huge, and signals the end of 100 years of madness with cannabis laws. If you want more, then we need to have more legislative power to implement it.

This is a fucking win, dumbasses.

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We all "pay the bill" because educating children is a moral requirement for humanity.

It's not a service you are paying for for yourself. That is warped sense of morality.

The number of times I've seen people complain about Biden not doing anything about student loans begs to differ. Republicans drag their feet or block, and democrats suffer for not doing enough.

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Except most people are not going to tolerate having a multiplicity of apps, and if people in your circle don't already use signal, they definitely won't now. Whereas previously, I was getting pretty decent traction from people slowly adding it.

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No they don't. They don't understand that industry emits carbon because we consume their products.

IMO a tankie on the left is just a pure anti-west authoritarian cosplaying as a communist - the communism is largely window dressing and they are generally perfectly happy defending Russia (obviously not communist) or authoritarian nonsense from China and other communist countries.

Voters don't reward doing the right thing at the wrong time.

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"We should allow higher density and missing middle housing to be built and promote alternatives to cars" == "We want to bulldoze everything"?

It's a war.

A 200 page tome filled with questionable arguments for the veracity of his religion written by my grandfather after he got cancer. I did give it a chance and read through large portions of it (minus a large section on a theory he had regarding the location of the mythical events in the religion). It was.. Unfortunately poor.

Then it was a balance of not trying to tear apart one of his proudest pieces of work and not pretend I believed it until he passed away.

Yes, for those guessing - - I grew up Mormon and that is the religion in question.

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China owning the vast majority of raw lithium is not the world you want to live in. The world absolutely benefits from a greater spread of lithium sources.

Your comment is even more frustrating.

There is no collective will to "put pressure on companies" if people don't individually recognize that their cultural consumption practices, behaviors, and expectations are not sustainable and that, INDIVIDUALLY, their behaviors must change.

For example, the only real way to put pressure on companies is through government action through something like a carbon tax.

If we, collectively and individually, don't realize that such an action will have significant impact on your day to day behaviors that action is politically untenable and will immediately get voted out.

If there is no government pressure or individual pressure (since we refuse to acknowledge individuals as participants in climate change), then the companies who are most willing to reduce their costs and increase their profits will thrive and the climate is fucked.

Even on a very essential level of "it requires government action" requires vast amounts of individuals to work and sacrificial to make that a reality. How much are you willing to sacrifice to help candidates who will take this seriously? If you don't believe you have an culpability, probably nothing.

I am about 75% sure that "It's all the companies emitting" is an immensely clever astroturfing campaign that preys on people's desire for their to be a big bad and to not believe that they should suffer even the slightest inconvenience.

Guess what? A large majority of what you would need to do to survive in a "there is external pressure on companies" world are things most can do today. Start spending money in companies today who are at least attempting to make sustainable practices work. Reduce your regular consumption today. Start spending money today to support research and development for solutions. Stop eating meat today. Start looking into alternative sources of energy personally, today. Look into increasing your home insulation today. Start organizing, talking, supporting, volunteering, today.

Stop pretending that you are not part of the problem. You are.

The real irony with that statement is that even if 70% is some "disconnected from the reality of our consumption and economic practices and can simple be shut of magically", that still leaves an enormous amount of carbon emissions that are individual, and guess what, those still count and are just as real.

Some facts:

  • 17% of emissions in the US are light road vehicles (aka cars). Aircraft are another 8%. Are you advocating in your city for true alternatives?

  • 6% is residential. Are you supporting and seeking smaller, highly efficient homes, financially? Homes built with more sustainable materials?

  • 10% is agricultural, the large majority of this is meat. Are you eating less meat?

We could keep going.

For many people, there absolutely is an option and they refuse to take the mild inconvenience.

I'm American and I don't think anyone in my social circle would blow their nose at the dinner table. Yours might just be gross.

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There is definitely a subtle "moral-primitivism" that circulates society: women need to do womanly duties, and men need to bring the "meat". Its a mythos that tries to rationalize itself based on an idea on how prehistoric humans lived (which is also assumed to be the more "authentic" way humans involved to live).

What you are suggesting is a legislative action. The nation needs to provide enough legislative power to happen.

Welder isn't too crazy of a tool. It's usually more like, get your 3d printer AND your welder AND your CNC AND your drill press AND your table saw plus a million other hyper specific gadgets.


They are not rare. It is the fastest growing energy production mode and is growing faster every year.

Residential installations lag behind the commercial due to installation costs, but they are blowing up as well. I can walk around my neighborhood and see a couple dozen homes with it.

It's also highly regional. The further south in the northern hemisphere the more common.

73% of Americans are overweight. They'll be just fine if they eat out less.

I will repeat this here:

While there are a lot of factors, you really cannot understate the size of the homes being built in the US. We are building homes nearly 3x the size (despite cost per square foot only going up slightly), and pretending it has no effect on housing costs. It's actually pretty insane.

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Have you seen the size of the average American home?

The question is whether or not a legal-in-some-circumstances is more effective at reducing social damage than keeping it illegal.

I'm confused at why this is evening mildly infuriating, unless you are turning your data off and on dozens of times a day. Even once a day I don't think it would even register for me that it was an inconvenience.

.. This also reads as the extra step put in place due to complaints from customers on why their email wasn't working.

For what it's worth, I have this on my Samsung, but it offers to never show it again.

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Environmental nihilism only serves to make the world a worse place.

Cars absolutely do suck.

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"Pregnant Person" specifically accounts for pregnant transMEN not Transwomen.

  • Trees last hundreds of years
  • Trees die at differing times
  • Trees are replaced by new trees as they die
  • Trees support additional plant biomass

Trees are not the solution. The forest is the solution.

What. No. We drive far more, and have more cars. In 1960 nearly a quarter of households didn't even have a car. Now that is only 10%.

Here is a study on occupational movement, which has decreased significantly (100 kcal a day - which is roughly a pound bodyweight energy lost per month).

In addition, people had far more incidental and leisure movement - considering that hours of TV watched nearly doubled.

Of course, our trash diet is a huge aspect, and probably the lions share - but the lack of movement is not insignificant

Direct carbon capture is a scam. Alternatives like biochar, enhanced basalt weathering, and reforesting are definitely not.

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The election cycle.

It doesn't matter if people support it if they don't remember it well enough to come out to vote when it matters. You see this with Biden already, people completely missing the effort they have made for tons of work that people support.

This attitude results in the app never gaining any traction and losing what traction it had.