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Joined 1 years ago

Programmer for Rhythm Doctor, maintainer of many small projects, contributor to Nixpkgs, and lover of all things FOSS and Linux. Python, C# user but my heart belongs to Nim.

Also happens to be a fan of other rhythm games (taiko or maimai anyone?) and automation games. Mechanical keyboard and mechanical pencil hobbyist, a bit of musical keyboards too hehe

Glaceon is the best eeveelution, but absol holds a special place in my heart :)

@astral_avocado @LGUG2Z That definitely would’ve been helpful for readers new to the Nix scene, but I don’t think that’s the purpose of this article. It’s written as more of an example of a way to move to Nix, rather than an opinion piece on why you should move away from Docker.

I won’t try to argue why you should switch. However, I would recommend you look into the subject more, Docker is a great tool, but Nix is on a diffeeent level 🙃

@nickwitha_k @uthredii I’d like to think a better analogy would be that nix is like using a 3D model of a wheel instead of a compass and a straightedge to make wheels hehe 🙃

@jmk1ng if you’re looking at keyboards tbe Glove80 is another one to keep an eye on :)