huf [he/him]

@huf [he/him]
0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

because capitalists have to lie about reality to preserve their ill gotten gains.

wat? it's a corporation, the hate is 100% warranted.

just because google's eclipsed them to become the current worst thing ever, it doesnt mean MS isnt a blood sucking monster. if they were in the right position, they'd still be fucking us over.

i dont think they've lost touch, they've never been in touch. this behavior is apparently what produces the biggest profits for the next quarter, so they'll do it until they drive the platform into the ground, then just start another one and repeat

it sanctions other CPUs and strong arms them into giving up their cycles

"chose". learning the language of the worst colonizer of your time's always been economically advantageous

i cant understand distorted speech, while most people around me obviously can. i have never been able to understand anyone speaking into a loudspeaker.

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so we're doing the IE6 era again... ahh, makes me feel young

just a dude unclogging culverts, living in the moment

no ads, no begging to subscribe, nothing, just pure raw content

if chickens can have fingers and buffalo can have wings...

it took less than a day for someone to break run0 totally open, so basically, you have a choice between a well tested/debugged sudo and this new thing which may eventually mature

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forgot to compile devfs into my new kernel...

ages ago, i spent something like half a year thinking there was a word "appericate". it was an odd one, since i only ever saw it in print, and from context it was clear that it meant the same thing as "appreciate", which, oddly enough, i only ever heard in speech.

and then one day i stopped at an "appericate" in a book and re-read it 9 times, very slowly.

i have bad news: bash is already a massively improved/extended ksh clone. ksh was a massively improved/extended sh clone. sh got a ton of improvements early on.

this is about as good as you can get without breaking compatibility completely (bash already breaks compatibility with posix sh in some ways).

anyway, once you've figured out the hermetic incantations required to work with filenames with whitespace in them, it'll be time to write scripts that can handle filenames with newlines in them :D


respect the classics :)

it's gonna keep looping through the foodchain until some microbe finally figures out an easy way to break them down... fun stuff.

it's been slowly getting worse since the 2010s. i remember talking about it back then.

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yeah, consistency is way more important than whatever pet features people want.

also, bash slow? what? it's an interactive shell, the vast majority of time will be spent waiting for my input. unless you mean when you write scripts in bash? but surely nobody would do that when there's perl...

highschool textbooks

yeah, same. i dont seem to have any problem with my ears per se, it seems more like a processing/noise filtering thing in my brain that's not working at full power. i think my dad had it too.

i think getting any kind of reliable recording was a bigger jump. it totally transformed the way we listen to music.

the other thing is microphones and speakers. changed live music totally.

youngsters and their tools... we just used to dd some /dev/zero onto the block device and ^C out of it after a second or two... :D

i went to the movie theater and watched it all the way through. it was harrowing. i havent forgiven the hobbit movie, PJ and the movie industry in general for that one.

tens of millions. and since we'd all be me, we'd only split into 3-4 warring factions of communists, but then we'd liberate the world...

i dont understand why people dislike that movie so much. from what i vaguely remember, it was stupid, but not bad. it wasnt the prestige or that other one, the one with the dreams and the BWAAAAAAAAAM.

i like it. it'd be a neat quirk.

DOS -> win95 -> win98 -> debian (and i'm still here 24 years later...)

win98 was really really awful.

zero is even, so i dont see how that one's wrong



i know it's impossible to find a name for things that doesnt mean something funny/inappropriate in at least one language, but oh god. every time i see FOSS my inner kindergartener comes out to giggle.


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^S - stop terminal IO
^Q - resume terminal IO (if your terminal looks frozen, this is the one to try)
alt-b, alt-f - jump back/forward one word

i just read them twice if i liked them. three times if i really liked them. that seems to help :)

eh. meetings are when you post on hexbear, a few extra minutes of posting is fine i think

because win98SE sucked horribly.

the only way i can keep on top of the dishes to some degree is because i work from home, and you know, the boss makes a dollar, i make a dime, that's why i wash dishes on company time...

but it's ffx... obviously.

yeah, i'll think about it when notion runs on it

the cat made me start closing the lid, mythbusters kept me going

that's a spelling mistake, which is an entirely different kettle of fish