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Joined 13 months ago

Prompt engineering isn't a real field bro

It's unclear if the current models can reach that level though. They seem more like they're asymtotically approaching their limit.

Maybe I'm wrong and GPT 5 will be the end all and be all - but I don't think generalist models will ever be consistent enough. Specialist generators focused on specifics, trained to output very defined data seem more likely to be useful than this attempt to make a single catch all LLM.

It's funny how the generators arent getting better. They've plateaued pretty hard in terms of believability. Glance value? Convincing.

Under any level of scrutiny though this falls apart in at least a dozen ways.

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Gpt 4 premium pictures still have these major issues.

... But not when Joyce writes them. Don't worry he'll reference it again in 200 pages and if you haven't figured out what theme they represent you'll miss the fifth layer of context that actually inverts the meaning of the current paragraph.

(Ok he's not that obtuse but I wouldn't ever use death of the author/blue curtains on Joyce)

The issue is fuck ads

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Yes. Just like I donate to my Lemmy host on a regular basis.

I even pay for YouTube, despite using Vanced.

Fuck ads.

Sorta. The foundation does.

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Friendly reminder that your predictive text, while very compelling, is not alive.

It's not a mind.

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Not to mention the major hurdle for Linux gaming is anti cheat software being brought over. Too many games are 100% unplayable because the devs don't allow their anticheat to be installed on Linux systems

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It's mostly bullshit.

Eat a balanced diet and stop stressing about specifics. Eat meat sparingly. Don't drink at all and it'll make a bigger difference in your life than seed oils. Drink in moderation if you can't handle that. Have fruits and veggies daily, as fresh as you can get them. Walk a few miles a day.

All the basic easy stuff is the most effective. There are no tricks, shortcuts or gotchas.

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I've never replaced an led bulb and I've had them 10+ years.

Dirty power can burn them out, as can bad heat dissipation

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  1. Snap
  2. X
  3. Microsoft

Saved you a click

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Just browsing /c/everything top-6 hrs and then getting into arguments in the comments.

It's like I never left.

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  1. When do they lose the patent
  2. Can we please make drug companies lose their parents faster?
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Friendly reminder that cooperation is mutually beneficial and the mathematical solution to the prisoner's dilemma is to cooperate but not be a pushover.

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Microwaves. It's microwaves.

Phones are slightly above FM radio and slightly below microwaves in terms of wavelength.

They're a non-ionizing radiation emitter.

The radiation emitted by phones ain't gonna hurt ya.

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This is exactly what I'm talking about when I argue with people who insist that an LLM is super complex and totally is a thinking machine just like us.

It's nowhere near the complexity of the human brain. We are several orders of magnitude more complex than the largest LLMs, and our complexity changes with each pulse of thought.

The brain is amazing. This is such a cool image.

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It's legal to be topless in New York. She didn't commit a crime or anything.

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Pedophile upset that raping children got her cut off from easy access to a pool of children to rape.

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Note: this was from password stuffing and is only profile data, not genetic.

Your genomics can only be downloaded from a link sent to your email account.

Don't reuse your passwords.

The only thing 23andme could have done to prevent this is 2fa.

8 more...

Don't like seeing homeless people shitting on your streets or camping in your parks?

Build them homes.

Police sweeps are like stirring up a still pond. Sediment goes everywhere and the water gets cloudy but sediment is never removed.

Dredge the pond: build the homeless homes.

Build everyone homes. Oregon needs millions of units.

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Not even close to the second time. It's happening constantly but is getting missed.

Too many people think LLMs are accurate.

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You shouldn't have ever been recommending dart or flutter.

Python ain't going anywhere tho

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The Google ads team is functionally all of the company's revenue.

Google search still remains their most used product offering with most of their ad revenue (58.1% in 2022).

Google leadership is terrified that anyone could eat their lunch, because they know the search offering is getting worse and worse.

The origin of Google was taking out complacent search companies that had gotten comfy.

I'm pretty sure when I was laid off (1 year ago yesterday ❤️❤️ thanks Google) it was because they saw LLMs as a threat they hadn't taken seriously enough... Combined with that asshole billionaire being pissy that Google was only making 1.2 million per employee instead of 1.3 million.

"more people are poor than rich"

Staggering results, I'm floored, who knew??

It's interesting to me how many people I've argued with about LLMs. They vehemently insist that this is a world changing technology and the start of the singularity.

Meanwhile whenever I attempt to use one professionally it has to be babied and tightly scoped down or else it goes way off the rails.

And structurally LLMs seem like they'll always be vulnerable to that. They're only useful because they bullshit but that also makes them impossible to rely on for anything else.

32 more...

Don't be a Luddite: be a socialist.

Because the entire problem with luddites is blaming the wrong cause.

Automation of menial labor is the best possible thing that can happen to humanity, and to the humans working those jobs.

Except our system is so fucked that "no job" = "go die on the streets you worthless layabout"

Every job lost to automation should be celebrated by a socialist society, as it means more of us are moving up Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

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You're missing the whole "growth starts to plateau so management looks for ways to cut costs"


"Product comparatively stable so it gets hired out to contractors who inevitably fuck it up because they're cheap and there was 0 knowledge transfer but it's too late you laid off the entire original team"

As a very left leaning individual who does not like California my reasons basically come down to all the benign neglect of the homeless (leaving people to rot in the streets with their fentanyl addictions isn't progressive, assholes) the militant oppositions to building housing anywhere (progress is being made but it's like pulling teeth) and the huge focus on performative laws that effect 0 actual change.

... Notably these are all problems in other states too. Most of them just use police to lock them up instead. Not better.

But California rubs me the wrong way because they act smug about it.

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Ain't exactly a representative democracy.

Doesn't mean Moscow should be spared, just that the majority of the citizens didn't have any say.

The ones loudly protesting are probably culpable though.

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Which he's still working on.

People can do 2 things.

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Not OP but I believe he's talking about Margaret Hamilton. She also wrote the descent module for the Apollo lander.

Driverless transport is a huge boon to a transit system.

It's not developing a thick skin, it's developing compassion.

Never attribute to malice what can be reasonably explained by incompetence or stupidity. Similarly that which can be explained by happenstance.

Don't be a doormat obviously but assume they had a reason and be as gracious as possible in excusing their faults.

If anything what you need is to be more emotionally available not less. Empathy serves you far better than rage.

In its filing, Reddit also names as competitors Wikipedia, Snap, X, Pinterest, Roblox, Discord and Amazon’s Twitch.

What the fuck?


Did they use ChatGPT to write their fucking filing? Jesus

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I think it's a wet turd at least in part because they went through so much bullshit.

Short term contracts are a surefire way to get bad results. A dev that knows they don't have to maintain the systems doesn't have a reason to care about long term sustainability. So you have to have senior devs babysit them instead of writing code. Some seniors are fine with that, others will start interviewing elsewhere when they can't code.

There's also the old joke of "it'll take a month to get done. ok what if we double your manpower? Three months to get done".

Not to mention the multiple months of on ramp that happens as a dev learns what the codebase actually does.

After a hire I wouldn't expect them to be meaningfully architecting anything in a codebase for 2 months. Only doing minimal patch fixes, small 1 and 2 point tickets. A contractor would never be trusted with arch and would never graduate off those short tickets.

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Rapid unscheduled disassembly as the result of a lithobraking maneuver

Headline should be: copper cheaper than you thought

Cocoa being more expensive might be better paid workers and better living standards right?

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