Human Crayon

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Joined 1 years ago

Graphic designer, home labber, food junkie. I break expensive things. I usually can’t fix them.

This. Smart TV’s are horrible. I want my dumb TV back.

Helldivers can complete any mission in 48 hours. Just ask Sony…

I will second Pop!OS. I have it installed on my gaming desktop and have been very satisfied with its stability and ability to play every game I’ve wanted to. Between Steams Proton layer and Wine (with the wineglass GUI) there is nothing I want for right now.

(I do run an AMD card, YMMV with an Nvidia one as I cannot speak to experience with that).

I do use Mint for my laptop/daily driver outside of gaming and love that as well. In my mind the two distributions fit the use cases well.

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I did this the moment they dropped copilot on my taskbar without any prompting. It was my gaming machine so it took a little getting used to, but it’s been solid ever since.

I did not ask for an AI chatbot in my os. I don’t want an AI chatbot in my os.

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I love Affinity, moreso than anything Adobe makes. I also work in the creative suite all day as a designer. If Affinity would expand to linux, I’d suggest the switch whinin our department immediately.

At least Affinity doesn’t screw around with Pantone support. They have that figured out.

Ease of installation would be a huge one. Pop was run the installer from USB and go. After it was online there was just installing steam and whatever games I wanted. I have not dug further into void or what its capable of. I wanted as little fiddling as possible. To me the interface felt good out of the box.

I mainly sought out Pop!OS after reading about people's experience with it and gaming and liked what I heard. I jumped directly from windows 11 to Pop. If void works for you, that's awesome. This was my "how do I get it running now without messing around" moment. I really just wanted to game, immediately after install. Later on I started to fiddle with things.

They are also strong enough to pull down stray branches stuck in a tree.

I have everything in its own VM, and Proxmox has a pretty awesome built in backup feature. Three different backups (one night is to my NAS, next night to an on-site external, next night to an external that's swapped out with one at work - weekly). I don't backup the Proxmox host because reinstalling it should it die completely is not a big deal. The VM's are the important part.

I have a mini PC I use to spot check VM backups once a month (full restore on its own network, check its working, delete the VM after).

My Plex NAS only backs up the movies I really care about (everything else I can "re-rip from my DVD collection").

I have installed PopOS and so far it’s been very stable. Most of the games I play are on Steam and support has been pretty awesome (BG3, CP2077, Valheim, Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor). For non-Steam games, WINE with the Wine Glass GUI has been great, allowing me to run older windows games without a problem.

EDIT: Forgot to add I’m running an Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB ram, RX 5700XT

EDIT EDIT: +1 for Mint as well. Outside of my gaming PC, it’s my daily driver on my laptop.

I have (more than I’d like to admit) recovered entirely from backups.

I run proxmox, everything else in a VM. All VMs get backed up to three different places once a week, backups are tested monthly on a rando proxmox box to make sure they still work. I do like the backup system built into it, serves my needs well.

Proxmox could die and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. I reinstall proxmox, restore the VMs and I’m good to go again.

I over reacted and took the Linux route. It wasn’t just one thing that prompted the change, but copilot was the icing on the cake.

I’ve been unhappy with windows for a few years, but it’s always been easier to ignore it and continue on. Something in me must have snapped about the same time a few guys at work were talking about gaming on Linux. Worked out well for me, might not work best for everyone. is one i've been a part of since I joined. Its mainly art and design focused. Bonus #1: It has Neil Gaiman and Matthew Schofield (former art director for The Simpsons). Bonus #2: I believe the owner's response when they pledged to block anything with facebook was "Get fucked Zuck."

This. Let me buy your neglected deck.

I second the R5 case. I have one for my NAS and it’s been a dream to work in.

Only 40 hours per week? Can’t let him off with an unrealistic work week. 50+ hours or bust.

If you have a spare still, I’d take one. Got a laptop from the e-waste pile at work and was going to clean it up for a family member.

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You sir, are a monster.

I know this won't help you add notes on your phone (unless you open the server up to the outside world so you can access the web interface) but I recently have been messing around with a Trilium sync server at home. I've been using Obisidan for a while but swapped back to Trilium on a whim. So far i've been loving it.

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Came here to say I had something similar happen with my NAS a year back. Thought it was the drives, then the controller it was attached to. Turns out it was some crappy blue breakout cables causing the drives to error out and disconnect.

Ordered new breakout cables of a different brand and have zero errors since.

Have you ever tried communicating with a client who has zero idea what they want or how to express that? That’s why graphic designers will never be out of a job. They translate whatever they can coax out of the client into something they want.

I've been on the snap version for three years with zero problems. It was originally created as a VM on virtualbox, then ported over to proxmox. Every OS and instance upgrade has gone off without a hitch so far.

Make that sword rusty and covered in piss, and I'm happy.

I’ve been using Swiftfin on my Apple TV with zero problems. Its a lot more simple than Plex.

Yep. Passthrough to my router with all AT&T WiFi disabled.

Things always get worse, before they get worse.

That’s awesome. I am not very familiar with tailscale, but it sounds like the solution will work out great.

This is the way.

Latitude 7280. They pull the ram and m2 from it. 16gb ram and a new drive are cheap for that thing. New batteries are around $80. They are great daily drivers.

Might I suggest Server Part Deals for drives? Excellent track record and very responsive. They are my goto for refurbished enterprise drives and have never let me down.

I miss those buttons in Netscape.

I've been using Trilium Notes for the better part of two years and love it. I have used Obsidian and similar markdown apps, and I find it frustrating to add images due to the need to store them in a separate folder and reference them instead of just pasting them into the page and being done with it. To me, that's a barrier for notes when I'm trying to brainstorm. I really do like markdown, but it doesn't work with my though process.

I have a sync server setup at home (with no outside access) and do my main writing inside my network. For notes on the go I use the Notes app on my iphone (its quick and easy) and then drop the notes into Trilium when I get home.

They sunset “Don’t Be Evil” a while ago.

They aren’t even sending poop emoji back now? Times must be really hard...

I am debating the jump to affinity for my department. Weighing the pros and cons now. I use it at home for personal stuff, and it’s fantastic. It still doesn’t get me onto Linux, but at least it’s not Adobe.

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Yeah, an alternative made by the company Serif. No subscriptions, buy it and use it. Replacements for Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. I keep waiting for them to make an Acrobat alternative so I don’t need to source it from somewhere else (and the rest of the company can pickup the product and use it for commenting and proofing).

Mine is a snap install that started 3 years ago on virtual box and was ported over to proxmox. It has never broken, updates automatically, and generally seems to work just fine.

It doesn’t load instantly, but it doesn’t drag by any means.

Second the upgrading of storage. If you think you need 512GB, get 1TB. If you think you need 1TB, get 2TB (if possible). You always need more storage than you think you need.

1000/1000 AT&T fiber, $80/month including equipment, no contract, no data cap, in lower MI.

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I will second trilium. I use their sync server in a VM (which is backed up with the rest of my VM's so its easy to drop back down should something happen). The app appeals to me, even after using Obisdian for the past 6 months (i'm a fan of markdown as well).

This weekend is getting Foundry VTT up with a reverse proxy and certs for voice/video chat. Spinning up a new VM in proxmox and getting HAproxy configured for it (it’s used for the rest of my services).