1 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I enjoy modding stuff in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Note to self: it's for Windows.

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Alas, often, no. Just another logo we can't be rid of.

In some cases, the Copilot key will replace the Menu key or the right Control key, a Microsoft spokesperson told CNBC in an email. Some larger computers will have enough room for both the Copilot key and the right Control key, the spokesperson said.

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In Denmark (maybe all of EU?), you can buy them a bit cheaper without OS.

Edit: It's a Danish ruling from 2011, according to this. But it's not that you can buy the machine without Windows, but that you can get a refund for Windows if you haven't activated it.

The story mentions that that's been Microsoft practice for several years prior, but that consumers rarely use the opportunity.

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I don't think OP said they were offended.

Theming, controlled one central place.

This goes for both Gnome (GTK, Qt, Gnome Shell) and Sway (GTK, Qt, Sway, Rofi, Waybar...)

Half the reason I root is to get rid of that bloody bar on Pixel. Poor Samsung users!

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I was wondering what was up with the ads consent things. The reason I switched to Sync in the first place was to get rid of ads on Reddit...

Pinned Tabs don't have a close button so you can't accidentally close them.

I wish they were immune to ctrl + w.

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Hyper + [whatever]

If you are ready to use a bit of remapping (try keyd, it's awesome), then you can remap a key you rarely use to Hyper to get that as a direct modifier.

You can also assign some key to activate a layer when held, but still return it's regular output when tapped. So e.g. holding A gives you a new layer, press-and-release just prints A.

In the new layer, you can then set, say, f1 = f13... f12 = f24 and, say, esc = katakana etc., thereby getting access to a lot of keys not present on standard western keyboards, therefore not used as standard shortcuts. These you can then use directly, or in combination with standard modifiers like Ctrl, Shift...

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Nope, just a new logo on an existing key.

Would pip install --user -r requirements.txt not be OK, too? I understand it's not as isolated as a virtual environment, but it's easy.

No points here, only crowd voting based sorting.

You could try Pop!_OS. There you get the full DE, plus tiling implemented by a GNOME extension. You can also just install that extension, of course, or another.

Sure you can. That's why a UV lamp shining at the six 20% solar panels that power it can run your FTL drive.

I enjoy using Evolution. I like that you can hack the keybindings and the css theme, and that it works with Microsoft Exchange for mail and calendar sync, required at work.

Why over-complicated? I'm genuinely curious, as I think it sounds pretty cool that you can install apps from different package managers in containers, but export them to use them in your main environment.

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I did. I wanted more. I wanted ln -sf.

But Lemmy is, so it's still a relevant answer, no?

If I asked "What word processors can Libre Office Writer collaborate with?", would Microsoft Word be an off-topic answer?

Sync also seems to be pretty good at not showing so many duplicates from different communities, but maybe that's placebo.

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Working from home, but not being payed rent for the space.

The condescending tone in Now you make speak would absolute mark the cup owner as an asshole to me.

Sync followed by Jerboa, for me.

I didn't know it.

For my enlightenment, can you tell me how a diamonds monetary worth is properly established so I can check if I'm to pay overprice?

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Any text editor and a sheet of paper saying

Please type your name and press Enter

Maybe Vim so noone quits it by accident.

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What's a proper source for instander? Haven't heard of it before.

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Yeah, but that won't affect e.g. the icon of this sub.

At work, we use Racetrack, if that counts. It works quite well.

I have a Onyx Boox Max, an A4 b/w e-ink device. I can't use that as a screen, due to too low refresh rate. Writing on it with it's pen is great, but typing on it is horrible. The slight delay breaks the usability.

I don't know how that stacks against the remarkable 2.

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Thanks. I don't know the dev etc., and the below from FAQ about source code makes me a bit uncomfortable.

Why do you trust the outfit?

🇬🇧 Where is Instander's source code? Why don't you publish it?

Because Instagram for Android isn't open sourced to begin with. It means we have no obligations to publish source code due lack of license that would require us to do it. Ask Instagram to publish their source code and then Instander source code might be published.

Open source modifications are not good idea in general, because you don't want to see Instander with all it's features and without any credit to the_dise, right? We also don't want to see that. It devalues labor and it really is demotivating.

If you are technical specialist, you can make sure that Instander is safe by yourself. All have you to do is analyze app's outcoming traffic.

Since May 2020, there was not single a case of account hijack/password stealing where it would be proved that Instander is directly responsible for that.

I'm use gesture navigation, where on the Pixel 7, swiping from the right edge is back. So you know if this is compatible with that?

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What's the proper source for instander? I searched, but found do many options I fear some of them are compromised.

On Gnome,

  • Workspace Matrix: provides a customizable n x m workspace grid, and a customizable pop-up that shows live preview of all workspaces and their windows (incl. e.g. video playing).
  • Forge: windows tiling

(screenshot from Workspace Matrix extension site, not mine)

In combination, these two features allow me very quick overview of everything I have open, presented in an ordered fashion, allowing quick, keyboard-driven application change.

I'm not aware that the exact features of Workspace Matrix are reproduced by anything in any other DE.

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I like it. I also come from Atom, and I found it pretty easy to set up for my perhaps simple needs. What I really, really wanted was to continue using the Hydrogen package, and that succeeded.

Indeed! It might be a good way to sneak tiling into the workflow of users that wouldn't actively set to using it.

I think that's a lot about personal preference. Do you enjoy your machine? That you can't repair it? That you can't easily take your OS with you one to a machine from another manufacture? Maybe you don't care. I do. I think Linux gives you a lot of freedom, but if you don't need or want it, I don't think there is a reason to change. I mean, apart from the whole Apple-being-a-big-coorporation-that-actively-hinders-reparability issue that one might care about from a societal and environmental perspective.

Maybe you could get all the same stuff you need for development in Linux, and a lot more freedom to boot.

I apologize that this comes off a bit hostile. I am a bit hostile. I am also sorry for it!

A colleague of mine is very happy with the Punkt phone.

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Ok, I did that just update over night? Yes, I can remove all the icons! Nice! Thank you!

Coming from SwiftKey, I'm trying Gboard just now,but how fo you survive that it doesn't support auto-space after punctuation in anything but US English? I have Danish as my layout, with English as the second language.

It'll for sure take me some time to get used to.

I miss SwiftKey's long press to delete a word (though the swipe left from backspace might be learned, and elike the easy access to parentheses)

It messes with me that the word that'll be inserted when I press space is not always the middle suggestion.

It annoys me that I can't get rid of the mic button, despite having disabled voice.

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Came here to say this. Thanks!

I did a quick search, and there is an open enhancement issue on the development page.

Priority: Medium

Assignees: No one assigned