humble peat digger

@humble peat
0 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Used to recommend?

They are still super weird recommendations for kods. We had to take tablet away from my daughter because allowed shows like sheriff labradore are about constant kidnappings, other shows like about children dying from hunger in the woods and other ones I've seen about giving birth. All observed just this year.
I also didnt like English language muslim religious show that automatically popped up. Like wth bruh

I wish we had YouTube alternatives other than just political ones (rumble)

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Ya, ran into this one recently. Had to install gcam instead of stock camera on my OnePlus just so I can use alternative gallery. Android is not truly open source project anymore.

And then if u try using alternative roms - half the cameras your phone has and banking apps are not going to work - Google intentionally castrated the functionality like this.

But it's owned by google

So it's expected from Trump. Kamala didn't answer any questions either but for some reason is getting a pass. She is just regurgitating cheap slogans, what good is that?

Imo they both sucked

I remember now what I always hated about debates, they were always boring reminder that both parties are the same

I'm confused why people think Kamala won the debate - she was just regurgitating pre prepared meaningless lines.

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