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Joined 1 years ago

I’m ditching ever considering them for a vehicle purchase for my own sanity.

Fucking OEM infotainment systems are bullshit and I will never buy a car ever again that doesn’t support CarPlay and Android Auto.

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Seems like the only way they think they can win is by making it more difficult to vote. Pretty standard, sadly.

On the flip side, of the many laws passed this last session in Minnesota, one was for automatic voter registration beginning at age 16. The other great one is if you request a mail-in ballot, you can join that list permanently and will continue to receive one for all future elections without needing to request it again.

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Yes, please ask me to effectively take a pay cut to pay to drive across town so I can sit at a non-customizable hot desk to join virtual meetings with resources all over the globe. But it’s ok because in return I get to be interrupted constantly by people physically bothering me with a question in the name of “collaboration” instead of opening a ticket or sending an email like a normal person. Genius. I can’t understand why everyone’s complaining. (/s in case it wasn’t obvious).

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Still whipping the llama’s ass all these years later! So glad this one never died. Way too much time getting all my music tags right so everything would be formatted correctly in Winamp when I was young.

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Should be mandatory retirement for all branches when they hit 65. There’s no reason we should have a bunch of 70 and 80 year olds in there stalling everything and just holding onto power until they die.

And a mandatory ban for five years on their ability to have a lobbying job within any industry, direct or indirect, to anything they oversaw while in government.

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I tried to come up with a more palatable comment, and all I can think of to say is "fuck these stupid jackasses".

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What a bunch of jackasses.

Bet it was the same group that was pissed about protests at the Supreme Court Justice's houses, too.

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Always nice when all my reps are backwards boomer jackasses that don't make any attempt to represent me or my generation. I wish all congresspersons be forced to retire and prevented from reelection when they reach a certain age.

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Eat shit, asshole.

Well he’s a giant piece of shit human, so I’m going to guess no.

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Fuck HP. Everything they sell is low quality trash, from printers to laptops to servers.

Friends don’t let friends buy HP.

What a virtue signaling piece of shit. Fuck all these “white straight Christians are the only true Americans” douchebags and everyone that supports them.

America has, and always has been, a melting pot of immigrants and viewpoints. This sort of behavior has no place in our society, and these people should have no place in government, let alone our community in general, at any level.

I agree. I do like the tri color and would have been happy with it, but there’s a quote from whom I cannot remember that essentially is “flag design is finding the perfect flag and then dialing it down a notch”. And to that end, I think it succeeds wonderfully.

It’s modern but classic. Detailed but not busy. Inclusive but not all-encompassing. It’s pretty amazing.

I am glad they changed the star design; I think the new one is much better.

But also, the copyright infringement is for injesting automatically from a third party a picture of an actress on their website


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Saw the ads for this one and then saw it’s only 500 lumens. Hope you like watching your crazy expensive projector in a perfectly dark room where no one else will see its “style”.

GOP: “State’s rights!!!!1”

Also GOP: “No, not like that!”

“Purchase in secret and hide your porn games!” is pretty much what I got out of that one.

I do like the gifting to multiple friends in one order, though. It was a pain when I wanted to give multiple friends a gift and had to deal with multiple transactions.

Fuck that asshole and stop giving him attention every time he vomits some repugnant shit out of his mouth.

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My theater has a full bar and allows you to drink whilst watching a movie. Pretty normal these days around here.

Or you have to run a shady crack or keygen to get it to work, and I don’t trust those.

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He literally was awarded it the same night he slapped Chris Rock. AFTER the slap. Insane.

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Have you tried pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, surviving on the interest of your invested wealth, and forgoing toast with healthy yet expensive toppings? /s

And worse, their visas expired during all of this, as they were only to be in the us for a few days, so even when they get back to the dock, they’ll still be stuck on the ship for the foreseeable future.

Shoot it down.

Everyone has a test environment! Some people are lucky enough to have a production environment, too.

Corporations get tax breaks from cities based on expected work population and its resulting economic impact on the local economy. Without people in the office, these tax breaks become legally in jeopardy as the city could argue the company hasn't lived up to its agreement.

And a lot of execs have money in corporate real estate, which, as you can imagine, has lost some value in the last few years.

It's always about money.

Love to see it. All these large vehicles that stop and go in urban areas are prime candidates for electrification. Hope to see (at least) one in person around here in the next few years!

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Seriously. The way they treat all the candidates with kid gloves is ridiculous.

Looking forward to finding one in a store right around the time the RPi 6 is released.

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Risky click of the day

It’s a nice chord, but it annoys me irrationally that you have an octave between C and E on the staff but not on the keyboard below it.

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That’s pretty impressive. It actually does look like an N64 game from the 90s. I wonder if there’s some alternate timeline where this was Valve’s first game and the PC version is the remaster.

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But if they open that book and actually read and understand it, how will all the churches that warp that message make money and further spread their hatred and discrimination? Won’t someone please think of these super important churches and their totally-not-coincidentally wealthy pastors? (/s in case it wasn’t obvious)

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Grifters gonna grift.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge, dude.

File for an extension? That would at least buy you some time, and as far as I’m aware, it’s free to do so. I’ve never done it, though, so I’m not sure if there are other implications.

He'll only do something if he can force some of the production line through a Trump subsidiary so he can get a cut.

Thankfully, subpoenas don’t care about how comfortable you are.

Obligatory fuck /u/spez

Hugs and kisses, Zaphod.