
2 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't really understand how that would work. I'm on Instagram because I follow some specific artists, collectives, companies, labels, etc., and secondarily for friends. If those are not on Pixelfed, what is there to follow?

Although Lemmy suffers of quite a content draught on less populated communities, it still works like Reddit since you follow topics, not people.

You're comparing compiled executables to scripts, it's apples and oranges.

If video games were priced by hours of dev time, I could kind of agree (with the theory, in practice it doesn't really make sense). But let's be honest here - that's not what he means at all.

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Unfortunately, if the data is biased, the model is biased.

I don't think it could have gone much horse

Microsoft Wall™

No no no I'll stop you right there as you don't seem to get it: it's shitty in either case and must be called out, it's just that it's more recent for MK1. You don't get to sell a game 70€ and expect players not to complain when integral parts of it are held behind paywalls.

Isn't the Pi 3B still available for that kind of job?

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I feel like you're intentionally missing your own point.

Uh, I have bought the last 3 generations of Xbox controllers and the battery's always been swappable. What's new?

Do you have a better source than this jpeg?

Our vestigial tail is the coccyx, and animals with tails have bones in them. Why would a vestigial tail grow at the base of the neck?

I don't inherently disagree with what you're saying, but online DRM would have happened anyway sooner or later, and online isn't always online.

But most importantly, I'd rather a billion times have Valve rolling in that Steam money than any other publisher on the videogame market: the industry would be just that much worse, with unexisting indie devs and no Proton.

Not to mention that we didn’t even know if our recycling was even recycled. We used to ship it to countries in Asia, burning bunker oil all the way there, and whatever happened to it happened. Out of sight, out of mind, and likely not recycled.

No need to use the past tense, this is still the case in most cases.

The Sims 4 base game is already free. So if I'm understanding this correctly, EA, of all game publishers, is announcing that, against all odds, a free-to-play game with in-game MTX is an efficient business model that they want to promote? This might not be related at all that the Sims has always been a license that caters to the general, not particularly gamer audience.

You can make your niche, but unless the people who populated that niche also come you'll be quite alone. I even miss some CMs 😭

And King Crimson fans!

Yes: wide awake as in exhausted as fuck and unable to sleep if your life depended on it

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You just did!

And don't forget the metaverse!

- So, we have a right-wing party and a far-right-wing party. What other candidate should we present?

- Right-wing candidates are in, we should add another one.

- An unlabelled candidate which pretends to be centrist and is actually conservative?

- How about a left wing candidate?

Window crash

Thank you for the list! I've been wanting to try out Metroid Dread, it seems really fun and fitting for the Deck.

Did you encounter any issues playing Super Mario Galaxy on Dolphin? I expected it to work well enough, but every session longer than 30min would make the game stutter heavily (audio was noticeable first, but soon everything was stuttering, including inputs which made the game unplayable), and I had to reboot the game or the Deck for it to work properly again. I don't know if that's an issue with the Deck, Dolphin, the game or my config (not that it is anything special) but I've been holding off more recent emulation because of that.

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Both are text editors, but VSCode's plugin system and various config options can turn it a fully fledged IDE for the languages of your choice.

Besides, Sublime is exactly that: good, old.

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git: 'go' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar command is
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Imma need more than a "trust me bro" on this.

I almost exclusively play solo games, with exceptions here and there for solo campaigns - I'm currently playing MH:World, which is officially supported on the Deck so I guess compatibility will not be an issue. So anti-cheat systems will not impact me (or barely), and I don't know what games will be a hinder.

Any games that haven't worked at all for you? And what kinds of hiccups have you encountered? I haven't seen any actually incompatible game so far on the Deck - the main blockers I've seen were controller issues, or sometimes performance issues here and there on bad ports like FFXIII, FFXIII-2 and FFXIII: Lightning Returns. I guess modding can be quite a problem too, especially when all external tools are built for Windows.

Regarding NVIDIA drivers, what GPU do you have if I may ask? I recently upgraded to a 4070, I must say I'd hate to have upgraded to hinder performance because of the OS.

Yes, it is so much better than even 2 years ago - I would have never even considered Linux for my desktop, until very recently when I saw how everything pretty much works on the SD.

Your first two points don't impact me that much, but that third one hurts - I have been unable to make my monitor work in the correct resolution / refresh rate with Wayland and have had to use Xorg instead.

Isn't Arch a bit much? I've only used Ubuntu so far so I could consider easily using an Ubuntu-based distro, and although I tinker a bit with it I feel like Arch is really for more experienced users. Although Endeavour seems to accompany users a little bit already.

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Indeed, I mixed up DRM and anti-cheat. On one hand, it's really annoying, but on the other hand it's really not the genre of games I play, so I wouldn't be bothered with any of this.

I think Diablo IV and maybe even the Battle.NET launcher. for example, won't work on Linux at all, won't they?

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Doesn't "opening up patents" means that anyone can use the ideas behind the patent without charge? Which means that it's actually not locked anymore, so yes it does help?

I see no reason to use Matlab in education nowadays: both Octave and Python provide as many features, are as easy to use, and free. The teacher could have verified or made his class accessible through Octave with minimal effort, as OP pointed out. But they wouldn't be bothered and required all the students in their class to buy a 70€ license each.

I had checked the HDMI cable several times but never thought about checking the dongle: of course that was it. Good catch, thank you!

Except for Mario Strikers, all those games have PC ports that run really well on the Deck. What's the advantage of running them on a Switch emulator?

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I get my comics on getcomisc.org or Soulseek. The first one has good sources and a few collections, although nothing I'd call an actual "bulk". With Soulseek you can download the batches of your choice.

Is that Icelandic?

Why is there even a door at this point? The whole point of a door is visual, sonic, heat and smell isolation, there's barely any point if you have a 2cm gap below the door.

I don't understand if this is sarcasm or if some people are actually that dense.

The solution is install with apt.

I checked on my machine, and out of all the packages I had on snap, only Inkscape, VLC and Slack were also available on apt. Spotify, Whatsdesk (a WhatsApp client) and Signal were among the most commonly used missing.

Newer games might not be optimized for Linux in the first place

Thanks to the success of the SD, I believe many developers have started testing and optimizing their games for Proton, which I also account for when I'm talking about "optimized for Linux".

Noted for the rolling releases! Don't rolling releases necessarily bring the risk of unstabilities as well? There's often a balance which might be hard to find between features and stability.

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Battle.net works as well, OW2 plays fine on Linux.

I thought SD users had to dual boot to play Diablo IV quite recently, I thought it was because of a Batlle.NET compatibility issue but I might have been mistaken.

As for a distro, I’d aim for something Arch based. Simply because you’ll get the latest drivers and mesa versions all the time, which is proven to increase FPS a ton over say, Ubuntu.

That's a very good point I hadn't thought of! Any specific recommendations?

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Do you mean to tell me that 4 weeks after I bought a Google smartphone for the first time, partly because they support their phones for so long, Google announced that the next iterations of their smartphones will be supported even longer?

Jerboa isn't very smooth, whatever your device.