
0 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mean yeah it's selfish, but it is definitely righting a huge injustice:

There is literally no customer centric way to watch these shows, or most modern media at all. Where can I literally buy shows that I can then resell. Where can I get a subscription service that's focused on giving me the best content possible and not trying to squeeze value out of me by influencing what I watch or selling my metrics or up selling me to a bigger plan after killing the previous plan or any number of other dark practices. Where can I buy DRM free offline files of these shows so I can watch them on an airplane on my own hardware without Internet?

It's fucked up that there is literally no way for people to buy their entertainment and not be fucked over more for trying to do it the legal way and spending money. And piracy needs to exist as a breaking point to stop these companies from getting even worse.

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This is not true: QR codes have built in error correction, they are designed specifically for the purpose of working when many pixels are distorted

This looks like a bad 15 minute Photoshop job. Why does she think it was AI? Where is the proof AI was used?

Or is this just more news cycle bullshit trying to throw in the latest controversial keywords 🤔

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He's right though. We can't go a day without some inane bullshit about musk getting posted. This event happened 8 years ago, it's not even news. It should have "2015" in the title. This is a bad post, and I'm disappointed we always have to have these kinds of posts around.

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SEO might be the clearest example of Goodhart's law to ever exist


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But they already changed it from $0 to 0.2, how do you know it won't be 10 dollars next year after you've already spent 5 years making your game?

What if you only were charging a dollar for your game and people like it so much they install it 5 times over the year? Easy to do with multiple devices or reinstalling OS's

The problem is unity is forcing this on people who may have spent years and lots of money entering into a different kind of business agreement.

the company will add search functionality for terms only "once we are confident in the quality of the results."

So is meta now taking responsibility for all search results?

You have it backwards. This is not too stop fake photos, despite the awful headline. It's to attempt to provide a chain of custody and attestation. "I trust tom only takes real photos, and I can see this thing came from Tom"

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Very untrue. Consumers have the power to buy far cheaper Android phones where they have far more freedoms, but not only do the majority of American consumers refuse to do this, they voluntarily and systematically shame those who do.

Statistically, Most American consumers are pretty dumb and act against their own interests

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This means the app devs refused to make their app work with modern phones for YEARS. no real excuse there.

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But is he getting a hefty stock based compensation package? Can he sell those stocks before he bails?

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It's another subpar Bethesda game in a long line of subpar Bethesda games. Lifeless bland NPCs, tons of glitches, bad gameplay issues, and the same "shallow ocean" criticisms we've been going over since Skyrim.

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Didn't the mods say they were going to do something about musk/Twitter spam?

This isn't even about something Twitter did

This isn't even about something Twitter might do

This is just a dude talking about what everybody knows about Twitter. And musk fans upvote anything Twitter, and musk haters upvote this out of a sense of validation that is shit.

Voting is not good for this, please ban the musk spam

Why is this in the technology community? This is mostly about medical malpractice, the fact that she streamed a video of what why was doing isn't very technologically interesting or relevant to the tech field as a whole.

Could you refresh my memory, what was the policy change then that spurred this tweet?

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Disgusting, everybody has a right to privacy, privacy settings shouldn't be behind a paywall.

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  1. Why is your son streaming on mobile data?
  2. Why does your son have access to government hardware?
  3. Why did you hide it?

Three strikes and you're out. Anybody can make a mistake, but you're way past a simple parenting mistake here.

Almost all user agent strings start with that Mozilla prefix because Mozilla made the first browser with "fancy" features, so in the early internet many websites checked for that string to determine if they should serve the nice website or the stripped down version. Later when other browsers added the features, that also had to add that to their user string so users would get the right site. Which just cemented the practice.

Because in all practical senses, windows is a virus.

Viruses at their core are programs which do things against your will on your own machine. Which is bad.

However, that is exactly what windows does. But like the boiling frog, people for some reason are okay with more bullshit from Microsoft and less control of their own devices with every passing update and year.

Complaining on reddit social media does nothing. Switching to Linux gives you back control and will be better for everyone in the long run.

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Not every country wants all immigration though.

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This is the opposite of what I asked.

I asked what spurred it. Your comment is what happened after it.

WTF does "dead genre" mean? There are still people that love it and play it and want more.

The people shouting at blizzcon aren't yelling because they need a new model and voice lines for protoss units, they are doing it because they want another RTS

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No, that would harm whoever was in possession of the room at the time (owner or guest).

This would be more akin to sneaking into a movie theatre to stand in the back and watch.

But that would still be theft of service.

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There are so many actually good games out there, you need to branch out more if your bar for an A is that low

The fps isn't killing anybody and spinning the wheels in luck be a landlord isn't taking anybody's money.

Neither is bad.

Can somebody please explain the joke. Political spectrum? Penis tilt? I'm lost.

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No duh, it's the new space Skyrim. Not really news or unexpected.

The fact that you even gave them money and had a preorder to cancel in the first place means you're part of the problem, my friend.

Stop preordering.

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That's not the question

The post you replied to was saying, "shouldn't it be inherent to the entry on the Blockchain, regardless of market"

And you would have gotten to play them even without preordering.

But preordering gives the games industry bad incentives.

I think you mean pressing buttons in menus to teleport across the galaxy

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What if account B only ever posts high quality content? What if everybody upvotes account B because their content is so good? What if they rarely post so it would be reasonable that a smaller subset of the population has ever seen their posts?

Your theory assumes large volumes of constant posts seen by a wide audience, but that's not how these sites work, your ideal would censor and disadvantage many accounts.

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It's not about when the app last updated, it's if they updated the code to use the modern interface.

They didn't.

USB has gotten more complicated and does way more now in more contexts. It charges laptops now, it carries multiplexed displayport signals, it does its own handshake and performs hardware level initialization protocols.

Meanwhile we've been wanting the same thing out of wifi since the start. Nothing's really changed, we just want it to go faster.

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9 roommates*

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As somebody who also is on the fuckcars train, how the fuck did you manage to get on that topic in a response to my comment lol

People will have to learn to stop believing everything they see. This has been possible with Photoshop for even more than a decade now. All that's changed is that it takes less skill and time now.

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Because the article specifically said "AI". It could have just said "edited" and left it at that is the methodology was unknown. But when the methodology is both unknown and doesn't affect the story at all, it's bullshit to put a potential lie in the headline just to act relevant to a different hot topic issue.

Last thing and a pet peeve of mine: stop calling yourself a refugee.

No fun allowed, got it.

You're taking yourself way too seriously. Let people have their fun name, its not hurting anybody.

Of course the average user doesn't know what federation is, thats a complex topic. Be realistic, live and let live.

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Using an advertised feature is "privileged and entitled"????

They literally charged extra for more simultaneous streams, and let you set up multiple profiles. Password sharing was an intended, advertised feature that people paid for.

Wanting what you were sold is not entitled or privileged. That's a baseline of transactions.

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