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I mean, it's an mtx-free, drm-free, full feature game. If BG3 isn't worth paying for, I don't know what is.

It's a constitutional amendment that was ruled on. The Constitution applies the same in all states. If it were just Colorado law I think it would be much harder to appeal the ruling to the US Supreme Court.

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I went on that journey a couple years ago. What I ended up buying is technically considered "digital signage" rather than a TV. Basically zero bloat. You may have to pay a little extra but I don't recall it being that much. Pretty sure I got it here.

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A truly poor analogy. LLMs don't remove anything from anywhere. They consume no shared resource.

It's been wild watching people flail about searching for arguments for why LLMs should be stopped. I'm not even saying they shouldn't, just that I haven't seen a solid argument for it.

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Bad bot. That URL just has a /c/ in it. Although connect also seems to be screwing up.

Trump was elected.

Netanyahu's legislation would give the Knesset the power to overrule their Supreme Court with a simple majority vote. I've not seen anyone make an argument for such extreme measures to redress the US Supreme Court, and certainly not in this article. The most common arguments I've seen are,

  • Impose a Code of Ethics, and possibly to impeach the most obviously compromised justices
  • Add term limits, possibly retroactively
  • Expand the court

These all have risks, but so does taking no action.

I'm sure that's not what was in his letter.

If your question is merely about public relations, sure it's a terrible move. But I think there's actually a more meaningful question underlying all this furor; what are the limits of friendship or love? What is one supposed to do when someone close does something horrible? Cast them aside? Pretend you never knew them?

Kutcher must have had some idea of the risk he was taking, but he did it anyway. I find that striking. For some people friendships can be like family. I feel like this is an older sentiment that doesn't find expression often today. Would you find it appalling if Masterson's mother spoke on behalf of his character, or should she likewise keep her distance?

I don't know. It all just seems more complicated and tragic than the typical social media mob can process.

Oh good, a petition.

This is not communism.

People don't hate on Epic because their store has content. They hate on Epic because they tried to buy market share with exclusivity deals. Nobody wants PC gaming to turn into the streaming services.

I just tried two of the instances listed with a search for "how to filter mineral spirits", and they both gave me errors. Both Google and DDG gave me an answer. Is there some trick I'm missing here?

"Big" is not a negative adjective. "Truck" is not (mostly) an identity or demographic group. You'd have to make up some term like maybe "murder trucks" to get close to an analogy. Would you not suppose that someone who advocated against "murder trucks" thought trucks were bad?

"Crowded" - maybe mildly negative. "Places" - not an identity or demographic.

"Toxic" - Ok. "People" - This hardly seems like an identity or demographic. Maybe if martians start talking about "toxic humans" we'd have an analogy.

And that whole last paragraph is just a straw man.

Let's consider some real analogies.

"Poisonous Hinduism" "Virulent Femininity" "Malignant Jewishness" "Destructive Liberalism" "Pestilent Blackness" "Dangerous Queerness"

I literally just looked up synonyms for toxic and picked random identity groups. Could you imagine trying to make any of these phrases academic terms?

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I was curious how often this actually happened and found this other article with some figures.


"More than 5,400 minors were married in Michigan between 2000 and 2021, according to the nonprofit Unchained at Last. More than nine in 10 of the minors were girls, with 12 under the age of 16."

So I guess it was mostly 16 and 17 year olds who now have to wait to 18.

Lmao what is this edge-lord shit?

The perfect excuse to revisit my industrial era.

Quite right. I did get one with speakers, but they were even worse than I expected. I bought a sound bar to go with it. There are also a few quirks that remind me it's a commercial display. Like there's no power button on the unit. I have to use the remote. I suppose one wouldn't want their signage turned off by randos.

Maybe we can federate the communities on our federated instances 🤔

No one is obligated to patronize any business or artist (generally speaking). Obligation isn't the issue. But it sounds like, yes, you choose not support/patronize artists who have certain opinions you disapprove of.

I've seen this sentiment floating around the Internet sometimes, and it always strikes me as very limiting.

I use whatever terminology is current, because, like I said, it basically makes no difference. Why upset people for no reason?

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You really apply some kind of ideology test when choosing which artist's work to enjoy?

EDIT: Perhaps this hinges on what you mean by "support"

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Doomerism is a vibe. You're gonna have a hard time talking people down around these parts.

Changing the acceptable terminology every decade is never going desegregate a neighborhood, or shrink demographic wealth disparities, or improve health outcomes, etc. I think it's mostly a distraction so people can feel like they're doing something.

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