
0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Please stop attacking my character based on terrible purchase decisions

What a beautiful car

Until I owned it

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They're cheap, straightforward, and not Intuit. Enough said.

Can you share some of those examples please?

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Sorry this is a bit too level-headed for me, can you please repeat with a bullhorn, and use 4-letter words instead? I need to know who to blame here.

Lol they're totally equivalent guys!

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Any friend that rapes is no friend of mine, IDGAF how long I've known you or what we've been through

I could say the same about Nazis, pedereasses, etc - some things are way bigger than friendship

"Just wait everyone, Elon is actually being smart this whole time" I just don't buy it.

Hi, Doctor Nick!

Yeah we should totally look at these as two equivalent choices, based solely on their age. You're right, great idea. One of them isn't like a nazi or anything, and we can essentially conflate these options based on one unifying factor, their age. Good call.

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Fatter, yes!

Bro you may wanna research your claims before you get all huffy about shit. You're not even right, and you're mad at the wrong people

When he takes the mask off, he looks just like the rest of em, a buncha whiny losers

Lol my garage collapsed on Friday

You just wrote what they wrote, but blamed "society" instead of the actual assholes making the profits

You'll feel helpless for a while. It sucks.

But there will be a point in a year or two, where you actually make it a day or two without even remembering your injury. That's how you know you made it through to the other side.

You'll get there friend! I broke a small bone in my wrist a few years back - required many surgeries and i went a long time without being able to do the things i loved. My wrist isn't perfect, but I have my life and activities back. You'll get there, be patient and kind to yourself through the process. I definitely had moments where I wanted to define myself as "broken" - but your body is just a vessel. You're gonna be OK.

Fuck this fuck

A real WHALE of a problem

Thanks for the insight!

Good fuck my guy, lay off the casual racism

Followed by "who are the cool bands now?"

We are all going to die. Thanks!