
2 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

This definitely sounds like that other guy lol!

I am 100% unaffiliated w/ OP, but I would guess they use Magnolia's bypass.

However; I am on v3.0.8.0 (2023-03-05), so I can't speak for anything newer than that out of his/her repo or in the extension mentioned.

A fun reminder: always read what your extensions can do before yolo-clicking a download by a burner account.

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Looks like this would run Photoshop even better than my insane hacky wine setup too :')..

I guess a good followup would be, is there a tutorial for Fedora39 / Wayland / Nvidia that doesn't just inevitably nuke my system :)? I have an intel cpu/gpu in additional to my main card.

Also, if it's in pass-through mode, how would one set up the card for a game natively in Linux? (plenty of Steam games already run well on the card and I'm worried that this passthrough will run into issues of everything using the shitty intel gpu by default)

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Everything has been immeasurably easier on Linux. But holy fuck the Windows' Right Click -> Share is eons better than this :(

The configuration change in /etc/fstab is what stopped it being mounted correctly on boot. But is what was recommended for the SMB share.

I'm not sure I understand why it changes from MNT to Media based on the GUI's changes to the drive. If I have it auto-mount, it adds a 2nd listing like this:

// /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F auto cifs username=user,password=1 0 0
/dev/disk/by-uuid/2666EE3966EE097F /mnt/2666EE3966EE097F auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

Do I combine them in some fashion lol?

Did I misunderstand something?

No, I'm stupid :'(

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So if I had to guess morethanevil, this is the line that ended up fixing it! Really appreciate it, because everything else seemed to fall into place after this:

setsebool -P samba_export_all_ro=1 samba_export_all_rw=1

I really appreciate all of your help Certainly_No_Brit! I had it set up in such a ridiculous way, but your assistance really helped me grasp why each guide was so wildly different (creation vs. adding a remote SMB on linux). After it worked, I could look up the network drive in Dolphin/Windows File Explorer in a very normal manner and can access all of the files :)!

Maybe your issue was with your firewall or permission in some regard unknowing8343? I still really prefer Windows' method (gag), but this was certainly very doable w/ the SELinux tweaks in the link above.

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Gotcha I appreciate your patience w/ my silly questions lol

If the now correctly mounted folder is empty, is that a read/write issue for:

  1. the user on the remote machine
  2. the logged-in user on the local machine
  3. the user running the samba service?

Legend. Thanks! Down the rabbit hole I go.

Appreciate it! Yeah everything that sounds like it would be easy, always has a fun extra hurdle on Fedora it seems haha.

Still loving it :)

He has a 6th post about clowning on the mayo clinic, so yeah, I agree lmao.

This was the CHS guy who refused to stop smoking right?

This was the CHS guy who refused to stop smoking right?

Yep, I can tell you with 100% certainty he's got CHS

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The dude has decided to kill himself instead of seeking the help he needs. This needs to be said.

User has told me, everybody in the 5+ threads, and god herself that they "aren't a doctor" so, nah mate

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