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That people are stupid because they don't have access to knowledge.

The Palestinian prisoners are not hostages. Comparing random civilians, elderly, and babies to convicted terrorists is Hamas level propaganda.

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Hamas chose this to be a war zone by firing rockets from there and building tunnels there and holding hostages there.

IDF didn't choose Gaza to be the battlefield, Hamas chose it.

If Hamas can't stand the heat, maybe they should step out of the kitchen.

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You're right, there are only security cameras of a few of these children running around stabbing civilians. I guess Al Jazeera forgot to mention that to you.

Israel is committed to destroying the army of Hamas, and to prevent it from ruling Gaza. It is not committed to destroying Gaza.

Hamas could end the war any minute. Pressuring Israel to let Hamas survive instead of pressuring Hamas to surrender and return the hostages is being pro-Hamas, not pro Palestinian.

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I think it is quite obvious: to destroy the Hamas infrastructure and to kill as many Hamas militants as possible, while minimising Israeli casualties.

If you have a better suggestion for how to destroy Hamas' ability to continue to attack Israel I'm sure they would love to hear it.

Hamas surrender would PREVENT Israel from occupying Gaza. If Hamas wouldn't have taken the hostages in the first place Israel wouldn't have attacked Gaza.

Is the current Hamas strategy working for the Gazans civilians?

So yes, if you want to support Gazans civilians, and prevent Israel from occupying Gaza, you should push Hamas to surrender and return the hostages.

It's called symbiosis. They both profit from it.

How do I know? Because it evolved. Why did it evolve? Because it gives them an advantage.

They are being ordered to evacuate a war zone that Hamas chose. Hamas chose to use them as human shields. Israel is trying to get them out of the warzone.

Would you prefer they were not "ethnically cleansed" to shelters in the south? Would you prefer they die when the IDF attacks Hamas infrastructure and militants in the active warzones in the strip?

Or is it just that you would prefer that Israel doesn't attack Hamas and leave them ruling Gaza and preparing for their next attack?

What was genocidal about my comment? Implying that Hamas is responsible for this war? Or is it that I'm implying that Hamas can end it any minute?

I'm just here to say that any country that uses its civilians to protect its army can't complain about genocide, especially when the opposing army is giving them a chance to move away from the battlefield in advance.

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You don't seem to know much about this conflict and about the area. There is a lot of Hamas in the west bank. Look at the pictures of the killed militants from the past weeks in the west bank, a majority of them are draped in Hamas funeral flags, only a minority are PLO militants.

Secondly, Israel already accepted the validity of the Palestinian claims for the west bank and Gaza in multiple peace offers. They were not accepted by the Palestinians because they are not willing to accept Israel's right to exist.

If you have any other way of removing Hamas, let's hear it. If not, would you prefer the civilians were not evacuated?

Israel has many many Arabs in it, with equal rights. Hamas is the one that has in its charter the "cleansing of Palestine of the Jewish filth".

That is the same guilty rate as Israel's internal convictions and is caused by police not bothering with anything that is not an easy win.

The administrative detention also has judicial checks and limitations. Also, these are not random people picked off the streets, these are terrorists or would be terrorists where, for the most part, the evidence for detaining them is too sensitive from intelligence point of view to share in a trial.

"It's the imperialist culture that drew the borders", says person who apparently is completely unaware of the history of the middle east in the past few hundred years, nor in the geo-political forces behind the conflict in the past 75 years.

So the pictures of burnt babies, beheadings of hostages, and undressed dead girls do not convince you that Hamas actually committed atrocities?

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Yes, of course, first the hellfire missile rounds up the children, then it ties them up with wires and burns them. Of course that is what explains the results. It also undressed women and tied them before burning them alive. Common effect of hellfire missiles. happens all the time with that sort of ammunition.

This seemingly simple comment already tells me you are pro-palestinian. Also, for someone that is interested enough in this matter to take part in this discussion, you show impressive ignorance.

So just to to troll you a bit, let me answer this way: Thinking that this crisis started when seven Arab armies attacked Israel with the proclaimed goal of "sweeping the Jews into the sea and pillaging the millions they invested in the country" is extremely short sighted.

There is no genocide. Speaking of it as if it was a proven fact is a mean rhetoric trick.

With the current situation in Israel we might see ethnic cleansing in a few years but we're not there yet.

Do you know what will prevent a future genocide? Finding a better way for Israel to protect itself against Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists. That will also be the only way to get Israel to exit the west bank.

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1947 called, it says you're misinformed, or worse.

So you're saying they need them for a ceasefire deal? Then why no negotiations for a ceasefire?

Detaining 15 year old children that stab civilians is also a valid way of describing the reality. Also, according to UN and Al Jazeera, a 17 year old self proclaimed Hamas fighter that tries to kill Israeli civilians with a AK is a child. Somehow you take it to mean that he is innocent.

Actually, its part if a Palestinian campaign to destroy Israel. Israel did offer a two state solution multiple times. Its the Palestinians that reject the right of Israel to exist, not the other way around.

Sacrificing their own population to gain support doesn't make them right.

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