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Joined 3 months ago

While we are at it, why not voluntarily wire out houses and put a person to interpret our conversations on 24/7 duty into our cellars? You never know whether your family members or you yourself are complicit of something.

2 more...

Holy shit that's crazy

I always find it funny when they then also keep asking the same wrong questions in the company wide satisfaction surveys.

This is gonna be my new answer to "What do you do?"

Women are so cute and the best of the best of the best of the world but I think it was a good idea to be a little too fast and the only thing I could do is to get a new job


I don't get that reference 😬 A link pls?

A few months back I would have said the same. Lately, however, ChatGPT very often returned very incorrect information on very basic topics. Each wrong answer erodes my trust a little bit more. Lately to a point where I consider googling first instead of asking ChatGPT

Is Nvidia Shield Pro not good?