
1 Post – 4 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I liked this paragraph from the filing, felt like a slight dig at their think different marketing:

Apple keenly understands that while a community of developers and accessory makers is indispensable to the success of the iPhone , they also pose an existential threat to its extraordinary profits by empowering consumers to "think different" and choose perfectly functional , less-expensive alternative smartphones .

I was hungry and was thinking about making a sandwich


Perhaps you didn't think of classical music per se, but this is one of my favorite pieces of music, from Mahler's "Tragic" symphony, written during a rather good period of his life if memory serves. He also didn't call it "tragic himself" I believe. Just a beautiful movement that stands on its own.

Always solid advice. We all have sore spots, so to speak, that bother us more when poked, but yes, always good to keep things in perspective.