I'm Hiding 🇦🇺

@I'm Hiding 🇦🇺@aussie.zone
1 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I jumped off Reddit's cliff and landed here just like many other Lemmings.

No rule in the title??

Everybody in the western world wants to cry with you.

Me, a young person: "both coffee and energy drinks are expensive. I'll keep drinking tap water when I'm thirsty."

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Gotta love Australian politicians. This is the same bloke who, a week earlier, was campaigning against gay marriage.

Especially when they're in one of those God-ugly American Pickup Trucks with headlights that are right at eye level for anyone in a normal car. Even being followed by a forty year old Mack semi isn't nearly as bad, because they've at least got sealed beam headlights.

This isn't an argument! It's just contradiction!

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And Visio and OneNote aren't free. Draw.io and Xournalpp would be potential alternatives.

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I can't sort by anything other than default as of this update. Currently writing from Thunder instead.

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I'd still run the command anyway if I were you. Clearly you speak English, so you can afford to remove some bloat /s

I use Xournal++, too. Note that the original Xournal is no longer maintained, but Xournal++ is.

It's supposed to be a clone of Windows Journal - the precursor to OneNote. It's very good at exporting to and annotating PDFs, and I use it for all my classwork. Windows Journal worked great for me back in the day, and Xournal++ continues to do so today.

All that said, I'm saving this post so I can try out some of the alternatives listed here in the future.

Also, a moderator is a volunteer - not a politician on six figures a year, or a mega business owner on seven. A volunteer is perfectly in their rights to pause volunteering when they feel their work is not appreciated.

The good thing about ChatGPT is that it gives you a starting point for languages you're not familiar / rusty with.

They acquired K-9 Mail a year ago or so, but it's still K-9 Mail. There's plans and a roadmap, but not much has happened that the end user can see, yet.

As much as I don't want it to happen, I'm convinced this was the final nail in the coffin for the democrats, and the Republicans will now be guaranteed the win.

Trump was shot and is now a martyr, and the democratic party is in shambles with no nominee. If they pick Kamala, who (after mistaking her for Trump) Biden claimed was not fit to be president, Trump will just beat her into the ground like he did with Hillary. If they pick anyone else, the American population won't know who they are. Either way, the democrats are at their most fragmented while the republicans are at their most united.

But then what do I know? I live on the other side of the planet.

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Yes it is!

Oh won't you please take me localhost??

It's crazy to think that a little over two decades ago, Microsoft was almost broken up for selling an operating system and a web browser. How monopolistic!

My car is old enough to have kids my age, but at least I'll never have to take it to a mechanic. No computers means I can do everything from valve timing to gearbox rebuilds myself, and parts are dirt cheap because they're being thrown out all the time.

Oh fuck.

I'm not sure what to do with this information.

"That's a nice headlock, sir! I see that you know your judo well!"


shrugs in an indifferent hetro way

I suppose, technically, the Goose pictured is indeed flipping the bird.

I can guarantee the original caps aren't airtight either. That's not what they're designed for. The valve is designed to be airtight. The cap only stops dust building up.

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You could put the Unicode flag in your display name like I've done with the Australian flag: 🏳️‍⚧️

They did kill it for me. I was grandfathered into the G Suite software because I signed up back when it was free. Last year they turned around and said "we know we told you that, as an early adopter, you could have this forever; but now we're kicking you out unless you start paying."

And then they killed IMAP access (without oauth) moments later. Fortunately I was fast enough to set up my own mail server and copy my family's emails, photos, documents, etc. out of Google. I haven't trusted them since.

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I miss that subreddit. With tags like "cum" and "no cum", what was not to like?

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Zach had his own subreddit that he posted them to. r/extrafabulouscomics.

Pixel 5 and Zenphone come to mind, too.

I run Debian servers and Fedora workstations, which works really well for me. The rock solid stability of Debian is exactly what I want in a server, and the perfect blend of it-just-works and blending-edge that Fedora provides is great for a daily driver.

Unless I'm mistaken, the current ordeal with RHEL should not affect Fedora, as RHEL is a derivative of Fedora in the same way Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian. As such, I see no reason to move away just yet - though if that changes, I'll go OpenSUSE. Arch just isn't for me.

There really is an XKCD for everything.

(I do it like this btw :D )

0-100°F also has more individual degrees than -18-38°C, and when a couple degrees can make a big difference for indoor comfort (or the heating bill), I appreciate more granularity.

Ah yes, because I've always found 16.5°C such a difficult concept. Decimal places are hard.

I concede the "human" scale could be handy to some, but I mean - the civilised world uses metres, not feet - why should it be any different with temperature?

And one of the last major holdouts from web 1.0 :(

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I've been daily driving a Lenovo X230 tablet for the last four years. I use Xournal++ to take notes with the pen in classes and at work. Works great!

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Laughs in Australian 576i free-to-air TV

You can either bring in a 25 year old one, or rebody a local Chevy SS or Pontiac G8 with a ute shell.

Sad, sad, terrible news about my colleague, Dr. Mobutu.

Same, except my paper always gets too soggy before I have a chance to write my ideas down!

Damn that's incredible. I'd almost switch DEs for it!