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Joined 1 years ago

For me it's:

6 is half a dozen, so 6+6=12, then 7 is 6+1, so 6+7 is 12+1=13

He suggested solutions like drivers keeping the same car for longer periods of time

That's what i have been doing... Is that wrong, or just too much anti-consumerism to be presented as a good thing in our society?

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As non-US person, we watched the Superbowl in anguish, fearing a win for SF would directly lead to a Trump win and a destruction of the current world order!

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Google map is late to the game. NORAD has radars and has been doing it for much longer.

Due to the uncertainty principle, they can know where he's going or where he is, but not both at the same time.

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Wow this bench comes with an integrated safety loop to prevent people from falling when they sleep on this bench. Nice!

My secret is that I know I'm actually the only real human, and everybody else are aliens posing as humans to study my behavior. That's why I purposefully make random decisions and actions from time to time, to throw them off.

I still have to figure out if I'm the last human alive, if every remaining human is being studied like me, or if there is a real human society somewhere.

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Didn't you know? This cloud provider offers lead-free, gluten-free computing services without antibiotics! Also it's not tested on animals!

When the completed manuscript exceeded 600,000 words, Cerf asked Rand to make cuts, but backed off when she compared the idea to cutting the Bible.

Wow, I didn't know this author, and it seems I wasn't missing much.

14 more...

Last step, "diable" is the devil in French. Therefore the last text more or less means "OCR the text into the devil's text"

It's a trick to start creating a water market. It will slowly and subtly grow until any drinkable water that doesn't taste like shit will be considered "fine water".

Then, you'll get capitalists assholes saying that anything better than shit water should not be considered a right...

I asked chat GPT and it couldn't understand which company you were talking about. I think you will be safe for now! 😏

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And this is why tenure exists!

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Ok... I like the interface of StremIO, which looks like a service aggregator (ie I can open the movie on a streaming service i have access to), but I don't like the fact that I can't pre-download and seed less popular files. It supports debrid services, but from the technical description, thesec seems to be leech-equivalent to seedboxes...

What would be a good drop -in replacement? Something that works on google TVs and is easy to maintain?

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To be fair, sometimes it's fucking complicated to find the correct HS code for some goods...

I don't condone their action, but i totally understand 😂😂

Is it actually ethically acceptable to control distribution of something that naturally shares itself?

Before computers, it actually required some energy to copy the content of a book. With computers now, the action of reading an ebook will actually copy it from the hard drive to the ram. If your book is on the cloud, there's even more copying going on. It actually takes more efforts to erase temporary copies (ex: from local cache)!

Digital copying is not the same as physical copying.

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Hahaha i had a friend that always said "If i wait long enough, eventually someone will take charge and make choices, so I don't have to!"

If you purchase used musical instruments, you can usually sell them years later with very little devaluation! Same thing applies for lots of watersports gear and Legos!

Try to get into these types of hobbies, they're financially responsible 😁

It's possible to flag an account you own as being a bot. A bot account that doesn't enable this flag is suspicious in my view, but clearly marked bots should be ok

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We need to put more effort on automating factory jobs, but having them be supervised by techs 24 hours. It makes for nice monitoring and maintenance jobs, as long as they are paid according to the value their machine brings.

But it lacks the classic ingredients to technically be considered a pizza.

What are the required ingredients? Can they be sure the ingredients are not hidden underneath the ones on top?

14 more...

I agree regarding closet, but I believe most people have a skeleton inside their meatbag.

Opennic should be the default DNS of everybody!

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Bunyan sounds the same as some old French Canadian swear word, but is written differently. I think the real spelling would be something like "bon yenne", and also resembles a French Canadian folklore named "Bon Jean".

Mines are designated war crimes by the Geneva convention Ottawa treaty because of the indiscriminate killing. Many years ago, good human right lawyers could have extended that to drones... (Source: i had close friends in international law)

But i feel like now the tides have changed and tech companies have influenced the general population to think that ai is good enough to prevent "indiscriminate" killing.

Edit: fixed the treaty name, thanks!

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"No true homeless..."

This is the first time I heard about self hosted search engines. What is the benefit of using this over something like duck duck go?

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I'd say: look at populist leaders... It's easy to exploit people without them realizing it.

I would love to self host a real debrid service where i can control what i pre-download using the "my library" feature, something similar to the *arr suite but only using the stremio interface.

Airport? Shopping mall? Restaurant? Parking lot? Stadium? Your friend's house? The office? Classroom? Museum? Cinema?

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Akureyri is an awesome city. You should visit it!

That was not an article, it was just a list of overreactions by right-wing personalities.

If i wanted to jump through complicated hoops, I'd try paid streaming services!

More Futurama (with the original crew)? I'm in!

All the vegans and vegetarians I've met in real life were chill dudes and dudettes. One was an engineer and semi-pro skateboarder that was always making people feel good and happy. Another one was a solid rock climber always smiling.

I know more annoying people complaining about vegans, always grumpy and being proud of always eating meat. I also know this cool swing dance instructor girl who only eats meat, so it's also good.

I don't know about unbound so I can't really compare... OpenNic is not run by for-profit corporations, which I think is a good thing.

Did you know that most of the US-Mexico border is one long river? Do no try to follow it trying to locate where the border deviates from the river...

We had bus drivers protests. They were not allowed to strike because "essential service", so instead they publicly announced that they would "forget" to check people's tickets.

Effectively they gathered people's sympathy while distributing profits. That was effective!

They could try to compensate the imbalance by explicitly asking for the lesser represented classes in the data... It's an idea, not quite bad but not quite good either because of the problems you mentioned.

I've found that i can sometimes break this tendency by leveraging my ADHD's impulsiveness symptoms... "I have something to do? Let's not plan it at all and do it right now. Not in 5 minutes, right now."

As long as I'm not forced to think about it twice, it can work. The result won't be as great as if I overanalyzed the task beforehand, though!