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This just shows that AI sucks for getting accurate information. Even if it didn't hallucinate black people, it would've been just as wrong, just with white skinned queens. Now the lies just line up with "current social freakout of conservatives".

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No, just ban the collection of user data and selling to 3rd parties. Enormous fines for anyone still doing it. Destroy this entire industry please.

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Or leave it: I think it's improved this way: a terrible man, a mediocre painting, in context with the ongoing genocide he put into motion. It invites the viewer to wonder what kind of legacy the rich folk who paid for these paintings have.

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Meanwhile, civilians in Gaza endure a deepening humanitarian catastrophe. Law and order has broken down across the coastal enclave as Hamas’s civil control over northern Gaza and large swathes of the south has been ended.

I don't think the problem is Hamas failing to provide "law and order" but Israel's ongoing genocide that is causing the "deepening humanitarian catastrophe".

It's put up from the inside... did the antisemites walk in, moved the blinds, taped the messages, then put the blinds back?

Hamas and PIJ militants attacked 20+ civilian communities and killed over 10% of the civilian population of the entire region with the explicit purpose of ethnically cleansing the area


The civilian casualties in Gaza are a very sad fact of combat in a densely populated urban area

1200 deaths are a genocide, 37,000 deaths of which 25,000 in just the last 3 months is simply an unavoidable tragedy. Whatever makes you sleep at night I guess.

It's a form of protest. Protest against against Britains continued support for genocide and in this case even the root cause of the current situation. It's great symbolism and nothing of value was lost.

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The "fuck immigrants over" party is not popular with immigrants. Big surprise.

Republicans fuck over so many people, then they have to resort to crazy schemes like gerrymandering and voter suppression to not lose all the time. If they want to win, maybe do more popular things! This also goes for Joe Biden: all this complaining about leftist not voting for him, but he does nothing to convince them either.

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Communistic hierarchy? Wtf are you talking about?

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That is not what OP was saying at all. I don't know what hypothetical person you're quoting. OP wasn't even talking about any solution. Just stating that the source of the problem isn't that complicated. Sometimes a simple problem has a complicated solution.

Nobody serious is asking for all the Israelis to leave. The solution to one ethnostate is not another ethnostate. We're asking for a new state that truly treats all its citizens equally. And to have a tribunal of sorts to convict the people who committed war crimes. This is not an easy solution, but getting justice rarely is.

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Kissinger bombed hundreds of thousands of innocent Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laotian civilians, and they gave him a fucking peace prize because he finally stopped.

He is responsible for Pol Pot's rise to power so he's indirectly to blame for Pol Pot's regime. You can't bomb a country to hell and not be responsible for the aftermath.

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From Wikipedia:

Fearful of the potential impact the slave rebellion could have in the slave states, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson refused to recognize the new republic. The Southern politicians who were a powerful voting bloc in the American Congress prevented U.S. recognition for decades until they withdrew in 1861 to form the Confederacy.


Fearing possible foreign intervention, or the emergence of a new government led by the anti-American Haitian politician Rosalvo Bobo, President Woodrow Wilson sent U.S. Marines into Haiti in July 1915. The USS Washington, under Rear Admiral Caperton, arrived in Port-au-Prince in an attempt to restore order and protect U.S. interests. Within days, the Marines had taken control of the capital city and its banks and customs house. The Marines declared martial law and severely censored the press. Within weeks, a new pro-U.S. Haitian president, Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave, was installed and a new constitution written that was favorable to the interests of the United States. The constitution (written by future US President Franklin D. Roosevelt) included a clause that allowed, for the first time, foreign ownership of land in Haiti, which was bitterly opposed by the Haitian legislature and citizenry.

Excel 🤝 Incel Incorrectly assuming it's a date

👆 they probably meant this one

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Not improving your political stances, but just benefiting from a popular artist? It's the Democrats wildest dreams!

Yeah, why don't they just let the Israelis commit genocide them peacefully?

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Do you let it be a democracy

That one, if I had to choose. But I don't, it's the Palestinians that get to decide their own fate. I believe it's everyone's right to self-determination.

A lot of people only seem to imagine ethnostates as a solution. I invite those people to ask themselves some questions on why that is.

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The comments are full of people who value one shitty painting more than they value human life.

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If only we were so resolute to stopping people shooting civilians..... that would solve both problems at the same time

Hamas has offered on multiple occasions to release the hostages. Israel insists on continuing to commit genocide against the Palestinians.

And this talk about human shields is nonsense. Hamas has no choice but to be in proximity to civilians, because they're all imprisoned by Israel in Gaza. Israel only uses this as an excuse to kill more Palestinians.

None of them attacked innocent civilians in Cambodia: Kissinger bombed innocent civilians in Cambodia. And then after it became known that Pol Pot was a genocidal lunatic, the west started supporting Pol Pot AFTER it became known what he did until his death, while the communists attacked and deposed Pol Pot.

It's always the same: the west murders indiscriminately people in the global south and then act all innocent when this radicalizes the survivors.

Edit: you also mention Vietnam. What Kissinger did there was also monstrous.

That's how it should be though. Everybody is equal under the law, so you shouldn't punish undocumented immigrants harder than civilians.

How many Palestinian kids will you kill to save a Israeli colonizer?

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Israel is going to spend even more of its blood preforming a ground invasion.

Those poor innocent invading soldiers trying to invade and colonize more and more land from these savage indigenous people. If only the indigenous people just accepted their fate peacefully and just give up their homes to the colonizers. They simply are the wrong ethnicity so they have to leave their houses or be shot. Not enough people consider how bad that makes the colonizers feel. Not leaving your house means you are just asking to be killed.

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Yeah, why do people propose minor improvements to this rotten system. People should just be content with their lot in life! How dare they have hope?!

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More anti thatcher energy please: https://youtu.be/IP6TRajtTfM?si=8Y0eOBvr3MYcu2UX

Depends on what compromises he needs to make in order to form a government. The 3rd and 4th biggest parties are also right wing, so I don't think he needs to make many, unfortunately.

People here seem to think that the parties that want unification are pro-CCP. Taiwan (until now) thinks they are the rightful rulers of China. A decent part of three Taiwanese still want reunification. I'm happy that they don't have that delusion anymore, and I hope China follows suit, but let's not see the situation here too black and white.

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On the scale of doing nothing to socialist revolution, this is a pretty minor change. But I'd love to hear some improvements that are not fantasies. Or do we just have to give up?

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These kinds of articles are not about wanting to add to the runtime, just about providing extra context to the things portrayed in the movie.

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Israel is the aggressor too, violently colonizing and ethnically cleansing the local population. The Palestinians are just defending themselves against their own destruction. But it's an unfair fight, because they only have small make-shift rockets against Israel with a big army and getting billions from the biggest empire in the world.

The fact that Israel has a democracy is of no concern to the civilians in Gaza being bombed and starved to death. In fact, it makes it worse: Russians can't vote out their government, but Israelis can.

Exactly, it's the whole "black lives matter" vs "all lives matter" thing all over again.

Why would this analogy hold? Why can nations control who comes in and not cities, counties, or any other set of borders we've come up with?

On top of that, the US doesn't seem to respect other borders as much either, when it sends troops to whatever place, usually without getting invited.

"If Canada someday ever attacked Buffalo, I'm sorry, my friends, there would be no Canada the next day,"

Palestine is Buffalo in this analogy, right?

Yeah it does. To be honest, that didn't even register with me, because the rest of the post just talks about the cause, not the solution. Also it agrees with my experiences when discussion this topic. Quite a few people say it's complicated and that just ends the discussion for them.

Also any discussion about a solution must address the cause: as long as Israel occupies Palestinian land, they will face resistance.

I haven't seen any Democrats say they did it on purpose, but I could've missed that memo.

But even if it is bait, it's using immigrant lives as bait, and I'm not cool with that. What if the Republicans voted for the bill? Risking all those lives, for what?

And furthermore: now that the Republicans are proven to be hypocrites, do you think that this will cost them any votes?

I don't understand what makes a hierarchy communistic and what communism has to do with corporations.

I regret not making my assumption explicit: a democracy in which there is a just constitution that guarantees the rights of everyone equally. I would not model this democracy based on the USA, because it is such a broken system. In the USA, only one party is in power at a time, which makes problems like the dictatorship of the majority a real concern. Better are European systems where nobody ever gets an absolute majority and always has to form a coalition. It's of course also not without its problems and I don't profess to have all the solutions.

What I don't like is just saying that the two state solution is ideal, but immediately saying it's not feasible for something the Palestinians have done. This again places the Israeli needs over the Palestinians and disregard the vastly bigger crimes Israel has committed onto the Palestinian population over the years.

Always easy punching down...

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I don't think there is much difference in the use of the word liberal. If I compare the politics of the main liberal party in my home country (VVD in the Netherlands) there isn't that much difference with the average Democrat in the US. The main difference is whether they are perceived as left or right wing by the population.

And it very much is neoliberal. Both parties (VVD and Democrats) are in favor of a smaller government and laissez-fair capitalism. They might need to compromise on these principles from time to time to remain popular, and in Europe maybe a bit more.

Funny thing: right wrong conspiracy nuts get their talking points from the us, so more and more people are starting to call liberals left-wing communists in Europe. So far it's just by the people who get their talking points online.

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Decades of red scare does weird things to a people

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