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Joined 1 years ago

Wait what? Didn't OP just mean that if standing is already too revealing competing in it will be even more revealing? I don't get the ignorance here.

Elden Ring had great art direction, but I wouldn't say it had great graphics.

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Blizzard stopped making good games way before that.

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I'm not a vegan, but saying you need to eat meat because you ate around 3000 calories is a bit ridiculous. The fact that you are allergic to soy is way more of an issue than the calories. It's really not that hard to eat a shit ton of calories with vegan food.

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12 angry men

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If you couldn't figure out what flutter is in 10 minutes that reflects poorly on you much more than anything else.

Starcraft hasn't been mainstream for over a decade.

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Damn, you're right, it's almost been a decade already. I honestly thought it was younger than that.

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They aren't free in Canada.

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Probably a side effect of our hyper connected world. It might have happened at the same rate in the past and you didn't know about it. It's also a case of people copying other people they see online.

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To be very, very clear, I do not support the death penalty but the rat race isn't an excuse to kill someone.

That's extremely subjective. I definitely don't feel like flat keyboards are nicer. These days I use a split keyboard with an angle and I will never go back.

Are you sure it isn't just a case of you having seen it a thousand time now and can spot bullshitters and couldn't do it a decade ago?

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Performance is always about doing as much as possible with as little as possible. Making a game runs faster automatically makes it more efficient because the only way it can run faster is by doing less work. It's just that whenever you can run faster it means the game has more room for other things.

The video is essentially saying the exact opposite of what you are saying. It's showing leptos to be much faster than react and I know primeagen doesn't think rust is harder develop.


What do you mean by the taskbar being unusable? I used it on my windows 11 laptop way before october 2023.

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I don't see how this is supposed to be inspired by the stanley parable. Also, please don't force chromatic aberation on players.

I've just been using scoop for many years and I haven't felt the need to switch

That only works with c# though. What they are suggesting is compiling any arbitrary language to wasm and run that anywhere. Which is technically already possible with WASI and any of its supported runtime.

I just skim through and make sure everything makes sense. Especially naming and comments.

What do you think a self review is?

You can absolutely modify the dom, you just need to go through a thin js glue layer between the dom and wasm

How do you think modern games are made? Procedural generation is used all over the place to create materials and entire landscapes.

On the subject of dom manipulation from wasm I highly recommend this video It's from leptos author, one of the more popular wasm framework. The TLDR is that modifying the dom isn't the bottleneck for wasm.

How are browser not that already? What's missing?

They are an open standard and used to make many thousands of apps.

Out of curiosity what do you do to frequently end up with cmd? I don't think I've touched it in many years at this point.

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I haven't watched splattercat that much but I do like his channel to discover new stuff. What makes you say he's not progressive? I don't remember hum saying anything even close to political.

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No, the cli is just a wrapper around the microsoft store app

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How does it make code neater? All it does is add a ton of empty vertical space. It makes files arbitrarily longer at essentially no benefit.

It keeps the order in which it was open, it's not 500ms, and we can certainly dismiss someone that says something is unusable when it is in fact usable just not in the way they like.

Yes a strict 80 character limit would be bad but that's why modern formatters aren't strict and default to 90-100.

I've pretty much never seen code that would have been more readable had the lines been longer than that.

My main argument is still that shorter lines are more readable. I just think it's a bullshit argument to say that long lines are fine because large monitors exists. I don't see how that makes me crazy.

Can you share any examples? I have yet to see an rtx enabled game that was unusually shiny. Most non RTX game already tend to have way too much specular reflection but the few RTX games I've seen were way better with that.

No it's not, 3000 calories isn't that much for anyone that's active. And that's not at all how I read the comment. Like I said eating 3000 calories can easily be done with a vegan diet so I really don't know how you interpreted that from my comment or OP's comment.

I don't need context to know that eating 3000 calories is doable on a vegan diet. Not everything is about you. I specifically said, multiple times, that the only part I'm arguing is that you said needing a lot of calories is a reason to eat animal products. On its own it just isn't true at all. You could need 1500 calories or 5000, it would still be possible for a human being to live on a vegan diet. It's completely irrelevant to why you can't eat a vegan diet. Like I said already, I'm sure there a reasons why you can't eat a vegan diet and that's completely fine, but needing 3000 calories is not a reason to not eat a vegan diet for anyone, including you.

I don't know why you want to talk about maintenance calories vs calories to gain weight. It still doesn't matter what the number is or for what reason you picked the number, you can eat any amount of calories you need on a vegan diet. You yourself probably can't because of your allergy and other factors, but not because of the caloric content of vegan food. I just don't know why you think calories are even relevant when talking about whether or not you eat a vegan diet.

I have a massive ultrawide and I still 100% believe in line limits. Long lines are harder to read in general but even with a limit of 100 I frequently have 3 files opened next to each other and I can't read entire lines easily. Line limits just aren't about the size of the monitor and I can't believe people still say that.

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Editor? Do you mean publisher?

Sure, that's not ideal, but it's far from unusable. I've used the combined icons since windows 10 wqs released and never had any issues. It works fine for me.

It's weird that you are aware of this but still decided to prsent it as "hiring a dipshit to make a shitty java clone". It pretty clearly says that Eich wasn't the one that wanted to make it java-like.

Sure, it's popular in one country, that doesn't mske it mainstream. Fortnite or Minecraft are mainstream games. There's no RTS that's even close to the popularity of those games.

What? I did none of that? I didn't distill your entire life based on a single comment. All I'm saying is that high calorie food is not limited to animal products and saying it's the reason you eat meat is weird. The reason you eat meat is your soy allergy, not any kind of high calorie need. There might be other reasons too, I'm not denying that, you just didn't give any other, but the first one you mentioned is the calorie amount and that's just a bullshit reason.

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