
0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I'm not familiar with the mods, but the combat was definitely rebalanced. Enemies scale with your level now, guns themselves were rebalanced, armor is on cyberware instead of clothing, and the new perk trees are more consistently useful instead of some perks being worthless and others being game breaking.

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:w !sudo tee %

Of course that's impossible to remember, but you can just google "vim sudo save" or something like that to find it.

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I have no idea what that means, but it sounds accurate

It almost did. There was a mob of people just a couple doors away from murdering most of congress and making Trump a dictator.

The only reason Trump failed to end democracy is because he and the rest of the Republican party were just trying things without a real plan.

They have a plan now. If they get a chance to use it, they will be successful.

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This is the stupidest thing I've read today.

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Why the fuck aren’t more people pressuring him with questions like this?

Because they'll never get another interview with him, or most other Republican politicians. It's a pathetic reason, but that's all it takes.

Blargerer is probably saying that because the Mastodon post OP linked to says "In 2016 the EU Commission confirmed in writing that adblock detection requires consent."

That, in turn, is probably referring to a letter received from the European Commission by the same person, which you can see here: https://twitter.com/alexanderhanff/status/722861362607747072

It's not exactly a "ruling", but it's still pretty convincing.

That's pretty much it. Apparently the format optionally supports compression and even transparency, but last time I used paint it didn't do any of that, which is why the files were so massive.

I'm pretty sure GSRM wrote A Song of Ice and Fire.

MAP (minimum advertised price) is often different from MSRP, but otherwise this comment is correct.

In some industries, like RVs or auto parts, the vast majority of products have a MAP. The manufacturers also have bots that scan the internet for MAP violations, and they'll blacklist a vendor if they don't fix the price within a day or two. (Which is really annoying when there's a false positive and I get blamed for it.)

I think it's partly so high volume vendors can't put smaller vendors out of business by just reducing their margins as much as possible, and it's partly because the manufacturer doesn't want their products to look like they're really cheap. Customers feel better about finding a "great deal" on an "expensive" product.

He's a human trafficker and a rapist. The women in his videos don't have a choice but to do what he says.

  1. To compare every comment on reddit to every other comment in reddit's entire history would require an index, and if you want to find similar comments instead of exact matches, it becomes a lot harder to do that efficiently. ElasticSearch might be able to do it, but then you need to duplicate all of that data in a separate database and keep it in sync with your main database without affecting performance too much when people are leaving new comments, and that would probably be expensive.
  2. Comparing combinations of comments is probably impossible. Reddit has a massive number of comments to begin with, and the number of possible subtrees of those comments would just be absurd. If you only care about comparing entire threads and not subtrees, then this doesn't apply, but I don't know how useful that will be.
  3. Programmers just do what they're told. If the managers don't care about something, the programmers won't work on it.
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The Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that the right to anonymous free speech is protected by the First Amendment. A frequently cited 1995 Supreme Court ruling in McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission reads:

Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society.


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Canada would be. Mexico's homicide rate is almost 5x higher than the USA.

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Google is buying your data, not selling it. They use it to make their ad platform more effective, and selling the data would just help their competitors.

The NSA does collect data from third parties like Google, but not just anyone can buy it from them.

If you haven't already, try some modpacks. For extra difficulty, the packs based on GregTech are pretty amazing, like GregTech: New Horizons or Nomifactory. They make it so complicated to produce items that you're kind of forced to automate things, and then you keep expanding what your automation can do.

GTNH takes like 2 years to build a pair of star gates if you're playing alone, and they keep making it harder. It's a massive amount of content.

I live in Michigan. Most of the houses below 300k are either so far out in the sticks you can barely even get Internet, or they're in dangerous and very run down areas.

There are a few nice places listed at 250k, but they sell instantly and for quite a bit above what they're listed at, so it's not like you can actually get one of them.

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You think in Reddit’s 20 year history no one has thought of indexing comments for data science workloads?

I'm sure they have, but an index doesn't have anything to do with the python library you mentioned.

Analytics workflows are never run on the production database, always on read replicas

Sure, either that or aggregating live streams of data, but either way it doesn't have anything to do with ElasticSearch.

It's still totally possible to sync things to ElasticSearch in a way that won't affect performance on the production servers, but I'm just saying it's not entirely trivial, especially at the scale reddit operates at, and there's a cost for those extra servers and storage to consider as well.

It's hard for us to say if that math works out.

It’s incredibly naive to think that they don’t have a vested interest in identifying organic engagement

You would think, but you could say the same about Facebook and I know from experience that they don't give a fuck about bots. If anything they actually like the bots because it looks like they have more users.

If your connection is stable, the latency will more or less be the same, but TCP will consume more bandwidth because of acknowledgement packets, making it harder to keep your connection stable.

On an unstable connection, TCP latency will skyrocket as it resends packets, while UDP will just drop those packets unless the game engine has its own way of resending them. Most engines have that, but they only do it for data that is marked as "important". For example using an item is important, but the position of your character probably isn't, because it'll be updated on the next tick anyway.

unless a progressive third party emerges the system will keep getting worse

If a progressive third party emerges, they'll split the vote with Democrats, making both of them weaker. That'll just give every election to Republicans and make the country get worse even faster.

The only way to get progressive candidates is by moving the Overton window to the left, and the only way to do that is by voting for Democrats.

Tourists choose the safest areas of the country to visit, and they don't stay very long, so yeah that makes sense. You're not really escaping gun violence in the USA if you only leave the country for a few days, though.

How exactly do you think someone can be anonymous to the government if they're not anonymous to the public?

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I don't think so, but you can always write the file somewhere else and then sudo mv it back.

Household income is absolutely not the right metric to use here, because it'll always be proportional to the cost of the house out of necessity.

For example, if the cost of a house goes up relative to individual income, then more people in the family need to start working more hours, and more people live with roommates.

Household income stays proportionally the same, always, but individual income shows you how much people are struggling.

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People didn't used to need a second income to afford a house. Now they do.

Household income doesn't show that change. Individual income does.

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I'm saying your numbers are bullshit. Houses aren't actually that cheap.

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enemies scale? to whag degree?

Damage, hp, and drop rarity. It means you can go anywhere in the city at any level (after act 1) and both the challenge and rewards will feel good. It's also nice because you can grab the iconics you want for your build right away instead of playing half of the game without them.

You still gradually get more powerful as you get more perks. It's just not as simple as out levelling the enemies anymore.

also heres what one mjnute of modded rebalanced combat looks like

TTK is still pretty high compared to that video, unless you invest heavily in the Cool tree and focus on headshots.

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The average individual income in Michigan, where houses are actually selling for around $300k, is $34,768. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/MI/INC110221

That doesn't give the median, but it's lower. Those numbers are always thrown off by a few rich people.

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Not if you hide the pending/contingent ones. They're basically already sold.

Also, the houses that have a garage and aren't pending are mostly above $250k. They barely count as being "below $300k".

And like I said, those cheaper houses sell instantly and for a lot above the asking price, unless there's something wrong with them that will cost a lot to fix. You can't actually buy a $250k house for $250k.

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Again, families didn't used to need 2 incomes to buy a house.

Saying that households can still afford houses is tautological. Of course they can, or they wouldn't be a household.

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Most problems I've seen between Nvidia and Linux were caused by Wayland. If you're using Fedora with Gnome (the default) then you can try hitting the gear icon when logging in and choosing "gnome on xorg" (screenshot). That might help with the drivers.

For any other issues, Mint might be easier just because it's based on Debian, which is immensely popular. It's more of a well beaten path, and there's probably more help online for any issues you run into.

American conservatives haven't done or said a single thing in good faith in the last half a century. You don't get to ask others to do what you're unwilling to do.

Google "us homicide rate" and then "mexico homicide rate". It'll take you 5 seconds.

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You know, normally I would agree with you, but this one feels different to me. I think it's because there's no endgame, so if I out-level all the enemies then there's nothing left to play for.

40 have been on the site longer than 2 weeks. I can only filter for less than two weeks, not greater than, so I won't bother with that, but here's a summary of the first 5 that have a garage, aren't pending, and are less than $300k:

  • "This house needs work and is priced accordingly"

  • "This is a 55 and older only community."

  • A trailer with a detached garage for $250k. That's just insulting.

  • A nice condo for $299,900, right where I said most houses would be.

  • A kind of ugly place for $230k. The description says it only needs cosmetic improvements, so this might actually be a good one to buy.

So hey, in the first 5 there's one house that seems reasonable. Maybe there are a few more if I go through the rest. Still, for a city of 200k people, being able to count the reasonably priced houses on your fingers is not very good.

Lol they're mostly trailers

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You're still trying to change the subject and not answering the question.

How exactly do you think someone can be anonymous to the government if they’re not anonymous to the public?

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We're not talking about doxxing. Don't change the subject.

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