Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep and don’t get tired until later in the evening, so waking up in time for a 7-8 am start time can compromise their sleep
Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep and don’t get tired until later in the evening, so waking up in time for a 7-8 am start time can compromise their sleep
Trump is easier to debate for democrats who don’t care as much about decorum as Biden. A primary debate requires much more delicacy, because you can’t all out attack the others without potentially prejudicing voters against your party’s eventual nominee, should you lose.
Biden did well in the latter scenario, because he’s very good at politicking. I think Harris would do better in the former because of her greater willingness to openly mock trump. Hopefully we get to see.
“We’re like you, we’re exactly like you,” the Epstein-socializing, family-separating, woman-hating, millionaire former reality TV star and convicted felon said about himself and his vice presidential pick, J.D. Vance, who became the target of an online joke that he had screwed a couch.
You know the thing that gets him the most is millionaire
He looks so much younger/healthier than last time. I wonder if he had covid last dnc, because I remember him looking like SpongeBob with the suds.
Thank you, waterpark, for seizing the opportunity. Aquatar is a spectacular name.
Can I ask why the seasons are in quotes? No shade, it’s good information (though Obama is still a core boomer, and Harris and Walz are on the cusp- 1946-64 is the range in the US), just wondering
Honestly, they’ve been doing good IJ for their niche for almost a decade
I’ve been to the funeral of a 22 year old from a family of true believer born again Christians. It was bizarre. I was the saddest person there and we were only sort of friends. The rest of them honestly believed that he was chilling with Jesus and it would be silly to be sad.
Since then, I’ve noticed that people emphasize the religiosity of the dead when they are trying to reduce their feelings of guilt.
People are talking about kids these days, but I’m in my early thirties, so the first president I remember was Clinton. The two republican presidents I’ve experienced were both bad, but in very different ways.
I think Bush thought he was a good person and tried to be one (that’s why he spent so much money trying to combat HIV in Africa), though he obviously did a fuckload of awful things (basically every other aspect of his presidency). I don’t think Trump cares a whit about being a good person, and I don’t think he even started to care about seeming like a good person until halfway through his presidency.
I know about the freedoms lost under W, but I didn’t really experience them, so his impact is a lot less obvious to me.
Additionally, W is so good at playing dumb, I think a lot of people ascribe the bad things to Cheney.
He’s not an incel. He “loves” his wife despite her race!
Also she married him and has endorsed him. I feel bad for the kids.
So was Al Capone’s only crime tax evasion?
He’s not an expert, but he’s not a bigot. He knows about men and women and he knows that some people identify as neither, so he knows there are at least three genders, but there could be more than one “third” option, so he doesn’t want to cap it at three.
I don’t know if you meant you didn’t get the funny part or the meaning itself. I think it’s funny because it’s a question that trips up people regularly when British tabloids accost politicians with it. Biden didn’t really answer completely, but he cut through the bull shit pretty cleanly.
The Sri Lankan foreign ministry came to Ms Arunatilaka’s defence and said she had followed government-approved rates in paying the wages. “The allowance approved by the ministry as the salary of the employee has been paid to her,” a ministry statement said.
“The ministry is satisfied that the said salary was paid to the domestic assistant by the employer as mutually agreed.”
That’s not at all completely fucked up or anything.
Don’t forget about grandfather henweigh!
I’m autistic and bad with kids, but this has worked with every one that age I’ve tried it with: ask them what they had for lunch, then what they’re going to have for dinner and then you can branch out to favorite foods and colors and movies and then it should go easily from there
My husband would not describe himself as smart, but I think it’s probably because he never cared enough about school. He is pretty book smart and has a huge vocabulary in both his native and second language (his second is English, my native, and it’s fucking nuts to me that he’s got a wider English vocabulary than 70% of the kids I went to high school with), but he was just never into academia.
He is significantly smarter than he realizes though. He remembers every good tip or life hack he comes across, so he’s got a wide range of perfected methods for cutting onions, hanging pictures, keeping your place organized, etc.
He’s also very observant about me, to the degree that he literally knows me better than I know myself (I’m autistic and masked well my entire life until I immigrated to a new country and could really get weird without anyone stopping me). I tend to not care about things being right for me as long as they’re not wrong wrong. He’s noticed foods I don’t really like, routines I’m not aware of, and he is stupid good at turning me on (I tried lots of different phrasings here, I’m sorry it still sounds ick).
He DMs in dnd, and he’s so good at it. I tried dming once and realized that it was the equivalent of using your weekends to train for a marathon vs doing beer league soccer (dming vs being a PC). I just don’t want to work that hard while having fun. He has no issue keeping track of dozens of plot hooks or stat blocks and he incorporates new information from the PCs into his story as he goes. I don’t think it’s possible to be a really good DM without being smart (or at least about as smart as the players, and we’ve played with some pretty smart people and with kids, who are wayyy more creative/hard to predict than adults).
I want to go on, but at some point, he’d feel like this is TMI, so I’ll stop now.
I always looked for partners who were academically talented first (well, first for intelligence, I do think kindness is more important), and I’m so glad I was open to people who don’t make that their whole shtick, because I don’t deserve a husband this wonderful.
When he says her crowds are AI, it means he’s using AI on his crowds.
You know what the easiest way to brainwash children is?
Raising them.
Ideally, we’d all stop…
I’m very confused about a person for whom trump is a viable choice and Vance is a bridge too far. I don’t know if I really want to meet them, but I am curious.
As an immigrant in Germany, people who don’t support immigrants are not cowed by their government, don’t worry. They love to tell me about it. Maybe if you were an immigrant for a day, you would see things differently as well.
I also love that the weirdest thing about him (word choice intentional) is his preferred beverage of diet Mountain Dew, which Vance also drinks instead of coffee.
falsely claims that abortion increases risk of breast cancer
Ironically, they were close to a point that might actually support their views. Birth control does increase the risk of breast and cervical cancer. It also lowers ovarian, endometrial, and colon cancer risk, but they’re not presenting complete information either way, so they could just ignore those parts.
We never learn
To be honest, as a childless cat owner, a really charismatic candidate could probably have doubled down and we wouldn’t still be talking about it. Their voters don’t give a fuck, but to keep trying to pretend you didn’t say the thing you said is dragging it out unnecessarily
I mean, Bush last ran 20 years ago, so it’s not wild to feel that candidate trump is much older now than candidate bush was then, because he is.
Kanye has bipolar that he stopped medicating though. Otherwise I agree
How is that a bad headline? It doesn’t say all conservatives; there’s no reason to assume all conservatives. “Olympians protest their accommodations” as a headline doesn’t imply every single Olympian protested.
I misinterpreted you at first and thought you were a monster for a second. (Not that you buried a live cat, but that digging that far for a living cat you love is too much work)
Maybe I’m an outlier or I was a shitty kid, but I was straight up defending Cheney in high school, because my dad was a bush fan. My first year of college, I entered rapid decompression and started understanding how my morals actually aligned with politics. I don’t think it’s because I was a dumb kid, but kids are really influenced by their parents.
That said, it doesn’t matter if there are more republican voters, it is morally right imo to allow children 15/16+ to vote.
(Emphasis mine)
Many of these animals die in the course of toxic testing exposures. Other animals are destroyed at the conclusion of testing. There are also dreadful mistakes: A lab monkey recently died after getting wedged in faulty lab equipment, and technician error left other monkeys with burns on their genitals.
What a weirdly euphemistic way to describe it. “Killed,” “put down,” or even “euthanized” would be far clearer. “Destroyed” isn’t even especially positive, but it’s just strangely vague. I get that it’s probably a term of art in the industry, but I would have put it in quotes to show that and call attention to the fact that they intentionally try to distance themselves from their actual practices.
Figure out exactly what undesirable life consequences means to you. Some people dream of a quiet life with pets and hobbies, some would call that a failure.
But no, you can’t avoid all negative life consequences. Even if life is a 1:1 totally predictable processing machine (it’s not), you still can’t control all the inputs
I don’t think he’d lose a single voter, to be honest.
Tbh, I think he probably would have married a white woman if it was just for appearances, but suppressing bisexuality also woeks
It’s based on the US’s Overton window and is generally pro-Israel, plus some people think it’s generally annoying for various reasons.
My fingers are too fat to minimize the comment on the first try because of the spoilers, so I just blocked it. I suspect others who find it only annoying would do the same.
That’s the reason against starting late. Parents want older siblings to be available to babysit after school and employers want a 16 year old’s shift to start at 14:30, not 16:30. Extracurricular activities (which should be supported, as long as the children themselves want to do them and as long as they’re not actively harmful to children) can often run 90-150 minutes with changing time and warmups, which makes a later start time logistically difficult for families with children of various ages who want to eat dinner together.
It’s a complicated issue and a solution which involves shorter school hours seems to me to be the best one, but that’s obviously even harder to implement without cutting things that are important, so I don’t know how to actually solve this problem.
I live in Germany now, which has tracking. This seems both hella classist and better for ensuring kids can get sufficient sleep. I would love to know if any country/school system has figured out how to do it in a way that doesn’t deprive some kids of future opportunities.
His VP is also from California, so California electors can’t choose them.
He’s not got as pure a soul as vermin supreme though. Plus, is he an abolitionist?
They probably opposed the idea of safe kids, given the rest of the platform. That, or there was lobbying money.