2 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The nerve of this guy building tunnels under hospitals mosques and unwra facilities, violating every known act of war with the 7.10 massacre and then quoting international law.

Probably having expectations from a terrorist is the culprit, but how are so many people blind to this? How can anyone support them? This is not resistance to occupation, this is plain and simple jihad.

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You don't know what you're talking about, Israel doesn't want to annex Gaza, It withdrew from it in 2005.

Here, if you want the full history and the average Israeli POV, I recommend this video:

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The writing was on the wall for a long time

That poll figures don't prove your claim

"The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him."

Hamas charter, article 7

Jihad - as in call for religious war, unrelated to any land conflict.

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You gave Germany and Japan as examples, do you remember what are the military actions that convinced these countries from committing their atrocities?

You seem to choose what parts of history you remember. You should take a refresher course in history, or watch the video I linked, it's really informative I promise.

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It was 5 million babies you dummy

Who do you suggest as a "neutral body"?

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Actually, Ben Gvir does nothing but tweet.

World peace

Hamas shouldn't have governed Gaza, but the other option had to be Fatah and "Israel" had to be a blood thirsty nation for all of it's existence. Hamas was acting as a charity; making the situation better for Gazans by building hospitals, schools, and mosques. While Fatah was showing off its corruption, and Hamas didn't even win by that much: Hamas: 44.45% | Fatah: 41.43 %

Israel left Gaza in 2005, one year later Hamas took over and killed its political opponents, this was followed by an unprovoked daily barrages of missiles towards civilian towns. I don't know where your claim of Hamas was acting out of charity comes from, and obviously the schools mosques and other charitable activity was all a front for their terrorist activities.

What do you think should have been the answer to that problem? I think cutting off weapons supply routes is a reasonable course of action. Regarding water, communication and electricity independence - those problems could have been at least partially solved with the billions in aid money that were instead used for terror infrastructure under civilian homes.

Gaza was supposed to be an example of how a Palestinian state could eventually look like, but they f***ed up, badly.

"Israel" shouldn't have existed, and should cease to exist

"From the river to the sea" style? Your true colors are showing

All-Palestine. Looks like a call to me

You didn't actually read the link you sent, did you? this initiative was a failure, with no real takers from the Arab states. Jordan basically ignored it by annexing the West bank immediately, and Egypt would rather use Gaza to generate more problems for the new Israeli state than confront it directly after the defeat of 1948 (it annexed it later stating its incompetence).

Well, that strip of of land is not occupied since 2005, which hasn't prevented Hamas and the "innocent people of Gaza" from throwing more than 8,000 rockets into civilian towns, while also trying to build tunnels under the border. What would you expect Israel to do? Open the border and just let them in? You're delusional, ill-informed or you just want Israel gone, in which case you call for a actual genocide.

Oh, btw, did you know Gaza also borders with Egypt? Ever asked yourself why the Egyptians never opened their borders to their fellow Muslim brothers even though a large percentage of the Gaza population descended from Egyption migrants to the region?

Also, why wasn't there any calls for a Palestinian state between 1948-1967?

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That's a gross misrepresentation of what I wrote, also, there's no genocide being done today. On October 7th however...

You seem to not fully understand the situation if you think both parties will accept your solution

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I don't know if you're aware, but Hamas previously had an Israeli hostage that was freed in exchange for around one thousand terrorists from Israeli detention facilities with the aid of a third "neutral" country.

Do you know where those 1000 or so terrorists spent the 7th of October? I'll let you guess.

Also, are you aware of the situation in the north of Israel with the border of Lebanon? Israel previously decided to stop its military campaign (initiated after a chain of terrorist and missile attacks) after getting assurances a UN peace keeping forces will make sure no terrorist organization takes advantage of the war torn Lebanon. Do you want me to describe what the situation is like in that border since?

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Only someone with no beef in the situation and no knowledge of history will suggest what you are suggesting - I don't blame you though, you want to help out, but you should start by knowing the history:

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Yeah, the writer chooses to ignore evidence and decides to reach other conclusions

During the IDF’s more than week-long occupation of al-Shifa, it released multiple sets of photos and videos showing alleged evidence of Hamas military activity inside and underneath the hospital.

All of you assholes down voting my comment, tell me how stating facts deserves your down votes.

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So much for the religion of peace

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For a much improved functionality with the same syntax take a look at

Wait, so you want Israel to bomb fuel tanks in tunnels hidden beneath civilian buildings? Are you Ben-Gvir?

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For those of you wandering what was in this deleted comment - it's videos taken by GoPro's carried by the Hamas terrorists as they raided Israeli towns and brutally murdered as much civilians as they could find, including women and children.

Apperantly, it's not OK by the mod to show (or even link to) evidence of actual genocide, only to make false claims of one. The mod didn't explained which rule is it that led to my comment being deleted.

If anyone's interested (I couldn't watch all of it, and what I was able to watch kept me up at night) - contact me directly and I'll send you the link for your viewing displeasure.

I did, state the missing point or stop gaslighting.

I thought I did, if there's a point you think I missed let me know.

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You misquoted my comment, and still failed to convey your message.

What are you talking about exactly?


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It's amazing Israel has been able to target 30,000 civilians, and not a single terrorist.

Oh wait, who reported that 30k number? Qatar-controlled Al-jazeera who also happens to have funded Hamas? Yeah - sounds like honest reporting.

You're viewing this through your (probably) western eyes.

The population has been radicalized for years now (see, and is being controlled by a terrorist organization with a mission of creating an Islamic State in the region, the Palestinian cause is just an excuse it uses.

Coming from outside, not knowing the full history of the region, and saying "ok kids, stop fighting and behave like an adult" when in reality one kid is a literal terrorist is (IMHO) naive.

Both Israel and the Palestinians are between a rock and a hard place, but the only way forward is to get rid of the terrorists who are not playing by any rules - their only wish is for the abolishment of Israel and its non-muslim citizens, with no regards for actual Palestinian lives.

It's the peaceful Muslims again

The attacks started on Saturday in the villages of Ogota and Oimbe in Bankass circle, in the Mopti region, Bankass Mayor Moulaye Guindo said in a phone interview.

"Armed men burst in, surrounded and attacked the two villages, Ogota and Oimbe, located side by side. They shot at the populations and set fire to the houses," Guindo said.

"The toll is heavy, around 30 deaths including men, women and children. The two villages were completely destroyed and burned," he said.

Fuck those poor, helpless, blockaded, starving civilians that have been bombed from their homes, if we give them water/food/power/ceasefire it goes to Hamas

Where did I say that, why do you misquoted me?

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quibbling over which hospital is okay to blow up

No hospital was blown up in this conflict according to what I know, I'll be happy if you show me evidence of that.

or how much the Israelis should be allowed to starve the Gazan

Nobody is allowing any such thing: There are thousands of hostages relatives and friends who are understandably very distraught due to this all situation, and for them sitting, probably not even in their home since October 7th, and seeing the aid pouring into Gaza while their loved ones are rotting in some Hamas terror tunnel will understandably make them want to do something about it. The police is obviously hesitant to use force on people in this situation, especially given they are most likely affected by the current fighting and understand that Hamas is stealing and abusing this aid to prolong the fighting.

The above is my explanation, not an endorsement for their actions. I'm sure this matter will be resolved, if not already.

Hamas might have killed a bit less than 1000 civilians, but IDF has killed 20 times more

Notice how you know the exact civilian vs combatant numbers for the Israeli side but not for the Palestinians. IDF claims a 7-9k dead combatants, so that's an almost 2:1 ratio, which is unheard of especially in this dense urban fighting while Hamas tries to maximize civilian casualties.

They are also responsible for the destruction of almost half the civilian infrastructure there, the destruction of civilian homes, agricultural land, mass starvation, has created dire humanitarian catastrophe, damaged hospitals, killed paramedics, kids, manage to turn this war the deadliest for journalists in modern history, committed numerous war crimes

Yeah, all of that is on Hamas

and you still defend them?

Israel is the only side who had actually strived for peace over the years, that enthusiasm for peace has been tested to the extreme and unfortunately dwindled for obvious reasons, but even after the horrific events of October 7th you can still find voices calling for a two state solution. There was no such attempts for peace from the Palestinians, on the contrary - just more missiles and terror attacks for every attempt at a permanent settlement of the conflict. So, yeah, of course I defend them.

Shall we also mention that you managed to frustrate greatly even your closest ally the US, who is getting more annoyed with you by the day and now you are planning to attack Rafah, where more than half of the population of Gaza is sheltering, pushing them more to the abyss of despair.

Hamas is an obstacle to peace and must be disabled, they can stop this war now if they wanted by releasing the man, woman, children and babies (!) they currently hold captive, and surrender. If they don't do that Israel had no other viable course of action to get rid of this threat, hopefully with as little civilian casualties as possible.

And these are indisputable FACTS.

Some facts, some unsubstantiated propaganda, some opinions

So the fastest way to statehood is rape?

Don't bother him with facts, he has a narrative to support

That makes rape the fastest way to statehood

The purpose was to dig out Hamas tunnels.

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So it should have not given a safe route?

and then bombing them as they followed it

Hamas lies, in fact they actually shot at their fleeing people to deter them from leaving so they'll remain human shields, obviously blaming Israel.

Or bombing refugee camps

The refugee camps are being used by terrorists, ate you telling Israel how to achieve its goals? In fact, even after Israel designated humanitarian zones, Hamas started shooting from there.

Cutting off the fuel supply

Humanitarian needs are being taken care of, although I don't think any country would do the same in the same situation where the electricity and fuel are constantly being used against you. Can you imagine supplying fuel to a country that keeps throwing rockets on you for years? This situation is absurd.

bombing hospitals

Hamas lies which have already been proven so. The single time a hospital was hit was due to an Islamic Jihad rocket misfiring and landing in a hospital parking lot (supposedly killing 500 people according to the fastest body conters in the world, which were able to supply that body count around 5 minutes after that missile exploded).

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That's not racism, that's just your interpretation of these events. All I did was to correct the commenter about the identity of those protesting.

I doubt you would do anything different if you would be in their shoes.