3 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


That's a house centipede. They will leave you alone and eat lots of pests.

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A rice cooker making rice in a saucepan will yield different results almost every time, a $20-50 rice cooker is just a set it and forget it kitchen tool that yields the same results every time. Very nice and easy

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We're just going to keep doing this kind of shit till it all falls apart aren't we?

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That there is fucked up. I suppose we signed our rights away before taking the test then.

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It's extra difficult sending my kids to school every morning seeing this. I go between thoughts of "well, at least I have time with them right now" and "you're a selfish asshole for bringing them into a mess like this."

So I pretty much feel terrible about my choice all day every day but try to make the most of the time we have right now? It's hard.

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Sure, because you can destroy an ideology by killing everyone in the group. That will never backfire.

This is some bullshit. I don't care what side of this you're on, if you think killing an organization will stop people from acting in anger and fear against the country that does the killing, all you need to do is look at history to know your thought is wrong.

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Wtf is where do you find sites like this?

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Edit: Weeds

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Ok I agree with all that sentiment, but in the article I only saw a $500 price drop, were they ever free or are you taking the world literally figuratively?

Silverfish eat the glue that's used to bind books. So they're a pest to someone with a personal library.

Yeah he's grasping at straws. People like him and Joe Rogan who chase views and plays at any cost are despicable and gross

Another fun fact for if you're in a deciduous forest, beach tree bark will always light, even when wet. It contains a flammable oil.

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Weird how that happens. I mean seriously. It makes no sense how terrible a peoples' memory can be.

Don't they have glands on the side of their heads/neck that leaves makers behind when they do that?

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When I needed a job I went to church and asked them to pay that a job would come my way. Had 3 offers before I left

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I found it through StumbleUpon, which until reading comments here I always thought was just a sweet browser plugin. Never knew it had a site beyond a landing page and download button. Stayed at Digg until a friend showed me Reddit after Digg started sucking.

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I recommend KeePass, used it for years, open source, not hosted, can use a key file for added security and works well with nextcloud, drive, Dropbox, etc

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The DNC fucked him over man. No one wants a real progressive who cares about people as president.

My discomfort while being bored

Lol that was going to be mine... from using an old laptop as an xbmc->Plex server to running a thread ripper UnRaid server with 48TB and 2TB cache

Alan Tudyk is one of my favorite actors who I feel gets too little credit. He's hilarious and it seems he's always in some funny/weird role in live action but has a surprising list of credits when it comes to animated and especially Disney animated movies. Pretty sure he's been in almost every Disney animated movie of the last 15 years.

I love Tucker and Dale vs Evil

I recommend you don't wait. I didn't have mine removed until after they were impacted and my teeth began to shift. They were cut up before they could be removed. My only lasting side effect was from waiting too long. 20 years later I'm using Invisalign to straighten my teeth.

Ok, thank you for the value added. Enjoy the Internet points

I've had to change my favorite pizza now that heartburn and lactose intolerance have become issues. If you ever feel like changing it up, a pizza with oil, mushrooms, sausage, roasted garlic and parmesan & reggiano is excellent, as well as being easy on acid and lactose free! (Aged cheese doesn't have lactose)

It's my understanding that the way mastodon works is that initially only toots on your instance can be seen by people on the instance. Of you want other content, a user would need to search for and follow users on other instances, then those other users' toots can show up on people's feeds in your instance. That's why bigger instances have more content for new users out of the box.

I could be wrong as I haven't made my own instance and I haven't seen the source code, but this is how it was explained to me.

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This last year people have seen a cost of living jump across the board because of "inflation".

Have you noticed how many online services offer payment plans on things as cheap as $10? To me that doesn't sound like everything is ok. To me that looks more like people trying to pretend like it's ok while barely getting by.

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Don't gotta be rude. Let's be better than that

Yeah everyone freaks out about all these 'recalls' when it's just a software push

I don't have download limits... but my 400Mbps download speed is accompanied by only 20Mbps upload...

While I normally agree, I make rice so much with other things, it would be a hindrance to have to use my multi use stuff just for rice all the time.

This is giving me Shel Silverstein vibes

Yep! I have one of those too, the kids don't really like fried eggs so being able to set and forget this whole making everything else is invaluable.

Yep! Turned soupy and didn't rise

If there's a LAN mode you can do a virtual lan and play that way, I remember doing that with Dying Light

Pray to get paid?

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Omg sorry I was high when I wrote that and obviously did not double check my comment. Thank for you the Dune reference though!

Feel like this guy gave in to the darkness. The wheel turns as the wheel wills.

Fun tidbit. My kid, the first time they realized they farted ran up to me in scared confusion and confessed to me that they burped out of their butt. After learning everyone does and they did before but didn't remember life was ok again

Yeah Spartans were all about the phalanx, whereas samurai would often train and fight 1v1 even on the battlefield in my understanding. I would agree with your assessment.

I'll be posting vegan yogurt results soon