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Joined 1 years ago

Why are you feeling the need to have your protein shakes in secrecy?

So tangential storytime: my husband recently discovered one of these channels (not sure if it's this one or just a similar one), and specifically this goddamned song called "I glued my balls to my butthole again." He will. Not. Stop. Playing it. He thinks it's fucking hilarious, especially the more I roll my eyes.

Anyway, yes these channels are a blight, something needs to be done about them, and if anyone needs a husband they can find mine on the curb blasting that song on a loop lmao

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Honestly, good. Should have given them more time instead of Hollywood celebrities that, frankly, seemed embarrassed to be there. People watch the game awards to hear about gaming, not listen to Simu Liu, Matthew McConaughey, and Jordan Peele monologue with awkward jokes.

I wanna listen to the people I voted for talk about the projects they love and worked so hard on. That was a huge moment for the winners, and they were just shooed offstage like they were randos no one cared about. What a way to sour their moment.

Super not enthused with how centrist this is. Comes off as more of the "can't we all just get along and live in unity??" stuff people say, when really they mean "the left needs to chill and stop making everything a big deal."

Kinda hard to just 'get along' when the other side is trying to destroy democracy and strip large portions of the population of their basic human rights.

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I feel like Baldur's Gate definitely deserves it, hands down, no contest. Unfortunately I think Tears of the Kingdom will win simply because more people probably played it who never played, or would even consider playing, Baldur's Gate because it's not a "mainstream" big-name-company AAA release.

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I cannot stop thinking about how that man's nuts are crammed up against that camel, and wondering how the camel feels having found itself in this situation

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Every pregnancy is so taxing on the body, and can have a huge impact on a woman's future health. To make women go through it against their will, or for a child that won't live/have any quality of life is evil and vile. Sometimes, I wish their God were real, just so these fuckers can get to the pearly gates and get booted straight down to hell for all eternity.

Oh I got the cyanide reference. Still sucks as a two-sentence horror. Would better suit the plethora of antijoke subs.

Christ, my heart goes out to these parents. I cannot imagine the hell they're living right now, makes me sick thinking about my own 6 week old. I'll definitely be rethinking leaving him alone with our border collies from now on. It was so big of them to decide on organ donation; they're basically using their loss to save other families.

I'm not sure where you live, but living/growing up in the south.... I can tell you that those beliefs run deep. Deep deep deep. Deeper than you can fix by just being pleasant to your neighbor.

If you try to talk to them with kindness and openness, they dig in their heels and start spewing fox news talking points like it's the most obvious thing in the world (I'm pretty sure they like it so much because it confirms every awful belief they already had). Try to present different sources, they're rejected as fake news. I've tried everything with people around here since before 2016 and nothing seems to help. Mostly I just keep to myself.

Living in the south, if you're not indoctrinated, is very isolating. Even living in the cities doesn't really help. You still need to dig deep and look carefully for people who don't think you deserve fewer rights.

Edit: thinking about it more, I think the isolation is the point, and it's how so many people in my state believe some of the same basic things when it comes to religion and politics. You learn pretty young around here that if you don't get with the program, you're not going to have many friends. If you didn't go to church, especially, you lost out on most of the community's socializing for the week. It feels very cliquey in the smaller towns especially, almost by design.

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You're right. They just made her drop dead stunning in the games, so that's how the bulk of the fandom envisions her

Yeahhhh, it was a really sad realization for me when I realized elder scolls 6 would no longer be an automatic day one purchase. After Fallout 4, then 76, and now Starfield (which I was skeptical about since they first started its pre-release marketing cycle anyway), I'm realizing that Bethesda is heading in the direction of so many other legacy game companies and just doesn't seem to be interested in publishing the kinds of games that put them on the map any more; a la Bioware, EA, and Blizzard.

At least SuckerPunch is still putting out good stuff, as much as I miss the Sly Cooper games 🥲

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That's some Boomer humor right there.

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I can't believe you've done this

Well. Half of Tenacious D. The other half is making posts on his Instagram like this:


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Yes I'm sure racists stop and consider the nuance of the slurs they use lol

Hulu will still show ads for some things, even if you pay extra for ad free. Pisses me off, they're a terrible company. They'll never get another dime from me.

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Honestly, this behavior of responding to player feedback and arguing about how "it's just because you didn't play the game right!" is kinda unhinged.

It also, to me, really takes Bethesda's mask off and reveals what their culture must be as a company. Based on these responses, they seem so convinced that they shit gold that they've stopped entertaining feedback or trying to innovate much in their games much at all. Kinda confirms some of the criticism I've seen of them since Fallout 4 and 76 came out.

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Not when you're interviewing for your Eagle they haven't. Describing how you serve your higher power is still a question at the final interview before receiving it. Either you lie as an atheist, or you tell the truth and don't get your Eagle. So either violate what it's supposed to mean to be a scout (integrity and honesty) or you throw away what you've worked so hard for for years.

And that's ignoring the fact that many troops are hosted via churches, especially in southern areas.

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I definitely don't? I was just providing my experience for the place I live. Obviously not all places are the south...? And good for you on your 'more civilized place', but we're not talking about those areas.

Seems to me that, to solve rent crisis, Americans should just move into Europeans' heads, since we seem to live there rent free already.

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I think we should all just stop fucking them.

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I game on my Aorus laptop just fine. Runs recent releases very well, and it's nice to sit on the couch to play them.

Why gatekeep people for the things they enjoy? I mean, this is Trump's lawyer so I'm sure she's a shitty human, but still.

Generally feminists/women don't think like the first panel. I'm not saying shitty attitudes like that don't exist, people can be shitty no matter their gender, but let's not lose sight of the fact that this is a strawman meme.

Also, women do these jobs too.

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You guys are all over thinking this. A lot. I'm pretty sure it's because basically all porn has a very loud female role and a near silent male role. There's been lots of studies on how porn affects people's actual sex lives. Vocalization is a part of that. Girls watch it in formative years, learn "This must be what my partner will find hot," just like tons of other emulated behavior from other media. Boys do the same.

Imagine losing him AND OJ in the same week. That would be one of the first purely good things to happen since, like, before 2020, at least.

Because it sounds like she's sacrificing a lot to nurse a new baby, so maybe you could sacrifice a little bit for her so she can get at least a bit of sleep.

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My ER doc husband says it's probably the most accurate medical show

Rich people don't give a fuck about public schools, lmao, they send their kids to private ones.

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The trick is that they are working another job, and their partner is probably working two as well 🙃

In my experience, no one lectures you more than a meat eater when you tell them you don't eat meat. Like bruh you could have just dropped it and moved on, now it's been an hour of you telling me about how bacon and ground beef are like 90% of your personality and you'd die without them, and don't you know humans are predators who evolved to eat meat?

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Yeeeeaaahhhh same here. Grew up in a podunk Arkansas town. You are right to sneer at these people. The most casually awful things will just come out of their mouths without thought; like "I'm proud to be white, ain't you?" levels of fucked up. Or, when talking about buying baby clothes that might be too 'boyish' for a girl, saying "Better not, you never know what will turn 'em."

These are both real situations that have happened to my husband and I that I can remember off the top of my head. They are not willing to be reasoned with (kindly or otherwise), they will just close ranks and ostracize you. Everyone can keep their pity, because even if they had it, they'd throw it back at you because they just don't like people who aren't like them.

I understand the human desire to empathize with a group, but trust me, it's being put in the wrong place here.

Just like internalized misogyny is very much a thing in women, internalized racism is a thing, too. It's sort of like a poor person aligning themselves with the rich against their own interests, if that's easier for you to visualize. All that to say, I agree with the other commenter— that cop is blue.

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The Gravy Seals

Huh? Chill dude, no need to call names. People are allowed to have their own opinions on a piece of media. I can assure you I'm not part of some kind of Starfield-hating cabal. I just didn't like it. Sorry.

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He's a right wing pundit who claims to only care about "facts" and "logic" to make himself seem more intelligent and credible to his base. Of course, none of his views hold up to much scrutiny, showing that he doesn't actually care about facts and logic, meaning that really he's just another bigot.

That would be pathetic enough, except that he's kind of the king of self-burns. Like, shit the CIA couldn't get out of most people. You should look up 'ben shapiro WAP'. It's fucking hilarious that he felt the need to commentate on the song in the first place, but the things he said solidified him as a meme. "Wet ass p-word" is a classic quote, and the fact that he admitted to his wife telling him that being that wet isn't normal is hysterical.

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If anyone thinks they won't, then they haven't been paying attention since fallout 4's release. Then fallout 76's release. And now this. No way elder scrolls doesn't shit the bed in 20 years, or whenever it's coming out.

Nice! Is it weird that I prefer the more white details on the buttons instead of the new gray?

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Taylor is just trying to distract us from her jet emissions again, just like her new PR relationship with that Kelce guy was almost certainly to distract us from her dating that Matty Healy dude that openly said he enjoys porn that brutalizes black women (and also from her jet emissions).

She's not stupid. She's a billionaire very aware of how news cycles work.

Which played music when time was up to get them off stage. Which for him was in the middle of remembering people who died from covid. Geoff Keighley, you're a dick.

As an American, I can day it's definitely not the sweetness to me. I find Turkish delight very sweet, almost too sweet. The texture is mostly what hangs me up, as well as a weird flavor I can't put my finger on. It reminds me of gum drop candies? Which are the least popular candies by a lot here, as any child on Halloween will tell you lol.

It may just be one of those locational things where if you didn't grow up with it, you just don't like it? Like peanut butter, I'm told.

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